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Good, fuck those channels.


>wanting the parent to monitor what their children watch
Nah, sounds like work. It's easier to just demonitize everything that isn't backed a giant corporation.

bum p this shit

Bumping so that more children would be saved from this in 2018




>Pole Dancing
>Findom and Femdom BDSM
>Pet Play
>What I can only assume ia chastity
>Piss play
>Kidnapping and implied rape or slavery.
>Femdom foot fetish.

Jesus Christ. I'm into most of this shit and I actually watched normal things as a kid.
I can't imagine how much this would screw up a child's brain.

who's Ryder, the lucky guy?

> Me, working in a kindergarten, with other women
> We talk about seeing a movie or something for shut them up.
> They told me to watch some of this videos
> The other teacher didn't give a shit, "the're just kids, it doesn't matter".
It was awful, but the worst part is the response of some persons. They don't give a shit until some jackass mimic something.

>implying this shit isn't coming from a giant corporation in India that rakes in insane shekels from their 100m view porn videos for kids

>letting your kids watch unfiltered garbage on YouTube when services like Netflix and the Sesame Street website have hundreds of hours of hand-curated entertainment actually meant for kids
Shit parenting is shit parenting, and as much as I hate these cynical fuckers who abuse shit parenting to traumatize/exploit children, it's amazing that this is still a problem considering there are 100% better alternatives out there.

>It's easier to just demonitize everything that isn't backed a giant corporation
That's a fucking horrible idea. Honestly, the solution is for YouTube Kids to be hand-curated.

Obviously, she doesn't have children. Or, for that matter, even LIKE children.
I'm actually now kind of worried about children stumbling onto videos like that simply because I wouldn't want my son to see it. It's not that hard to have empathy. But at the same time, parents have to do their job and make sure that sort of thing isn't what the kids are watching at all. Long story short, your teacher friend/co-worker/whatever is a shit.

What's up with these videos producing videos of characters "accidentally" drinking piss?

Also, what even is the purpose of them making these ""kid friendly"" videos w/ implied fetishes has listed on?

Even if they want to make money, shouldn't they avoid putting this kind of stuff instead of straight up illustrating a fanfiction of Elsa and Peter fucking Parker doing fucked up lewd shit?

Ryder nigga, yeah

He's the kid from Paw Patrol.

Good grief, frankly, if I had kids we wouldn't have internet or TV. I wouldn't want to pass on that brain rot to my offspring. It's so much better for them to have books and toys and sports and unstructured play than accruing adipose tissue while being brainwashed.

t. bitter single young man on Sup Forums

*sweatshop corporations

I think they just find it funny. Honestly, it's very likely most of their revenue comes from clickbots rather than actual kids, so the content basically doesn't matter. If they can traumatize a few kids along the way, so much the better for them.

Easier said than done. unfortunately. Even if you manage to hold onto your sanity raising kids without a way to distract them for a few hours a day while you do housework and get some rest, it's hard if not impossible to keep your kids dark on technology as soon as they start making friends. Plus, if you're working, good luck finding a babysitter who won't just park them in front of the television and play on their tablet.

Wish we could block these kinds of videos from our suggestions/tags/searches or something. It would make this job easier. Keeping away from children from watching this abomination.


>Bart, get out! I'm piss!

That human twilight design is better than the real one

the most popular spiderman related product in over a decade

tkt to fcebook


>Sup Forums
>your child(ren)


>"/w Paw Patrol Full Episodes"
So, the main engage for this shit is that?
Wow, remove the fucking app

>the solution is for YouTube Kids to be hand-curated.

Honestly, that's the solution to a lot of YouTube's problem, not only with content that's harmful to children but with political propaganda. Actually hire human moderators, give them strict guidelines instead of trying to automatize everytthing.

Wasn't there news recently that Youtube is shutting a lot of these down?

They're focusing on the ones that are exploiting the Youtubers' kids first, but I thought all this shit was finally getting appropriately reviewed and purged.

>It's not that hard to have empathy.
It actually is.

If you're a sociopath, maybe

Yeah, maybe.

bububut muh automization is cheap and punishes them evil blue collar nazis who voted for drumpf

hey, don't put that bullshit on us


>let's just fuck over lots of people who may not actually be all that bad again
t. member of YouTube staff

I know it's been a bad year for assuming people are joking, but you really can't tell raw sarcasm when you see it?

Look, we don't want this website to me taken over with even more fucked up people in the future, y'know.

At this point I don't even know anymore, user. I've seen people saying the dumbest shit with straight face.

I think that was the point.

Tell her to go fuck herself. I used to work as a kindergarten teacher before anyone knew about this whole Elsagate cancer. Even then, my colleagues would show the kids random shitty videos just to shut them up. They got no respect for the children.

Its not a saleable or realistic solution though. Not without grinding the website to a halt or employing millions of people.

Although maybe moderators for social platforms could become the next minimal wage burger flipper/cottern picker job. And in turn we have people hopping our boarders to work these jobs that Americans don't want.

I don't actually understand the point of these videos if not for the sake of sheer edgyness and shock value. I mean are they actually promoting something meaningful?

So what are the videos like when you click them. I've only seen thumbnails.

Some of these videos promote a sort of misinformation. I mean, for example there were some that tried to trick kids into eating shit. Sometimes it's strange stuff like confusing kids about colors. Like... saying red is blue and blue is red... and if one character says red is red then another character will cry.

It's not that bad. You don't have to designate everything as safe or unsafe. You just have to designate some amount of stuff as okay, shift it over to a kid friendly zone, and say the larger space is unchecked and unverified.

That being said, I don't trust people to do that either. The real answer is just people need to be critical of the material they consume, and pay some attention to their kids. Though I wonder how much of this actually matters

That's the weird part, why is Ethan Bradberry abd dennisceetv part of these perverted videos?
H3h3 redpilled me about this.

Skip to 4 minutes.

I used to think it's some ARG like Poochee and Pansy when those videos first came to my attention. Now I don't even know anymore.
>shitty royalty free music and some sound effects. No actual voices to be heard.
>retards in cheapest fucking costumes prancing around and doing disturbing shit that is the theme of the "episode"
That's it.
Animation is pretty much the same except replace cheap costumes with shitty "animation" (if you can call it that)

What happened to "Investigating YouTube" channel? I used to keeping an eye on it, then it just fell off my radar and I couldn't find it again. Did it get deleted by YouTube or something?

*I used to keep
No more drinks for me.

Are we even sure these things are being made by actual humans?

That's just extremely despicable. You don't have a conscience if you make videos like that and you'd definitely be the first to hang on the day of the rope. Along with the rapists, terrorists and fake news peddling politicians

Started with India's terrible animation dvds being put online which caused a massive influx of new viewers. Then one westerner tried it and it was so weird that he got tons of views, and it cascaded from there. Not sure when abusing the algorithms started during all this, but it sure as hell didn't help.

>Actually hire human moderators, give them strict guidelines instead of trying to automatize everytthing.
Youtube is way too fast for that shit. There is a good reason why they need to rely on bots.

What exactly is the loo poo endgame here? Why not just make the videos inoffensive saccharine bullshit instead of the violent and disturbing shit?

It wouldn't change the views or how the idiotic algorithm works, and parents wouldn't flip the fuck out.
Are indians just sick in the head as a general rule or what?

Maybe now parents can stop letting Youtube take care of their kids. God knows how mentally damaged some these kids are from binge watching Youtube all day.

Would bang purple and orange.

That's what they said about TV and cable and we tu- oh...

actually the only good "SJW" image I have ever seen and that's saying something. modern youtube channels are fucking cancer, especially for children

My best guess is that kids like the edgier content. I mean, South Park was really popular among kids when I was in 4th grade, and it was pretty violent and disturbing compared to everything else on TV at the time.

The thing to do is just push Netflix/Amazon Video/Hulu and the like over YouTube. Curated content, so they'll be less likely to fall down that weird rabbit hole.

Or instead of feeding the beast parents could take initiative and have shows for the kids to watch or better yet plop their kids in front of the TV.

Ya, except TV had some quality control compared to Youtube.

This is why Barneyfags need to stop existing.

oh god I'm dying

And you don't take issue with any of the other shit in the thread, do you?

God forbid parents be parents when their young impressionable kids are on the net.

If parents weren't lazy fucks they wouldn't give their 5 year old children fucking tablets to watch this shit in the first place.

To be honest, most of these probably won't fuck up a kid or even be too far outside of what they'd come up with on their own.

Kids will, on their own, come up with things like "hey, the water fountains are close to the washrooms, you think pee ever gets into our drinking water?" or "boy, it would be funny if a bad guy made the hero think he/she was a dog!" They'd probably think it much less odd than their parents would, and in most cases it probably wouldn't give rise to fetishes.

That said, seeing a lot of this would normalize it, which would make it harder a child to internalize what is and isn't acceptable in society, so it's still not a good idea to expose your kid to much of it. This would be especially harmful when it's stuff like Goofy peeping Minnie Mouse in the shower or Elsa slicing her tongue off with scissors, something kids may grow up thinking is harmless and acceptable.


I'm actually rooting for SJWs right now.