According to fan-votes, pic related are Marvel's Top 10 Best Characters. Thoughts?

According to fan-votes, pic related are Marvel's Top 10 Best Characters. Thoughts?

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>galactus 240

I hope you realize they'll find out this board fucked the entire thing and just scrap it all together by the end.
Every time a poll happens and Sup Forums interferes they always get shut down.
You're just wasting your time.

I honestly Black Bolt is only up there because everyone feels sorry for how much the writers love to shit on him despite being the only redeemable Inhuman

he's just a big purple dude, dude

>this board fucked the entire thing
>Every time a poll happens and Sup Forums interferes
What, you mean by participating

>no paste-pot pete

Highly dubious.

>Gwenpool is the postergirl for the app
>you can't select her as your favorite character
>she's dabbing in the video thumbnail

>a cuckold asshole mute that has zero classics of his own is the best thing Marvel has to offer.

I like Beta Ray Bro in there.

But none of these, except Spidey, are particularly good characters.

What? I can understand having some grips about 4-10, but the Top 3 are legit fantastic characters.

What makes Black Bolt a fantastic character? His amazing stories?

I'm legitimately surprised Doom isn't there, given how loud Doomfags are.

>Stilt man

I thought it said Shit Man at first glance

alright stilt man

Reminder that Doom solo series was cancelled after 12 issues due to low sales.

Sladefags can keep Deathstroke on the top 100. Doomfags can't.

you are welcome

Well, Ewing gave him a LOT of development.

Time out, when did this happen?

I don't remember Sup Forums raiding any poll since the Mable/Darkwing Duck incident.

Sup Forums in general, not just this board specifically.

>Sup Forums in general, not just this board specifically.
Ok, do you have proof that Sup Forums messed with this poll are are you just making it up?

It's archived give me a sec user.


Read the thread.

Nothing will ever top Sup Forums's getting Launchpad voted best sidekick.

Well I stand corrected

Infamous was a Maxi and ts sales were just as good as Invincible Iron Man's starring Ree-Ree (in the 30k) with 0 promotion. Doom 2099 lasted for 40 issues. Meanwhile Deathstroke is on the 18k mark.

>Sup Forums

This is the most beta board in all of Sup Forums and the creativity of the board consist of one thread for artists, the rest is just retards having fancasting threads, "What if spiderman was in the dc universe" 7 years old tier conversations and "big ideas man" threads about how you, an uneducated neckbeard would fix Marvel/mcu/dc/cartoon network/etc.



As someone said yesterday. With how out of character she is and the fact that there is a gwen stacy and Gwendolyn stacy option, they probably didn't know her real name. She is one of the stacy's

>black bolt
C'mon, it was hacked, you all know it was fucked up.

Where do we vote?


Given their rules, we should have rigged it to make Swarm our fan favorite

So who got thunderstrike on there?

And I know it’s cause he was in a comic recently but Sam instead of Dani as the New Mutants rep is bullshit

It wasn't even limited to one per ip

I'm gonna fucking try

Aww man we should have.

Not too late user. Could we do it?

Only three votes so far. Work harder.

GalactusDoctor DoomTitanium ManAnyhow the page has no control, just put one email the first time and you can refresh the page and vote again, and they don't send validation and you can put whatever as email

I don't think we could get him near the top but he could get a hundred votes or something.
It would bd fitting with the whole no killer bee rules.

I haven't needed to put an email at all.

Sure but you need something to record the actions and put that as background, the page is now slow af

From here sure
From the official thing you have to put one random email to go first

There was the Launchpad/Einstein incident before that

>(((fan votes)))
Why do they still have these ridiculous polls? How many of them does Sup Forums have to ruin for people to get that these are not only unreliable, but a fodder for trolls and fan-wanking autists in general.

Umit is working very slow now.

I'm trying to vote for swarm but the site is so slow now.