Ywn bring raven pizza for lunch while the titans are out of the tower

>ywn bring raven pizza for lunch while the titans are out of the tower
>ywn have her begrudgingly accept your lunch offer and invite you into the tower
>ywn watch her take the first slice as you lean against the counter, watching intently as the first slice and all its melted goodness slowly approaches those lips of hers
>ywn have her look at you mid-bite, and blush as she realizes where your mind is
>ywn have raven tease you with a slice of fucking pizza
>ywn ask her "do you realize what you're doing to me?" as you saunter over to her and capture her lips in your own, the pizza lying forgotten on the counter top

feels bad yall

Fat guy mixing sexual feelings with food again.

you wound me, user

shut up, pan


I'd rather just fuck her from the start with no pizza or anything involved. Honestly I'd rather not even talk to her or look at her, just fuck.

Is pan supposed to be here?

suppose no social interaction WOULD be the way to go around here

What the fuck? Has the artist ever seen a piece of pizza in his life? That doesn't even look like pan pizza or rising crust, that's a fucking sponge with sauce on it

Imagine being so fat you think pizza is erotic

it's brokenlynx21, so the answer to that is up in the air

it really is!

is that way, you worthless piece of maggot shit

welp, awaaaAAYY I GO

Cucking when?

any time someone can get him to sit down long enough to watch a guy fuck a girl dressed as raven?

>Fat Raven

Entire cosplay NTR? Could work.

Pan loves fat bitches.

I hope you have to encounter people that unironically use phrases like ‘reee’ and ‘maga’ in daily conversation.

i have that already, user, sadly


it'd really be an issue of getting a girl who can pull off raven well and would be down with being on-camera. it's harder than one would think

i wish i could stop, but Sup Forums fuels me

Well, shit. Good.


>be from Sup Forums
>ogle raven and talk about how creepy Pan is

>be from /ck/
>feel nothing but anger at how badly drawn the pizza is

/cock/ is truely the logical end point in this board evolution

Ravenfags are the fucking worst

So you want to put a blindfold on, walk into what you assume is Titan's Tower, silently fuck whatever you get a hold of and just say it was Raven?

I don't suppose you'd be giving her Pan Pizza?

As much as i love raven, i think TT is cringey shit from what ive seen of it, and hate its exsistance for not only spawning a cancerous fanbase that over hypes the show but also TTGO.
Tldr: they both suck and you should get over them, except making porn from it, thats okay

user. Take a look at how thick that pizza dough is. That’s a pan pizza she’s glompfing down.

>Pan pizza is for uncultured swine
now thin crust is where its at!

>internet goes off for a 2 days
>come back and I find out I've missed out on one of the biggest things to happen on Sup Forums

oh believe me user, i couldn't care less for the shows


a master plan if i ever heard one

yes yes my suffering shall be undending

>darkest dungeon
you have no room to talk


My hatred for TTG and it's discussions on Sup Forums have slowly made me develop and biased hatred towards the original. I didn't even care that much about the original beforehand.