Say what you will about steppenwolf, but I thought his voice sounded awesome in the movie

Say what you will about steppenwolf, but I thought his voice sounded awesome in the movie

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I agree.
>inb4 shitposters

Well that's true I guess

>the song Born to be Wild was not licensed for the movie

are those starcraft battle cruiseres in the backround?

Hey yeah, maybe this year they’ll win an Oscar for “Sound”. Or even another “Costume”. Maybe even a participation ribbon or something.

Holy shit

The main problem was...another mommy reference.

He was so lame, substanceless, uninspired, and generic a villain that I honestly found him endearing.

He's a large, hulking, grey man with a skull on his belt and a giant ax. From the second he boom tubes in, you know EXACTLY what he's all about. No prestige or subtlety about it.

Yes, but I think it's a fan-made poster, still dumb though.

Could have been better but sadly whedon ruined snyders vision

His deep voice was cool at least

>He was so lame, substanceless, uninspired, and generic a villain
>From the second he boom tubes in, you know EXACTLY what he's all about. No prestige or subtlety about it.
Just like Hela


And Thanos

Hela had panache. Hela was a real actress at least 25% of the time, as opposed to 100% CGI Steppenwulf. Plus she wasnt a coward like Steppenwulf: Steppe was literally driven away once and was made weak by the League. In contrast, Odin had to seal away Hela. Even when Surtur was destroying Asgard, Hela did not retreat and fought to the end

Steppe's voice is a reminder that a good actor was wasted for this role

>judging Thanos when Infinity War is not even out yet

She is still lame, substanceless, uninspired, and generic a villain that from the second she arrives, you know EXACTLY what she's all about. No prestige or subtlety about it.

Why do these ships in the background look like something from STARCRAFT?

>hurr muh character is more edgy and badass so is better
A character having a moment of wekness make him more complex, your logic is of a 12 year old.

Cool deflection.

You can't ruin what's already shit senpai

That's clearly fan made with an obvious toy. Jesus Christ.

He was cool but I wish they developted more his character,his first scenes were really good.

You're clearly fan made, faggot.

A cool voice does not make a character compelling. And Steppenwolf was even less of a villain than the average MCU villain, which is saying a lot.

You are a 2 digits iq nigger that cant tell the difference beetwen a real poster from a pic some faggot made in 2 minutes

I'm sorry, but in these movies, which are adaptations of characters decades old, how can you have anything BUT an obvious villain? Who the fuck is going to be caught by surprise when *GASP!* Otto Octavious is the villain! Even when they try to trick the protagonist like in Wonder Woman they can't do it, Ares' "reveal" was ruined the second you saw David Thewlis on screen. You CANNOT HELP but have obvious villains in thee movies, so fucking GET OVER IT.

Couldn't be done, WB was so impatient to catch up to Marvel they had to introduce three characters in JL and at the same time limited how long the movie could be. Frankly I was surprised they got in as much as they did.

>invasion is his rite of passage to be a New God
>sees boxes as objects of worship
>fascist darwinism
>parademons are Darkseid's failsafe
>has no concept of mercy

>Hey yeah, maybe this year they’ll win an Oscar for “Sound”. Or even another “Costume”. Maybe even a participation ribbon or something.

This is the state of Sup Forums.
BvS did deserved a "costume" nomination.Wilkinson was robbed. I like this kinds of post, they show how ignorant this board is when it comes to movies.

They cut most of his lines, that sucks.

i thought steppenwolf was a good villian he was always the center of attention when he was on screen. his motive for conquering earth made sense. he said after he failed to conquer it the first time he has been in exile so he wants to try again to get himself unbanished

Could've been worse; they could've gone with a crappy OC villain.

>DCniggers actually trying to compare their shitty CG villain to Hela

Thought he was going to be the worse villian of 2017 but Snoke took that away quick

The effects of this movie were so shitty, they're about the same quality as that shop.

DCU Doomsday had nearly the same origin as Nuclearman though.

More like DCU's Bizarro and new52's

>The effects of this movie were so shitty, they're about the same quality as that shop.

I actually thought he was fine. So many comicbook movie villains have generic motivations and job to heroes, I never understood why the public hated him so much.

>from the second she arrives, you know EXACTLY what she's all about
You knew that there was a coverup and whitewashing by Odin in the throne room, and that he was threatened by her power and ambition?

except the one important factor, Hela was a woman. Nowadays that means a lot more. If it had been granny goodness then maybe people would have liked it more. probably not.

oh and also not all cg, that didn't help steppenwolf.

Yeah it's not like he hasn't been oncreen already right?

I thought his fights against the league were pretty good, which was something the movie did better than the first two Avengers.

I actually agree, just really hated flash and cyborg, they ruined the movie for me

Yeah I loved it

Avengers didn't have Hulk swoop in to fix everything

Looks like the Bortasqu'-class Battlecruiser from Star Trek Online