So... any theories on how he is alive

so... any theories on how he is alive

obvious answer is manhattan

not so obvious answer to half this board, johns is a hack

No you idiots, he isnt alive.
It's an allucination, Veidt has a BRAIN TUMOR.

Do you really think Johns would shot luthor in the second issue? He already did that in the first issue of Darkseid war.

Manhattan reconstituted him for some reason.

They're in a different universe than their own. This is a different Comedian.

>Do you really think Johns would shot luthor in the second issue? He already did that in the first issue of Darkseid war.
yes he would you idiot

It's funny to see someone shot with superman in the same room.
Adamantium bullets i guess?

I like the idea, that he might be one of the three Jokers. The three Joker theory is related to doomsdayclock and Rebirth.

The funniest thing is that Johns just forgot about that (and cold) by the next issue. And that johnsfags were saying "you can't judge it yet! we need to wait for the pay off... the pay off was the anti-monitor dying from one shot and baby darkseid.

It's not the original Rorschach

>It's an allucination

Did the hallucination eat Batman's breakfast?

Manhattan brought him back to mess with Veidt i guess

...He's talking about the comedian, dude.

But he says "this time I'm prepared". Sounds like its the same.

Sup Forums is truly the dumbest board.

I really curious of Cereal Lord plans on bringing the Charlton characters into this at all.

Dr.M plucked him pre death.

Or clone. Or earth zero comedian.

No it was a plot later resolved in Superwoman and I totally understand you for not reading it. Nobody did.

It's Alan Moore with a hair cut and a shave. He's coming after the reader for watching people rape Watchmen and doing nothing about it.

time travel

comedian is the mime's (punch and whaetve) couple son

I think Peacemaker specifically is staying out of it because there's that Giffen and Lemire thing coming up

It's either Dr. Manhattan or Veidt's brain tumor is making him see the Lex's security guard as The Comedian.

take your pick.

I just want to now how mad is alan moore

He already called Geoff a Racoon eating his garbage. Why would he be mad? he pointed out how creative bankrupt was the capeshit industry and Doomsday Clock just shows how right he was

This is the one rape he won't stand for

It can't be an allucination, it would be a really stupid cliffhanger.


Doomsday Clock is the RESPONSE to Moore's raccoon comment. Cereal Lord is using this entire series as a middle finger back at Moore.

Or warner told their bitchboy to include the watchmen characters in the main continuity for quick money?

Moore is one of my favorie writers to ever grace DC, but if this is true, I'm 100% glad. He's an asshole who's full of himself because he's had nothing but praise given to him up to this point.


That makes no sense.

>Manhattan has:
>deleted 10 years of time
>plucked Jor-El from the moment of Krypton's destruction and turned him crazy just to see if Supes would break
>maintained the existence of the Flashpoint timeline just so Batman could meet his dad and get told that he need to quit
Would it really be so surprising if Manhattan revived Comedian?

No, but the comedian being there at the right moment... it's retarded.

>Veidt has a BRAIN TUMOR.
but brain tumors doesn't make you hallucinate.

The point of doomsday clock is supposed to be that Watchmen destroyed the fun in comics or some shit, so that does make sense.

It of course doesn't make sense because Johns is in some way responsible for all of the terrible shit in DC comics of the last 2 decades.

what's the point of reviving the comedian and making Rorschach played by another guy instead of coming back Walter?

They can, but also, this is Johns even if they didnt you are talking of a guy that thinks "electrons" are blue

This is the biggest point against comedian being back, rors is the most popular watchmen character.

We all know it's just SJW crap but they could had gone with a black silk Specter or nite owl.

yes but they don't cause "fantasy schizophrenic" tier hallucinations like some random shit coming from nowhere, there are just visual deformations of real objetcs because they are ruining optical capacities, it's not related to psychism.
even mental illness are basically deformations of real stuff with some delirium interpretation about and often not self-awareness about the disease in itself.

Electrons aren't blue.

Brain tumors are also making Johnsfags hallucinate that this is a good comic.

"electrons" can't be tracked over the space of 6 fucking years, specially if you happen to know that the earth isnt static on space, Nato and the European Union are not the same thing.
As some user pointed out, a guard shooting at ozy makes sense, Luthor had called security after all.

kek, it's ptsd after Darkseid War.

I think he was going for Cherenkov radiation. Except he's an absolute moron who doesn't know that if you see Cherenkov radiation, you're dead.

Well lucky for you, Johns is also retarded

You are not the first one to point out that. My guess is that he remembered something he saw while channel surfing and didnt bothered to investigate.

Yeah, probably.

baldy is morrison?

I don't think Moore really cares, given that he literally gave up on big 2 comics a decade ago and on all comics like 3 years ago

he's a novelist now

i mean, he's got his house, his bank account full of money, his basement full of weed, and every now and then some tubby yank takes a pop at him in the pages of a magazine he doesn't even read


doesn't seem like Johns is the one winning here if the only argument for it is "yeah but if Moore WAS reading comics and he was reading THESE SPECIFIC TITLES then he'd be totally burrrrned"

I thought it's gibbons, the beard is enough of a contrast

Exactly i don't understand the mental gymnastics of the fans of johns, Moore said that Johns doesnt have original ideas and compared him to a racoon, he call out DC and Marvel for living out gimmics with no creativity...

I just fail to see how this is a "middle finger" aimed at moore.

because absolutely neither johns nor anyone has given a mention of moore to affirm that it is that, the only thing that johns said is that he feels it is a story he must tell.
By the way, comment aside, I'm the only one I found extremely bored providence?

>not so obvious answer to half this board, johns is a hack


I liked it, but the back matter was exhausting.

>the only thing that johns said is that he feels it is a story he must tell.

That must be true, and not totally the part of the public relationships memo designed for him

Hear hear

It's manhattan?

Might want to fact check that 'hero' Johnboy, this guy shot a woman preggers with his kid.

>Darkseid War
God taht was so shitty.

Yeah but that baby was about to attack him

>because absolutely neither johns nor anyone has given a mention of moore to affirm that it is that, the only thing that johns said is that he feels it is a story he must tell.
I think it's more he doesn't have a leg to stand on in that argument so all Johns can do is basically act like Moore doesn't exist and give some spiel about how Doomsday Clock is a commentary on the state of comics or some other bullshit. Johns would create controversy just by responding so the best course of action is to keep his mouth shut. Also, I highly doubt this is "a story he must tell" in regards to John. The same thing happened with Before Watchmen where DC wanted to create a prequel series for Watchmen so it's extremely likely that they just told Johns to write some event where DC and Watchmen crossover. Especially when the HBO series is coming along, the timing is just too suspect.

>I don't think Moore really cares


Every fucking interview with him it's brought up. its brought up.

Because people ask him. It's not like he's some drunken hobo that rants about Watchmen in the streets towards any passerby, he pretty much washed his hands with Watchmen years ago when it became apparent DC would never do right by him.

Manhattan punched the walls of creativity.


Veidt tried to give himself Manhattan powers to cross universes, and he has no real control over it and it's killing him

I've seen this argument a thousand times, "oh it's just because they keep asking him!" He brings it up himself, not a single interview goes by without him throwing huge amounts of venom on the entire comics industry and how they can't create their own characters (which he totally does, he's all about fresh and original characters and ideas, you guys!)

>Interviewer asks him how he feels about Watchmen being handled by DC
>Moore says how he feels about Watchmen being handled by DC
How dare he voice his opinions on things when asked!

So why can't we get Zatanna and Misty comics but this dude gets the Watchmen

The leading theories are 1) Manhattan and 2) Ozy's brain cancer is messing with him

Hopefully it's the latter

Johns hasn't read Watchmen

This meta commentary would be literally greatest twist of all time if they go full silver age after the event for a short time. Yet they seem to riff on Marvel and the bronze age so that might not happen.

And this comes from a Moore fag.

He takes off his glove to reveal He's actually a black man in the same costume