Cartoon has alien invasion force be evil

>cartoon has alien invasion force be evil
>implying theyre not completely in their right to conquer inferior civilizations

Hello /x/

The emperor shames on you and your opinions and the only ones who will be receiving exterminates is you.

Fuck off, you filthy alien.

Do they need to conquer us though?

I'm pretty sure most leaders would gladly turn this planet into a vassal state for another empire if they could keep most of our laws, and stop us from causing our own imminent doom.

>all these butt hurt human worms
Topkek, you rationalize colonization against inferior races, but when we do it we are some how in the wrong. Your butt hurt will only stimulate our anal probes more so.

Gee, I wonder what this could be alluding to...

Go back to mars, we'll be with you in a few years.

>Gee, I wonder what this could be alluding to...
Yes user, what could this mean at all?

most american post ever

You mean how superior societys are completly in their right to subjugate and colonize inferior primitive vermin?

Wasn't War of the World, the first of the alien invasion type of science fiction, basically about the evils of British colonization?

I think its about Faggot Universe.

>implying you would be saying that if you were the one being conquered
>implying you'd be saying "well they're right, we are inferior after all" while an ayy lmao is chasing you down with a ray gun

>implying you'd be saying "well they're right, we are inferior after all"
I would, i hate this putrid race and want to see it conquered and suffer

A society advanced enough to reach our planet and still finds the need to conquer us is inferior.

Seriously, what possible resource do we have that they can't get? We aren't a prime location either. And there are plenty of other planets. Only explanations I can come up with off the top of my head are a) religious/dogma driven aliens or machines with a "directive" or b) they are almost out of fuel and have to live here or die in the cold abyss.

Maybe if we were already a space faring race and threatened their dominion, sure... but otherwise, what reason do they have?

Nah, if shit got real you'd be crying and pissing your pants.

OP is an Eldar shill

If that faggot show is really the first thing your mind jumps to when it comes to aliens invading I think you might have a weird obsession with it user.

Stop projecting, id embrace my superiors with honor, while youd probably drink cyanide like a coward

> I would be a cuck with honor!

I'm beginning to realize that your containment board acts more as spawning pool than anything else.

But I'll humor you with a hypothetical. Say that your obnoxious faux-authoritarianism hasn't alienated you from present and prospective loved ones. That you have a healthy relationship with others, starting with a family that managed to provide you with a father-figure this time around. Would you really, REALLY, say what you're saying now if one of them faced discrimination or direct physical harm from invaders? Could be aliens, could be demons, could be soldiers from a hostile neighbor, that really doesn't matter. Could you ACTUALLY stand there and extol the moral fiber of colonialism if you, or someone you cared about, had nothing to look forward to than rape and dirty bootheels for the remainder of your lives?

If not, congratulations, you're not the low-functioning sociopath you appear to be. I just got meme'd on. You're only a hypocrite.

>being an internet tough guy

Please get some self-awareness.


t. kent brockman

What the fuck is Sup Forums about this?