How would you take the concept of a movie about emojis and make it good?

How would you take the concept of a movie about emojis and make it good?

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>a movie about emojis

Pick one.

Make it a parody of modern kid's movies. Play up the idiotic tropes in them to comedic effect instead of bluntly using them like the real thing (apparently) did.
Probably wouldn't even need to change up the plot much.

> Sup Forums pic
> Sup Forums meme response

>this was green lit for a sequel

Make it a slasher.

By not making it.

Make the emojis more fuckable.

Unironically this. Have no idea how you'd get that across though without making it Sausage Party 2

>Sony is retarded
I mean, it's not exactly a revelation

>Problem sleuth but with Meh as AD, Thingink as PS and Laughing man as PI

Make it a 1984-style dystopia, everyone has to keep exactly this emotion otherwise he gets removed from existence and replaced with an exact copy. Go even darker with the implications and generate hope for a happy ending, only to crush it mercilessly.

By taking the concept and throwing it in the garbage.

I make it a war between the care free and shallow emojis who are living in an upper class society, and the "evil" emoticons, who have been living as an underclass on an unfortunate prison planet. The emoticons have militarized and are coming to end the party of the emojis

Overall it will be a social satire on old vs. new, but mostly a science fiction war movie about an idealistic group of haves vs. a bitter and vengeful group of have nots.

A new season of Digimon but their child rookie forms are emojis

You mean Appmon?


It needed to be more satirical and less product placement, and actually have an original storyline. I believe an animated movie like this can absolutely work - look at The Lego Movie. It just should be exactly like the Lego Movie.

But they are already...


You should read about zootopia, it was pretty much what you described

Have it ACTUALLY capitalize on why we like/use emojis.

We live in a post-Lego Movie world. There is no longer ANY excuse.

I liked the concept of Smiler.

You can't.

You make it with no dialogue. Just 2D emojis in a void space making beeping noises and changing faces. Basically an astract/postmodern movie.