Leni loud is actually queen of the velociraptors, she needs to be reunited with her kind

Leni loud is actually queen of the velociraptors, she needs to be reunited with her kind

>clever girl
Pick one.

You also need to be reunited with your kind

It is a fucking miracle that someone like Leni can and manage to somehow continue to exist!

>mods arbitrarily put a Sup Forums show in /trash/
>this fucking retard thinks it's cool to agree with that decision
lol, what a fucking loser. And that's saying something considering where we are.

but those are utahraptors.


Leni has shown to be smarter than what the other sisters think she is

This artist is carrying the fandom on his back.


Reminder only the general got banned from Sup Forums, you can still make loud house threads that aren't in general format.

*fixes fedora and glasses, takes out God Delusion*
Umm, where are their feathers?
*sip tea*

Leni prefers fur.

How would leni fell if this happend to her?

Leni accepts all animals with or without feathers, except spiders

Leni looks pretty with the glasses on

>actually proven by fossil evidence to have feathers
>make it into some kind of reddit thing
just fucking kill yourself honestly

lol u wat now

being an annoying fag about it does

They look like shit with feathers and only reddit science autists prefer it. Go fuck yourself feather fag shit


That thread was fun with photoshop


leni is a pure angel and needs love and affection.
i plan on marrying her some day