Great Avengers Storytime

I got nothing else to do so let’s run til I’m tired

Meant to Storytime this at Christmas with jokes about “unto us a child is born”


Sup Forums seems extra shitty rn

I saw Roy Thomas' fanmag review of Fantastic Four 1 and the first line is about the return of the Human Torch. Funniest thing I've seen all year

i wanna smoke but have a sore throat




I think around this issue is really when Roy Thomas stopped imitating Stan Lee and came into his own. This isn't the kind of purple prose Stan Lee or Kirby would write. It's purple but a different kind of purple.

Plus Roy was the one who was really obsessed with tying the Marvel Universe together and dredging up old continuity (which is why he actually wanted to bring back the original Golden Age Vision but Stan told him no)




i never realized Vision got his name the same way the Thing did









Love this last page

eat your heart out Moore




It's that time!




That brief moment when everybody was imitating Steranko.
















so good

Who's this Yellowjacket guy!?

this is gonna get wild






i like these 2 pages
















Time for a wedding!!

>jungle man
oh lawd
























More of that Sternako influence




You'd have to suck cocks on a regular basis to be a kid when this was coming out and not be amazed at this
