Why did Disney allowed this Cuckoldry to happen?

Why did Disney allowed this Cuckoldry to happen?

You know she was a little kid in real life right?


It's not cuckoldry when she and Kocoum never really had anything to begin with other than her father's prodding of her to marry him.

It's double cuckoldry cause in the next movie he dies and she marries someone else

The injury that sent the real Captain John Smith back to England wasn't a gunshot wound but an explosion of gunpowder to the crotch.

He was thus obviously out of the running, as you can imagine.

Sup Forums is so afraid to talk about this

That faggot is no John Smith.
John Smith beheaded 50 Ottomans and had a beard like a bush.

Why did they turn John Ratcliffe into some racist evil caricature when in reality the indians were fucking evil savages who led him into a trap after lying about wanting peace then burned him alive?

>disney endorsed AMWF
asians lose again

he didn't die though, she just chooses the other guy for historicak accuracy

They had to push the noble savage idea to sell. Any true American will always know that the Native Americans are our sworn enemies (even when they are currently on the reservations/where they need to stay.) and that they had it coming. (We fought with them until the 1920s).

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with the cuckoldry meme? You can't have all had your wives reamed by a black guy.

I don't think people realize just how much beef the colonials had with them and vice versa, but spoiler alert: it was a lot. Then during the War of 1812 thanks to the Brits they started razing towns left and right. It was all fun and games until Andrew Jackson got in. The natives were far from being those tobacco smoking hippies innawoods they're made out to be.

You forgot the part where they also partially flayed him while he was alive before they burned him.

Bruuhhh she was thicc af.

Honestly everything in this movie would have been improved if they just changed everyone's names to something completely different. That way they could do whatever the fuck they wanted without historical inaccuracy.

John Smith beheaded 50 Ottomans,had a beard like a bush, and doesn't afraid of anything!

Was there ANYTHING in this movie that was accurate? Even the setting was wrong with those mountains and cliffs in the Virgina Coastal Plain.

Disney thought this was going to be animated Dances With Wolves. Some of the animators who worked on The Lion King requested a transfer to the Pocahontas team because they thought the latter would be the bigger movie.

tl;dr they were fishing for award b8 and it didn't really work as well as they thought

Anastasia was an even worse butchery of history.

>worse butchery of history.
>>historical accuracy

They make cartoon movies. Accuracy is secondary to story

I say if you can't get it right, don't do it at all.

Actually I'd take issue with the idea that Pocahontas even had a good story at all or didn't just follow the same cookie-cutter Disney formula with a love story/villain character/musical number/goofy anthro animals to provide comic relief.

Fair assessment, but nobody in 1995 knew that Mel Gibson was a Sup Forumstard.

t. Jew

Go around the Internet, the criticism of this movie is pretty damn near universal.

Anastasia wasn't Disney, it was Bluth.

Still think it's pretty funny how they went through the whole movie without mentioning or referencing communists even once.

or that the real Anastasia was raped and killed by the commies because Lenin was a Exiled criminal sent to Russia by the Kaiser, because Germans...

This movie failed even to have a proper R34 or her

>sent to Russia by the Kaiser, because Germans...
Ah, the eternal Kraut...

You can't build a better Europe until you tear down the old one. God bless Deutschland.

Goddamnit Sup Forums make up your fucking mind. Are you for against immigrants or Not? Plus go fucking back

I'm guessing it's because they are scorned from lack of sex. They view women as vile creatures who sleep with everyone else; though in some cases this is true, especially with women who have realized men have approximately 11 times the sex drive as women (look it up).

It actually grosses me out when a man seems to feel real affection for a woman, but she hides the fact that she's cheating on him regularly. It's the ultimate betrayal.

she actually married that fat guy, right?

for white immigrants

John rolfe > John smith

Fun fact, they had to make laws to stop white colonists from going off and 'going native' with Indians. There was always an undercurrent of 'Indians are free' that I guess was the counter-culture whereas 'Indians are savages' being the mainstream.

Colonial and native relations have always been complicated.

Anastasia is an Disney Princess now Bluth and there's nothing you can do about it.

Well the noble savage meme has existed since before the new world.
Also when dying of sepsis in shitty damp new England is the norm you're probably willing to give Injuns a shot.

It's a typical 90s forced political correctness/diversity movie. This was very big at the time.

>forced political correctness

No one forced anybody. Other cultures are exotic and people like exotic.

at least they will not remake that movie because it's too problematic