Lesbian character reconsiders her sexuality after meeting a cute boy

>Lesbian character reconsiders her sexuality after meeting a cute boy

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>Lesbian character solely defines herself through her sexuality
For fuck's sake

name 52.5 times this has ever happened

The gay meme was a mistake.

>boy gender bends
>gf turns lesbian

Why is this the best?

>Sup Forums is so gay it's looped around into saying that being gay is a meme

>the cute boy is black

They cannot keep getting away with it

Best kind of trope, i hate seeing cute girls turn into dykes on most modern cartoons

That image is the best thing to come out from that shit film

Wait... has this happened? Also, link me if it has. I wanna read it.

>one character happens to be a dyke or a fag
>reeee, I'm sick of this, reeeeeee
Please consider not being retarded. You waifufags are the worst.

>Straight character reconsiders his sexuality after meeting a cute boy


Fucking panda man... I'm still too dumb to get past it.

Marceline isnt supposed to be a fucking lesbo you retarded fuck

It's called
>Nyotaika Shita Ore o Do-S Kanojo ga DenMa de Ikaseyou to Suru Ken ni Tsuite | The Story of How My Super Sadistic Girlfriend Tried to Make the Gender-Swapped Me Come With an Electric Massager

You can try finding it somewere else.

Says who? Are you the shows creator? Unless shown otherwise, people can think of her however they want.

Thank you. That description sounds nice.

>Are you the shows creator?
He made her after one of his crushes, she was never intended to reject men you fucking idiot.

All lesbians need is a good dicking

Has this ever happend?
I know couple of "straight"chicks turning homo/bi, but never seen "Lesbian" going for the dick

>Girl looks like muscular dyke
>She's just a tomboy who is into extreme vanilla things with her boyfriend.

>people still believe this

The best kind

I need a sauce now

>Implying this isn't true

Lesbians do need a good dicking, so does gays and straight boys, and straight women

Can't beat the cock, man. Not the cock.


I read it somewhere. Anyways, thats not an excuse to turn marceline into a lesbian for a shit ship like bubbiline when she was always supposed to be a tease for finn. She hasnt acted in character for years now, and has become a glorified accessory for bubblegum.

>countering headcannon with headcannon

>her originial role and personality in the cartoon is suddenly head canon
Genius, user


>the creator of the show isn't allowed to allow character progression because I said so
She has more history with bubbles than finn.

>The entire plot description is the title of the work
Why do nips do this?

Character progression doesnt mean changing the entire character to the point its unrecognizable and becomes little more then a prop for other characters, thats shit writing.

Not when the show started

>Movie is hinted to be a lesbian, never actully shown doing lesbian stuff and even if she does she's still just a bi, because of the lines of dudes she fucked previously. Where the hell is my pure lesbians at?


>Where the hell is my pure lesbians at?
In your head

Her loving bubs didn't change her character at all

This post was a mess, from start to finish

In the case of porn, it's so that you know what it's going to be before you start fapping to it, which is very useful.

>character starts out assuming they have to love someone of the opposite gender despite being treated like trash by them because society says it's for the best
>turns out same sex treats them better and is more relatable
It's Korra all over again and what makes it character Progression

>cute boy
Are you gay?

More like:
>Character hijacked cus some writers went in over their heads how much they want their headcanons to be put in the show resulting in fanfic tier episodes that attempt to "build" a relationship between them

All those episodes are canon though and you being butthurt doesn't change that.

It being canon doesn't change the forced crappy writing

She's a very clumsy cook, got sauce all over herself

real life

>straight character reconsiders his/her sexuality after seeing a very ugly person of the opposite sex

>not a single person has given an example of OP

No examples exist outside porn.

Youre a fucking retard if you dont believe it made her completly different and eventually an accesory to PB. Kill yourself you cancerous shipper fag

>Lesbian character kills herself

It's a man's power fantasy to turn a lesbian. Doesn't actually exist in cartoons though for children.

>getting upset because someone pointed out how flawed your head canon was
user. Marci is gay for bubblegum. Canon fact lore

Everyone needs a dicking! Even kids!

T. Japan

thanks jews

>Marci is gay for bubblegum
Thats shit writing and her characterization and how it was ruined wasnt head canon, you shit gargling retard.

It ruins your imaginary relationships?
Elusive in life, elusive in fiction, must be frustrating.

>hurr durr ill ignore his argument on why its annoying seeing characters ruined by being turned into dykes by deflecting on how hes lonely
This is why no one wants to fuck you, fat ass tumblrite

Most lesbians aren't actually lesbians, but attention whores that think they're lesbians or only want attention from guys

Remember kids, a personal opinion is not a fact.
This lonely old man hates lesbians, and that doesn't mean shit to anyone but him.

>lesbian looses the one she's in love with to a cute guy
>falls for that cute guy later

This is a fact

>a personal opinion is not a fact.
Her original personality being ruined is not a personal opinion you thick retarded AT faggot. Kill yourself and rid the world of your filth

If only pic related was an example

>it's okay to have horrendous writing because it makes people mad
How's that working for you, Marvel?

You're clearly autistic. Good day. Bye bye.

>Lesbian character reconsiders her sexuality after meeting a cute boy
>Best kind of trope, i hate seeing cute girls turn into dykes on most modern cartoons
>His argument on why its annoying seeing characters ruined by being turned into dykes

She was never a lesbian if a cute guy got her to change her mind. Being a fag or dyke is all the rage these days and those who are easily impressionable can be convinced they're a faggot or a dyke

Not an argument you pathetic faggot
It was the other way around you idiot, and it was clearly pandering.

I think the frustration comes from a place that is spiteful of both indoctrination and the futility of it,

The idea that your sexual orientation ever needed to be questioned in the first place is totally unnecessary but somehow in fashion to do so. Most women trend towards wanting to follow the group, and usually scale higher in openness and neuroticism, with the added bonus of not being as repulsed by tender interactions with their own gender, so the women are particularly susceptible and of course it comes with a certain cool factor that's oh so attractive.

And then there's the futility of it, I think we could agree that it is ubiquitously noticed that young women go through a phase of questioning their sexuality only to eventually arrive back at being straight again. So that might have spanned an indefinite period of time where the person was sexually unavailable to men. Not to say it would be better for them follow through with being a lesbian for life because that option is even less productive.

So much of a person's mind is malleable during their formative stages though so to have such a malignant idea of needing to question your sexuality spread around is seen as insidious, especially since it's such a modern idea and we've all done quite fine without it so far so a person has to wonder why we don't discard it.

Well, here goes No-Fap 2018

Why would you willingly cuck yourself from fapping?

I've been doing it non-stop for 12 years, I had to stop sometime

this is a terrible idea

I disagree. In fact, I think everyone should be bisexual and every faggot and macho who think he's not is clearly a repressed retard.
You talk about spiteness of indoctrination yet you talk about discarding the questioning of your own sexuality. That's not only retarded but flawed.
I'm not going to convince you, I know. That's why I don't give a fuck about this argument. I reccommend you, though, to start questioning things.

>implying it won't be
It is only a matter of time

>says the guy who gets shot down with the "im not into guys" line with the "guy" part really just meaning "you"

How about light novels? Why do they have ridiculously long titles? Even their Japanese titles are a mouthful to say

>Lesbian character as if lesbianism is a real thing and not just something women do for male attention

wow bigot much?
lesbians don't just do it for male attention
sometimes they do it to get back at their parents

Among lesbians, real lesbians, there's always the "male" and the female. The so called "female" lesbian will fall for boys as easy a any normal woman

>what about lesbian female female couple

This doesn't really exists, it's just hedonistic sexual intercourse based on forced stimulation of the sexual areas, often drowned in alcohol

I see went over your head

No one SHOULD be anything, and no one should care about what anyone else is.
The ones with opinions like are the biggest cunts.
Fuck off dude with your saving poor impressionable lost souls from their mistakes.

if they do it for male attention why aren't there any guys in lesbian clubs?

They mistake lesbians with the porn they fap to

There are.
They are calling themselves trans.

No it didnt you cock sucking faggot

Kys fag

This thread really makes me think.
In media, it's much, much more common for a supposedly straight character to turn out to be a lesbian, but very rare for an out of the closest lesbian character to turn out to be straight. In fact it's so rare that I honestly can't think of any examples off of the top of my head.
I wonder how often people who claim to be homosexuals end up in heterosexual relationships in the long-run. It's obvious that the inverse happens from time to time, but I wonder how common a homo to hetero thing is. I'm sure it happens to some level even if it's rare, and now I'm kind of wondering why such characters feel like an extreme rarity.

I think the latter does exist, they just end up being called bi

hetero is default so unless you were raised gay it would be strange to go homo=>hetero. I could see it happening with girls though

I think there is a webcomic where a character hooked up with a domineering and abusive lesbian when she was a teen questioning her sexuality and later realizes she isn't gay.

Everyone just forgets being Bisexual is a thing. Or that labels are stupid and just go and fuck whoever you want.

Chasing Amy is the only one I can think of.

I can't think of an example in comics or cartoons. It happens mostly in live action:

>Chasing Amy
>Me Him Her
>She Hate Me
>The Kids Are All Right
>NBC Dracula

Can't beat the cock, man.

>I read it somewhere.
OK Donald

Does Rose Quartz count? She really didn’t care about men and treated them more like pets till she met Greg

>thats not an excuse to turn marceline into a lesbian for a shit ship like bubbiline
>PB sleeps with the shirt she gave her and sniffs it every day
Are you really this dense? Right from the start she was bi.