Has the state of webcomics gotten better or worse?

Has the state of webcomics gotten better or worse?

I want to say worse but then i started reading Devil's Candy and K6BD

Is that...Powergirl as a loli prostitute?

Better in some ways, in particular the number of wecomics with high quality art is higher than at any point in the past, and the bar for was constitutes a "good" webcomic is higher.

Worse in others, there's less webcomics that are actually getting big because it's hard to break through the now-established giants, which is stifling creativity. It's also notable that most webcomics that excel in one area lag in another, like a webcomic with fantastic art having mediocre writing. People will complain about hiatuses but those have always, always been an issue.

>no loli loves venom


I don't know about the newer ones but the webcomics from the earlier days have improved in their art and exposure. However, their rate of output has decreased and their hiatuses have increased, often due to leaving time to make direct side content like fanart or porn.

>it's one thing to wear a leotard to school, another is to cut a hole trough it show off your chest that won't come in for at least another 5 years
This is pretty stupid.

I came in to post that comment about art. I'm impressed by some of these artists. They're producing truly impressive stuff, what they need is dedication to keep pumping it out.

Also, to answer OP's question, it is on average worse because Achewood is not currently updating.

webcomics have always been shit but lots of the good ones went sjw and became complete garbage, seeme like you cant have any niche things nowdays without political activists trying to use numbers and brute force to take it away
there are sjws webcomics wich are funny because how stupid they are tho so thats a plus


What webcomics have you all been reading?

It Hurts!, Oglaf, and Camp Weedonwantcha.

Gunnerkrigg Court, Witchy, KSBD, Lackadaisy Cats, SMBC, Ava's Demon, and CQ yes I know the author is a cunt I just like the art.


Whomp and the order of the stick (even tho that more waiting than reading) I dropped everything else over the years and I couldn't find anything that can hold my interest. For more then five minutes

the most current webcomic I'm reading is called Pen & Ink, but it's currently on hiatus while the first book goes into print

I didn't realize Lackadaisy still updated, guess I'll check it out again.

I've heard of Gunnerkrigg a few times, what's it about?

Urban fantasy with an emphasis on character interactions and a technology v. magic theme. It starts out rough, but the visuals quickly improve and it turns into something pretty interesting, although at the moment it's in a bit of a slump. A big arc got resolved not long ago and the foundations are only just getting laid for the next one.

Whomp, Camp Weedonwantcha, Ennui Go, K6BD, It Hurts before it ended.

>what's it about?
It's a teen-drama with a girl with daddy issues and a lesbian as protagonists.
Ignore what this tool is saying, the "fantasy" part is just the setting and it's pretty mediocre, their idea of "fantasy" is that the minotaur actually dindu nuffin.

The fantasy aspect of the comic was the entire crux of pretty much all of its major arcs though. It's not especially deep but to say that is "just the setting" is being disingenuous.

>their rate of output has decreased and their hiatuses have increased, often due to leaving time to make direct side content like fanart or porn

>mfw Chalo stopped his 'Breasts are the Best' comic because he thinks people care about relationship drama in a furry porn comic
I just want to see sexy bovine udders, godammit.

You literally don't understand the setting

No, it's just normal Powergirl

It Hurts!

I wanna reply with a friend's not very well known comic but I know yall will just accuse him off shilling himself

Goriland on a semi-unironical fashion

Weedonwantcha, Whomp, Olgaf, Gunnerkrigg Court, Merchant and Pike, Witchway's Witch

Currently just whomp, but I'm not big on webcomics really.
I also tried reading 8-bit theater but it seemed pretty lame, can't tell if I didn't go far enough or it's just a product of its time and not for me.

Gunnerkrigg Court, Whomp, It Hurts!'s sequel whenever that is, Kill Six Billion Demons, Poppy O'Possum, Awkward Zombie, Manly Guys Doing Manly Things, Cucumber Quest, Order of the Stick, Endtown, Monster under the Bed, Scandinavia and the world, and others I can't recall off the top of my head.

Well it's been a year since there was an Achewood strip so I'd say worse

What's uh. What's this from?



Just about every green one on this list.

That's kinda cute in an innocent misunderstood way.

Awful Hospital, Devil's Candy, Camp Weedonwantcha, Lackadaisy Cats (on and off), K6BD (also on and off), Bomango and pic related.

I blame the Teen Magazines.

didn't poppy end or something

Why is Zebra Girl not in urban fantasy?

is anything that comes out of /hyw/ good?

No, it’s just a visual novel now, which is a fate worse than death.

Witchway's Witch
Anything by Capeworld
Pike and Merchant
Wilfreda the Wannabe Witch

Apropos of Davis Willis, have Dumbing of Age threads been banned? I used to like to come to them every now and then to laugh at Willis' antics, but I never see them around anymore.

Witch’s Hill, Merchant and Pike, Witchways Witch, The Green Knight, Bridgefire Comics, The Sisters,Laserwing, Nessie’s comic (Whatever it’s called) and Vigor Morris are all good.

>Urban fantasy with an emphasis on character interactions
Literally every webcomic.

I don't think they were banned, the poster probably just stopped posting it and he was the only one still in to it. Also the Patreon user couldn't supply anymore. It was a lot of fun when it was full of Willis hatred, but it got really boring since the comic got really boring, and everyone accused the OP of being Willis.

Ah yes, the gripping urban fantasy and character dynamics of Penny Arcade

seems pretty good to me

So what's Neo Kosmos all about?

>Whomp! in depression
>Prequel isn't

>Mfw I'm actually interested in the plot and world of Neokosmos but it's so fucking slow

Put Homestuck in the anti-rec pile

I would say worst, the progressiveism is overflowing with certain places of Webcomics and creators aren't learning from other mistakes on why people don't care for the other so called "open minded" cliques. I'm seeing on twitter that people are changing, and growing and at the same time. They basically are becoming alone sooner or later.

Tyson Heese? Fucker is now one of the most famous video game artists of all time and he fucked around with SuperPsyguy back in the day.

Tara Welker-Stewart of HeartCore? She's getting older over time and her clique is becoming more toxic.

David Willis? Should I really say more about David fucking I'll fight about transformers and white people are the devil Willis?

Zack from Paranatural is just getting more pathetic the more I read him.

And Hiveworks the comic hub is becoming nothing more than a shit pile to even go and see if comics updated even more.

Webcomics are getting closer to a dying breed at this point either you live by paetron bucks, or you basically become the talent about shit or you become the laughing stalk of the internet.

it was a webcomic by Shelby cragg who helps on the homestuck games

it was basically a homestuck/steven universe clone that tried to use the popularly of those to gain a following but surprise surprise it sucked and was just a pandering mess

she and her wife (who works on Steven Universe) recently decided to end it and make the project a novel, but it really can't stand on it's own. it's a copycat work that doesn't have original art, ideas, characters, or writing

you'll notice that everything shelby has ever worked on with good writing was written by a homestuck fanfic writer who went on to be a pretty good writer, shelby and amber are artists first and cant write worth a damn she's even admitted this

When was the last time we talked about it here? 2012?

anyone here read girl genius?

It's weird seeing a woman that I've seen do CEI porn interacting with childrren.

This thread made me discover that Blastwave is still being updated.

Do not worry. The ONE will return to us soon. He has risen again

>still being updated.
Once in a full moon maybe.


It's a web serial with a picture per page though the past 3 or so pages have been regular strips since they're all action.
Cucumber Quest isn't that good, I only read it because Hiimdaisy made the Persona comics, though I like his/her Phoenix Wright related stuff better.

It'll get better once my webcomic is released

It's a novel now? So no more comic pages? What's the plan?

Too much drama.

Camp weedonwantcha, order of the stick, and cucumber quest because I wasn't aware of the lesboshit when I started
Used to read it hurts!, paranatural pre 2014, minus and problem sleuth

Holy shit. I remember making/updating this list...six years ago. You even kept some of the same pictures.


There was a thread done a few weeks ago for a new webcomics rec, with the reason being that most of the comics on the list were dead and it was extremely outdated

Questionable Content (it's like a trainwreck. it's horrible, but you can't look away)
Girl Genius (probably my favorite)
Dumbing of Age (meh, it's mildly amusing)
JL8 (fucking update already!)
Darths & Droids
Friendship is Dragons yeah, I know kms, right?

I wish I used the same pictures. I tracked down every comic, edited every picture, and posted all their links in the pastebin in the image. I probably should not have put so much effort in to it.

Also, yeah thanks for making the original chart, it helped me a bunch to get in to reading webcomics.

Holy shit that is just the fucking worst

oh wow, a human being doing human things, where is this world coming to?
reminder that porn actors are still regular people just doing their job.

I've been reading it for 12 years. I've met Phil Foglio 3 times.

Phil is a good guy, met him twice now. Only met Kaja once, but she's just as cool. Last time they came to a convention I go to, I showed them how I would have helped defend Mechanicsburg.

recently picked up nature of nature's art

I'm not complaining, but I didn't think 17776 would qualify as a webcomic


Almost all of those comics are terrible.

I think that user knows that. But it makes sense why it'd seem weird--it's like 2 seperate contexts colliding.


>women oppressing younger girls
This needs to stop.

Yeah, I used to enjoy hate reading some of these, Willis, Sinfest, Dresden Codak. But they're not even fun to make fun of anymore. They're all so repetitive and dull. I can't imagine anyone actually reads them for enjoyment


Is this a webcomic or one of those "kid-ized" comics dc did a while back?

slut shaming


Braniac was right


nigga what the fuck are you doing?


I don't really follow web comics, but they've undoubtedly gotten better over time, if you're talking about the span between when the world wide web was accessible to now. Until fairly recently, most people were unfamiliar with how to use drawing software, scanners sucked, and webcomics were only made and read by turbo-nerds, so the drawing, plot, etc. of an average webcomic was piss-poor. Oh, and the art styles are outdated and cheesy by contemporary standards, though this is something that'll happen to most stylistic trends in time (e.g. that tumblr red nose ambiguous brown type shit). I'd say that it's only been within the past 10 years where decent webcomics became common. Most of them are still shit tho

>it hurts

i miss the good ol days :'(

Read Bad Machinery for a nice big backlog of good stories.

This was a great concept except the characters are all so annoying.