Rick Sanchez replaces the smartest character of last Sup Forums related media you consumed...

Rick Sanchez replaces the smartest character of last Sup Forums related media you consumed. How fucked is everything now?

The world of Adventure Time really doesn't need Rick Sanchez in it, he would just ruin everything Froopy land style.


Well we have a problem here because none of the important characters stand out as super smart, but I'll just choose Peepers. He either kills Hater, Wander, and Sylvia before taking over the galaxy and probably killing everything or he just fucks around and does jackshit while Wander tries to befriend him.

We don't cotton to freaks 'round these parts...

Doom patrol (G.Way)
I guess Not so much
Probably fuck The Vectra and anal to Danny

>bojack horseman
No idea, but with no other cool things in this universe I can only assume he just leaves for some more interesting place.

>Bojack and Rick meet in a bar and somehow start trying to outdrink one another
Who taps out first?

Bojack's an anthropomorphic horse, and we've already established he can down 10 loaves of bread like it's nothing, so I'm thinking with all his extra bodymass it must take forever to get him drunk.

I lean towards Bojack too. He mentions weighing as much as a non-anthro horse IIRC.

>Star Wars Rebels
Yeah, the Empire is fucked. The rebels too

Yeah, it's no contest. Bojack basically has feats in this category from each season.
Some of the stuff he pulls off in the first two seasons is downright insane.

"I weigh over 1200 pounds, it takes a lot of beer to get me drunk"

Quick count shows 47 cans/bottles and a keg. Assuming he's downed all of it that's about 16 gallons of beer, assuming 5%, about 102 fluid ounces of ethanol. That would put a normal human at a BAC of "pretty much embalmed".

>Rick replaces lisa loud
How badly does that go?

>Rick instead of fucking Stewie Griffin
now that's... something

Preferable even, they fill some of the same roles but I'd much rather watch Rick than Stewie

>Rick replaces Princess Bubblegum

>Rick replaces Frylock

The show is not funny anymore

>council of ricks replace council of reeds
nothing really changes. rick and morty is innovative, my ass.

>rick instead of cartman

so what the show now only has 3 main boys? and theyre all background characters with no personality besides clashing with cartman in ideals

>Rick is the head of the Kirin Tor
Hmm, at first
But then
>100 years Burning Crusade dot com over and over Burning 100 Years Crusade dot Crusade dot com
>I turned myself into a raven, Morty. I'M RAVEN RIIIIIIIIICK!!

>"You're a camouflage, Billy. Y-you see *burp* my genius brain waves get cancelled by the *ahem* Billy waves. It makes us untraceable. B-but now that we literally own Death, I guess it doesn't really matter."

I don't think Rick would even last a literal minute in Unikitty's universe.

...whelp, the Machine Empire is in trouble.
(Actually... we don't know what happened during the intermezzo between Zeo and Turbo!)

>The only Sup Forums things I can remember watching/reading are Bobobobobo, Awful Hospital, Ninjago, and Confinement/SCP Foundation
Well, let's break each of these down then.

He's be replacing either Softon, Gasser, or Beauty. Either way, it doesn't matter. Without either a Superfist, or any of the heroes having any incentive whatsoever to save his life, he dies. Horribly.

>Awful Hospital
He'd probably be replacing Doctor Phage, and seeing as how he lacks tran-zonal awareness, or proper fractionation into different Zonal spheres, the Old Flesh utterly obliterates him in short order

He'd likely end up replacing Master Wu or Cyrus Borg. This one honestly somewhat depends on just *When* He ends up in their timeline, but at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. If he ends up replacing Master Wu prior to Lloyd being taken in by the Ninja to be trained, then the entire world is absolutely fucked, as Lloyd will never be trained as the Chosen One, and cosmic horrors like the Overlord shall inevitably drown the world in eternal darkness, along with the Preeminent cursing all 16 Realms shortly thereafter, utterly unchallenged, thereby damning the entire Multiverse. Same thing happens with Cyrus sooner or later

>Confinement/SCP Foundation
There are literally COUNTLESS individuals in the SCPverse that could qualify for this, but if we just limit it to "merely Doctors", then he ends up replacing someone like either Clef or Bright. He then dies in the most gruesome manner posdible.

>DBZ I can’t remember the last western cartoon
If replacing bulma, he could easily kill anything that goes against them and rob Goku from fights, every time until he snaps and goes at rick before being killed by him
If replacing Dr Gero, he wouldn’t even need the androids or cell and just fucking take over the world with no hassle


welp the new republic is fucked

>A-alright Chat, today we’re going to be looking for Spider-Man.
>Who...are you?
>Rick Sanchez Earth C1-137
>don’t worry about it, this crossover isn’t canon

It just ends up being two Rick Sanchezs going on sci-fi adventures together. I suppose the rivalry could be funny, but they would both be tracked down as soon as they leave Jerry's line of sight.

Well, he runs away from Saitama. He might be one of the few beings that he legit fears and knows that there is nothing he can do to win. So he would avoid him entirely.

"Universe conquering space rocks, reeeeal original. C'mon Morty, let's shatter 'em."
"Um, my name's Steven."

>replaces Varrick from Legend of Korra
Unalaq is never kidnapped so the events that spiral out of control and cause the show to end up how it did in season 2 don't happen. And Asami actually has to have a character arc in which she tries to save her company.

I dont know guys who's smarter Lex or Ozymandias?
Either way Ricks not gonna accomplish jack shit. He'll deus ex machina himself a victory.