What is the thinking man's superhero?

What is the thinking man's superhero?



Booster Gold

Dr. Doom


The thinking man doesn’t waste his time with kiddie characters in long underwear. So, none of them. Grow up.

mister miracle or aquaman

Obviously Batman.

Doorman for Marvel

Ambush Bug for DC

Ah, you must watch childrens cartoons like a true learned gentleman.

Just about any big name hero will have gone up against a good, thought-provoking moral quandary at some point. There's not one hero in particular you should look at, because characterization varies wildly from writer to writer, but if you keep an ear out for good runs (or just look up "best comics for [character]") you should come across some food for thought


Beta Ray Bill

Ozymandias, he didn't do anything wrong, and if he did, it was completely justified and thus free of all guilt

This guy.

>thinking man

Superheros aren't made for thinking men.

Lex Luthor.


The Flash



Punisher. If only so you can ponder how one man can be so hypocritical and in the wrong, before you drop him and just call him insane.
If you want the clear cut version of him, switch to Judge Dredd.

Hey man, if the glove fits...

silver age flash
oneshot batman stories
maybe so vertigo shit I dont really know man I read comics for the characters


>That scene where she gets pissed and actually saves the day and then gets a right good dicking from her new boyfriend that fulfills her emotionally
Truly, there is justice in this world

How has nobody said Stardust the super wizard yet? Plebs.

>Chad Super wizard



keaton's batman - for what he does, which is right and good, he has to be severely mentally troubled

in the real world the bad guys are actually very dangerous and to face them alone, head on, and win, means you have to have a well-thought-out plan every time

and be at least a little delusional...



Probably is.
No "muh no kill rule" superhero can ever be the thinking man's superhero because it's a retarded rule that doesn't hold up to logic.


>Has time powers
>just watch based weaponry

Be honest, you anons only read this comic because it appeals to your fetish.
