Ok Sup Forums I was always a Marvelfag growing up...

ok Sup Forums I was always a Marvelfag growing up. Marvel is dead to me now and I want to get more into DC where do I begin? what is the best and most efficient way of going about raising my DC IQ?

Pick a character you’re interested in, then see if they had a series released after Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Injustice is a good starting point.

Unironically rebirth. Each book has a oneshot to explain who they are.


You could just start from Rebirth.
Or the New 52 if you like hurting yourself a little.
But anything post the first Crisis is a good starting point.

I'm pretty autistic user. I want a deep understanding of the DC universe.

>read everything
>realize DC puts out some real shit too
>just stick to the good things and do your best to ignore the awful shit
This is what you do with every comic company.

what is the best place to start though. I will read everything eventually I just need a solid foundation for my autism to spread over.

Keep in mind the OP is just trying to be subtle about starting a Company Wars thread, and he's still waiting for outraged Marvel readers to show up. He already reads DC, which is fine.

Given that you seem retarded and autistic, start with Action Comics 1 and work your way to the present.

Who are you interested in?

watch YouTube videos about events like the ones Comicstorian and Comics Explained do :^)


>I'm pretty autistic
Hypercrisis is the path you want to walk.

Start with Death and Return of Superman.
It's a key moment in DC history that happens in during a whole bunch of other shit.
When you reach the funeral, start saying "Ooh, that guy looks neat, what's his deal?" Then find out after you finish the story.

Then expand out from there with the Crisiseshow the fuck do you pluralize that word?, and find a Hypercrisis reading list and fill in the cracks.

Also, spoilers seem to be busted.

how long do you think that would take me user?

Why would you lie? That's only going to confuse the fuck out of him. Most of the enjoyment comes from already being familiar with these characters, and seeing them go full retard in that universe

Plural of Crisis seems to be Crises
I think, I read that somewhere

Depends on how much time you have, I went back and read Amazing Spider-Man and Uncanny X-Men from issue 1 and it took a while just reading an issue or two every now and again when I had some time to kill, depends on how committed you are to getting caught up.

A couple months to maybe a year
Depends a lot on how much you read per day and what series/characters you decide to pick up along the way

My recs.

Batman Year One
Superman American Alien
Wonder Woman by Perez
JLA by Morrison
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns
Flash by Geoff Johns
Aquaman by Geoff Johns
Green Arrow by Grell
Mad Love

Theres your starting points for the main hitters in DC.

glad you decided to drop Marvel user. they have always been shit. DC has always been the alpha read.

>By Geoff Johns

>Hating Based Geoff

I started from Crisis on Infinite Earths, and I don't know that I would recommend doing that

marvelfags jumping ship. never get tired of this.

Y’all posting in a troll thread

I’m curious, why?
Do you own WB stock or something?

I will always hate Geoff on the single fact he had the audacity to write
>Barry MADE me the Flash
I will never forgive that asshole for that for as long as I live

I'm serious user. I just want some recommendations.

no marvel is just for brainlets. do you own Disney stock by any chance?

Nah he's just a dumb faggot with nothin better to do


a wild triggered marvelfag appears

I personally, after getting interested in DC because of The Flash, started by reading the New 52 run of the Flash, then moved to Flashpoint, Bart's run as the Flash and just kept reading New 52 shit until I had enough confidence and basic knowledge of some characters that I started with old-school stuff like the Death of Superman, old Batman stuff, Waid's Flash, etc...
It just boils down to: I'm gonna start with this small thing and start branching out further and further from there.

No, I just can’t figure why it affects anyone one way or the other

it seems to be affecting your thought process

If it helps in any way, I also began watching every single cartoon I could and animated movie.
The cartoons are like the easiest way to get into DC that I know of.

You gonna answer or just be a cunt?

Heres a couple more.

Batgirl/Robin One
New Teen Titans by Wolvman and Perez

>Batgirl/Robin Year One

What a fag.

Kirby 4th World
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Byrne Superman
Wolfman New Teen Titans
Perez Wonder Woman
Morrison Animal Man
Moore Swamp Thing
Batman Year 1
Dark Knight Returns
Justice League by Demattis and Giffen
Kevin Smith Green Arrow
Morrison JLA
Tim Sale / Jeph Loeb Batman
Batman Hush
Infinite Crisis
Morrison Batman
Final Crisis
Geoff Johns Flash
All Star Superman
Snyder Batman
Tom King Batman

That's about it really

Monitoring this thread because I'm in the same situation

Also, how much background do I need to get on the Doomsday Clock train

Cunt then

>Doomsday Clock


>Based Geoff

Well if you absolutely must, Watchmen of course. Since its still ongoing, its impossible to tell you what else you need to read. However there is the lead in called The Button with Batman, Flash, and Thawne. Then theres that Superman stuff with Mr Oz

>No Multiversity in that list
Utterly unacceptable.