The latest Jumanji was tame compared to what the cartoon was putting out

The latest Jumanji was tame compared to what the cartoon was putting out.

I miss Sony Animation/Adelaide. They always came up with some dark, entertaining shit!

>Project G.e.e.K.e.R.
>Extreme Ghostbusters
>Men in Black
>Big Guy and Rusty
>Jackie Chan Adventures
>The Boondocks
>The Spectacular Spider-Man

Agreed, it was a hell of a run.

>latest Jumanji was tame compared to what the cartoon was putting out.
Are you kidding? The latest movie had me PISSING MY PANTS because it was so funny.

The Robin Williams movie and the cartoon weren't that funny

He isn't talking about that dead downer! He's talking about that LITTY winter flick that will you PISSING yourself with laughter!

Holy shit that episode where they basically fall between the cracks of the jumanji world and end up in this clockwork labyrinth and the mastermind behind all the happenings there who was a fucking skullfaced phantom freakydeaky.

That was a strange and terrifying thing.

These are some good cartoons

Is Jumanji still as dark as it seemed back then?

Wasn't that show designed by the creator of Duckman?

Get outta here Kevin Hart!

>the latest movie staring family-friendly mega draw The Rock, non-threatening black comedian Kevin Heart and kid-favorite Jack Black is tame
No! Inconceivable! Surely you jest?

So Jumanji WttJ is shit, init? What a shocking surprise.

Just learned Van Pelt and Adam's father were played by the same actor in the original movie. Some nice symbolism there.

There was a ton more penis gags than I was expecting in a family kids movie.

Also kids getting straight up unambiguously drunk.

Think that was intentional.

>Van Pelt
Easily one of the most /k/ Sup Forums characters.


>So Jumanji WttJ is shit, init.
I thought it was fine, people are acting like the first one was some kind of high form of art.

Robin Williams was the only thing the original film had going for it. I preferred Zathura.

Nope, it was by accident. The actor accodently punched in twice so he had to keep acting

The whole concept of a cursed video game replacing the game was an interesting twist. That is where the movie stops being interesting as the rest of the movie has the "paint by numbers" set up and delivery for scenes and jokes.

Jumanji, the animated series, was insane on what it did. Wasn't there an episode that confirmed that Robin Williams's character had died multiple times only to be brought back thanks to the game?

>This user has good taste.

>I miss Sony Animation/Adelaide
agreed they had what might have been the strongest output of any modern animation studio

People just want some grit in their movies again, but nowadays every film has to be safe, rated PG-13 and full of quips.

But Zathura has complete lack of tension and half the time they could just run back a d play the game to get out of trouble.

So was it
-The implied incest.
-The underage girl spending the entire movie bouncing around in her underwear?

>All these straight classics.
Never know what we have until it's gone.

I loved that cartoon. Although it amazed me how you can have a single soundtrack in an entire show of two seasons.

I thought it was the point, Adam feared his father so Jumanji made it as his nemesis

Yeah the threats were pretty unoriginal in the movie.

>larger than average animals and motorcycle gunmen

Like fuck, where were the giant carnivorous plants or giant animals to act as a boss?

>Extreme Ghostbusters
>Big Guy and Rusty
>Godzilla the Series
>Men in Black
>Jackie Chan Adventures
>Spectacular Spider Man

Unlike a lot of other 90s movies, it has aged quite well, technically speaking, and even if it isn't a high form of art (I'm not that kind of fanboy) it was a Hell of an adventure movie.

I just don't trust Hollywood anymore, even more if we're discussing a remake or adaptation from other media (and I'm thinking of the Rampage movie, also with Dwayne Johnson). The trailer looked awful, so I'm not buying it.

Also changing Jumanji into a video game because muh milennials.

I do not agree with most of that comment, but Zathura is a way better movie than most people would admit.

Again, obviously, but that's something you can't appreciate if, like me, you didn't know both characters are played by the same actor.

It's probably also a reference to how adaptations of Peter Pan are traditionally cast: Mr. Darling is also Hook.

>Also changing Jumanji into a video game because muh milennials.
I actually like that aspect. Jumanji WANTS to be played, so the moment a bored teenager gets distracted by a videogame in its presence it makes sense that it would go "heeeey, wait a second."

I watched the Movie myself last night and I really want to write a few stories implanting the cast of that movie into the Infinite Loops over in Spacebattles

>Also changing Jumanji into a video game because muh milennials.
jumanji changed itself to get people to play it.

>that episode where Peter grabbed the dice and brought them back into the game.