Why do I see every so often here that some idiots think that the Punisher is a racist character? It makes no sense

Why do I see every so often here that some idiots think that the Punisher is a racist character? It makes no sense.

Because sensitive coddled women and black panther blacks are scared and offended by a white man with a gun

Wasn't he in black face in like a few issues in the 90s?

No, he was black, plastic surgery made him a black guy.

Makes no logical sense though considering he mostly kills people of his own color anyway.

>black panther blacks
Stop getting your news and opinions from the internet.

You see user, in the real world most criminals are non-white so a War on Crime would rapidly take on the characteristics of a race war, as has been the case IRL with most police forces in the Western World. Same with the Punisher except more murder
Fortunately most artists are patronising liberals who draw 99% of criminals, thugs and gangsters as white people, and the only time you'll see a black criminal who's not Manta he'll be preying primarily on black people.

Except for the fact that Marvel comic books are purely fantasy and have nothing to do with the real world. Punisher is not a police officer, and he doesn't like dirty cops, which alone tears apart your analogy between the Punisher and real world officers, because he wouldn't tolerate their criminal activities either

>because he wouldn't tolerate their criminal activities either
You bring this up as though targeting the demographics that commit crimes is criminal in and of itself.

What I'm saying is the Punisher is not a cop, nor does he target specific groups based on race, he kills criminals simple as that.

The police force is not a war on crime, if that's what you think it is you're delusional. Punisher is a vigilante, meaning he operates outside of the law, meaning the police. Punisher himself is a criminal in the eyes of the law.

Yep . For a week or 24 hours or so. So he could be unrecognisable after surgery.

The story would be great if he got an urge to start selling crack,calling women hos and bitches, eat fried chicken and asking for handouts.


Punisher himself isn't a racist character but some depictions of him and the kinds of people he's usually punishing can be a bit...dated. Even more so when Garth Ennis is involved

The way the preacher says "act like an animal" to this very stereotypical 90s gangsta could definitely be construed as racist

Are you implying there aren't black people who don't feel the same way about certain elements of their community? Not every black person is a criminal, or sympathizes with gangsters who terrorize the neighborhoods they live in. Not saying anything about Ennis himself, but that is a poor example of so called racism.

I'm saying that having a gansta black guy brag in ebonics about doing horrible things and is then referred to as an "animal" by a white dude who then slaughters him is racist.

The priest is supposed to be white!? He looks more like a chink for me.

So he called animal to an animal. Where is the ray-cism?

Tell me, if the priest was black and called him an animal, would that be racist too?

>by a white dude
I haven't read Welcome Back Frank in years, but for some reason I remembered the priest as being an asian guy. I don't know why.

He was actually Spanish.

Yeah, just finished looking him up. His name's Hector Ridondo.

Ennis clearly paints the priest as the bad guy though. We're supposed to think he's nuts for murdering someone in a confessional with an axe.

Agreed but I think the other user is just looking for something to bitch about considering the priest isn't even a white guy

but this is totally fucking racist tho