Everyone talks to Heathcliff

Everyone talks to Heathcliff.



>"Gallagher has elevated the basic non-joke to an artform; this comic is truly a sight to behold, with every strip being an adventure in simplicity."
- Anonymous, "Everyone Talks To Heathcliff"/ December 31, 2017, Sup Forums



Has Heathcliff always been as bizarre as its been for the past 5 years or so? I don't remember it being whimsical when I was a kid and it was in our newspaper, but the comic is just bananas these days.

Pic related: it's the GARBAGE APE

Heathcliff had such a terrible upbringing, raised in criminality by his delinquent father.





Why would Heathcliff or the Garbage Ape go to the psychologist?

Lots of people see therapists. It's pretty common.

i genuinely love this shit.

On the contrary, I need to know more.

This just makes me sad. Garbage ape is always giving to the neighborhood animals as charity but in reality he's just depressed or seeking help about something

This is bad



Sure, but Heathcliff and Garbage Ape aren't the type to talk about their problems.

Do you think the creator of Heathcliff browses Sup Forums?

Could Jake beat Clifford in a fight



This is brilliant

>Lots of people see therapists.

Is Gallagher trying to make some intricate statement about the degradation of mental health in our society and the refusal to emotionally express ourselves to our friends? because that's how i feel


It wasn't like this during Gately's run, nor when Gallagher was starting out since he was just trying to emulate Gately. Once Gallagher broke off from emulating Gately and got his own "style" is when Heathcliff became like this.

Honestly, I prefer this.

I'd rather have art than a newspaper comic. Neither one is likely to be funny but you can usually find some sort of meaning in art if you're willing to look for it.
