2018 is off to a great start

2018 is off to a great start.

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This show still isn't cancelled?

>Ping Pong
When has this shit ever worked?

Just don't watch

Did they make the rest of her grow or is it me?

What's the deal with Bliss?
I thought she was going to be a regular character. You know, one that appeared in every episode.

Here's the video. Enjoy:

>Total Drama Daycare
>more TTGo
>the fucking Adventure Time + Minecraft special

They are still burning off the S2 episodes they ordered before the show started (no one watches this)

>loli top half
>adult bottom half
what did they mean by this?

Jude confirmed, this pleases me

>black powerpuff has huge hips
What did they mean by this

Thank Christ they changed her design at least
Looks better now

>>loli top half
>>adult bottom half
This will be someone's fetish if it isn't already.

It's what happens when you reach a singularity of refined taste.

>Jude is actually in the show.
God fucking damn it.

She's shit mary sue.

I can't wait for the porn
They fucking knew what they were doing

>new shows are all shit
>AT Minecraft special
>OK KO being the only decent one and that’s stretching it
No wonder they spam ttg, they have nothing else of worth

>shota jude
Almost thought it was Geoff at first based on the image being spread. Stoner dudebros as shotas is a fetish I didn't know I had.

I wonder if that means the rest of the main 6teen cast is confirmed as well.

By the look of that scene, I believe she's in her first high school dance or something. I wonder who will be her date.

What show was Venus?

Mutant Ninja Turtles. Venus De Milo was the female magic turtle introduced.

They found the time to air this between episodes of Teen Titans Go?

No shota and /ss/.

There is truly no rest for the wicked.

Does this mean we'll be getting more porn of Bliss?


That just looks like the Me!Me!Me! girl but brown

>2016: Everything went to shit
>2017: Dissapointments and blunders
>2018: The year of the Cancer

Mark my fucking words.

that's actually a pretty good look for Bliss

didn't know the Minecraft special is going to be 2D, also looks like they're bringing in a fusion gimmick for Ben 10

>apple and onion
>summer camp island

I hope they get cancelled

>2018: The year of the Cancer

That's been every year recently.

>also looks like they're bringing in a fusion gimmick for Ben 10
It's not a fusion gimmick it's a toyetic armor power up form that's been in the show for a while (But they haven't actually made toys of yet)
Then again they made a new alien called Shock Rock who himself just looks like all the armors so maybe it is some sort of fusion I don't know.

She fucked off to Saturn because even an OC like her could see how shitty the show is.

>ended the year with rule 34 of a child

>Partially began the year with stumbling upon a gimmick character returning

Dis gon be gud

Lil' Jonesy will very likely appear (his voice actor helms Total Drama now)

>Literally nothing worth getting excited about from CN this year.
What did we do to deserve this?

Oh shit I never watched past the first bliss episode. I should finish the special.

Take the netflixpill.

I thought she got Poochie'd

Honestly, the Adventure Time/Minecraft special might be fun, unless you're a fag who thinks it's still cool to hate either, or a person who just straight up dislikes either.

I'll consider it when they don't have such a retarded release schedule

please tell me this isnt a trap

She's from a Mexican cartoon, not a Californian webcomic.

AT is fine I guess.
Frankly my only wish is CN would just kill it already so to stop pretending like they care

That's not the thing I uploaded

not Sup Forums but... a new Ace Attorney game is coming this year...

AT is ending soon, last few episodes

original the character donnut steel

I know, I'm happy for that.

I already made the leap to Sup Forums and Sup Forums, still seeing the sad state of Sup Forums makes me depressed and angry

Random Hanazuki.
AT's ending at least, so they can't ignore what's already going to be dead, but at least the special won't be after the series ends like some people thought it might.

I know it's ending, but not soon enough.

Just release entire season already CN, we all know you give enough of a fuck to give any special fan fare even though you should. So cut the bullshit so the people who do care can mourn and celebrate in peace

Whats even worse is theyre promoting shit like apple and onion and craig of the creek in that ad like its so great. I cant wait for them to fucking fail and CN desperately starts showing more of their popular shows and greenlights more competant pilots to prevent their channel from failing into mediocrity

Even as a kid I hated shows with ugly art style.

What are some CN show art styles that are uglier than Apple and Onion and Summer Camp Island? I can't think of anything.

Problem solverz, and even then that looks better then ugly furry shipping: the show


Even as someone who liked Summer Camp Island, from the short and artstyle.

Why did the ever living fuck did they greenlit it for a full series? Nothing about it needed to be anything more than a short. Why would CN greenlit it even though it was probably never meant to be anything more than a single short?

>add a 4th PPG that no one asked for
>make her fuck off at the end of the episode
>lol no she's coming back
nuPPG is JUST: the animated series

fuck yes

TTG is their worst show right now, SU has about as many episodes and AT has even more. There is no excuse for why they spam TTG, and even then they shouldnt be spamming one show, but if they had to they could pick from a couple of shows that are much more popular. I really think miller is fucking autistic or insane at this point.

Maybe to be the next gravity fall or adventure time since their going to focus on adventure theme in the show.

AT is going to have reruns shown next week.

It isn't though. The fucking focus was the nature of relationships, there wasn't even the pretense of "adventure".

The most adventurous thing about the short is literally the title. Is that what CN did? Greenlit the show on literally just the title?

Still, not enough to compensate for the horrible TTG spam thats been going on for over a year

>no magiswords
>no clarence
>no mega man
>that dumbass okko episode

I hate CN

How the hell is all this shit getting greenlit but GKND didn't? Holy shit.

Watch her show.

They might change it since they show is based on her old idea.

>>no magiswords
Good riddance

I would if Netflix wasn't retarded

magiswords is the better "muh reference" show

>mega man
I know this cartoon is probably going to be really bad but it'll be entertaining when it gets its own tie in videogame despite being a tie in to the videogames. I have a feeling it won't play anything like an actual mega man game and that'll be hilarious.

>mfw that literally describes half of CN's shows right now
It hurts

Being a fan of western animation is fucking suffering.

We're lucky to get 2-3 watchable shows a year, while Sup Forums gets about that many each season.

>blue hair with brown skin and purple dress

Goddamn, this is an ugly design. They couldn't have picked a worse color scheme, this rivals the sparkle dog shit from the late 2000s.

Actually I take that back, it doesn't describe half. It describes ALL OF THEM

>the fucking Adventure Time + Minecraft special
Is it wierd this intrests me.

>tfw literal Tumblr shit ruined a show you didn't even knew you liked

Would purple hair be better? I think purple hair goes better with brown skin for some reason (Shantae, Enid, that one chick from that lesbian swordfighting anime, etc.)

>liking NuPPG

Minecraft can easy manipulate people.

The fuck even is unikittys voice. It's like twilight sparkle with a dash of ben tenyson and some timmy turner.

Guess Tara Strong's real voice is becoming unrecognized.


au contraire


It at least matches the god damn eyes

Thats a huge part of the problem with the design is the hair and eyes don't match. All the other PPGs had matching hair and eyes

Aw shit, CN made a Warhammer cartoon?

Bubbles had yellow eyes?


Fuck, I was looking at blossom

Cancelled in favour of more TTGO

so did buttercup
bubbles is the odd one out

>When has this shit ever worked?

Charles Martinet only voiced 4 Italians and a dragon and he's still a much more memorable VA than that annoying thot.

this look terrible

personally I think she'd look best if her eye and clothes colors were shifted to a blue-green and her hair over to a black or brown instead, something like this


I like the teal color pallet, my issue is her weird fucking body. Why is she drawn like early pilot ppg?

Oh don't worry user the, shit show which is the 2010's will end once 2020 arrives

>I like the teal color pallet, my issue is her weird fucking body. Why is she drawn like early pilot ppg?
well she is supposed to be a teenager for one thing, that's why she's got longer limbs, and VampireMeerkat tried to fix the disproportionate torso that Bliss had in the show(although it's a shame she lost the hips in the process)

Prototypes always have some weird kinks to work out.