seriously though, who the fuxk eats coleslaw? Its mushed up vegetables mixed with gooey processed slime. Literally the most disgusting food ive ever seen

I like it on my pulled pork sandwich

I like it on my penis, haha.

That "slime" is just vinegar and mayonnaise, you weenie

Even less of a reason to eat it now

And if you make it fresh the veggies are crisp and crunchy

>Its mushed up vegetables mixed with gooey processed slime

No it isn't.

Mayo is just eggs. Lots of good stuff

>oil and eggs is gross
I bet you eat omlettes though. Or hell, fried chicken is oil and eggs if the batter uses a wash.


___________________________________________________________ I agree ____________________________________________________________

Fast food coleslaw is basically just mayonnaise and sugar. The best slaws are homemade and vinegar based.

From the two alternatives, is it a kid in 2017 is thinking he is too smart for a cartoon from over a decade ago, or an adult who is complaining about a show for kids with more than 10 years old...
Even for this shithole, that is not pathetic enough, mate.


Cabbage is good for you.

Is Invader Zim actually good? The only exposure I've had to it is through the cringy fanbase.

It's a decent show whose good and bad qualities tend to be exaggerated because of the fanbase and the haters whose only experience with the show came from dealing with the fanbase.

Humor is subjective, but it's worth watching a couple of episodes just for the visuals. It has the strongest color palette of any western cartoon I've ever seen.

>Mayo is just eggs. Lots of good stuff
ACKSHUALLY it is an EMULSION of EGG and OIL. you can mix some sherry vinegar in there and it becomes MAGIC.

t. foodservice

When you think about it there is very little reason besides reputation to not like mayonnaise. Its actually less processed than most foods too as its a simple emulsion of raw ingredients.

>Is Invader Zim actually good? The only exposure I've had to it is through the cringy fanbase.
it's worth watching a few episodes to flesh out an opinion. i enjoy it. i had a roomie that was super into it, but she was a 23-year-old physics major and crypto-normie so the vasquez fan-ism never really surfaced as it does on teenagers.

i never really connected with the whole 'x food gets a bad rep' deal. in my mind it was always much simpler. 'i don't like x food because it has y property' just makes me think 'ok. don't eat it'. and nothing much further. i appreciate the gag when you inject I AM SILLY into it within the context of a show like Zim or the 'Rake Yohn hates mustard' bit from CKY, but those are bits and meant to be humorous.

Im not complaining about it, im giving my opinion on why i think its disgusting. If anything that scenes funnier because of it because slaw is fucking gross and it represents how unclean and nasty zims earth is
Its one of the best cartoons ever made. You should give it a chance

Coleslaw does look a little gross and weird looking when you see it for the first time.