Jean does not like Logan

Jean does not like Logan.

Other urls found in this thread:

1. What is she talking about
2.She's a fucking shit actress and is the reason why I'm not seeing the new X-Men
3. When is Based Mouse going to end this shitty series?

Oh it's shitty Youtube celeb drama. I hope the repeal of NN destroys their livelihoods and they'll be forced to get real jobs.

>1. What is she talking about

Youtuber visited the Suicide Forest in Japan, found a corpse and filmed it for his channel.

A YouTube went to the suicide forest in Japan and recorded a body

Logan Paul did a vlog from the Japanese suicide forest, found a dead body while on camera, then started telling jokes.

>random Hollywood dunderhead jumps on dogpile with obviously agreeable non-opinion
Wow, really interesting. Do you have any more of those quality tweets?

>Suicide faggots

Literally why do people give a shit? I hate the reverence society gives to people who take their lives.

Who was in the wrong here?

Whatever you say Shadow the Hedgehog

While she's right, fuck off. I'm tired of hearing about Paul brothers at this point. Why no one in LA shanked them is beyond my understanding.

How the fuck is this Sup Forums related?

Japan only cares because of bizarre laws regarding filming people.
The westerners care because they think it's offensive to honoraburu Nihon samurai culture.

It's not.

You all know what to do.

Jesus fucking Christ. Even celebutards are not above spazzing out about YouTube eceleb drama.

You think that’s bad, read what Aaron Paul said. The actor from Breaking Bad.

I'm more offended at what he is wearing. How can an adult wear that in public.

Its all about the clicks

>You all know what to do.
Play roll games?

>see a corpse of some guy who killed himself
When did morals and empathy die? How did we get this far?

The rules specifically state that Sup Forums posts on actors/actresses should only be about their careers. Clearly Sup Forums needs that rule too.

>The westerners care because they think it's offensive to honoraburu Nihon samurai culture.

No, it's just gross and demeaning, regardless of where you are in the world.


I just noticed the hat.

I don't get this meme

>heh I don't like this thread so I will make sure it gets loads of replies and stays bumped that will teach OP

>this is Sup Forums because she's in an x-flick

Now I'm going back to /gif/ to see the rekt threads, fuck man people are disgusting

What's even more offensive is that he didn't poke the body with a stick

That's like the cardinal rule for finding a dead person

Anyway, I hope it gets him into shit with the gooks. At the very least banning him from the country

Because you're a fucking idiot also mods will delete this thread in a few minutes thanks to

Why would you remind me those exist. You've already ruined my day and I just got up.


>2.She's a fucking shit actress and is the reason why I'm not seeing the new X-Men
You needed a second reason after Jennifer Lawrence shit all over Mystique?

>Kill yourself in a public place so that complete strangers find you dead
>Expecting any sort of respect for your corpse in this, the era where every retard alive has a camera on them 24/7

I find shit like this in bad taste, but you have to admit that it's neither shocking nor surprising in this day and age.

Because consequences has become a joke now

Nobody gives a shit, but a lot of people like to pretend they do for attention

Yes it is, for decent people.

Yeah, in the olden days they would have just laughed about it and taken a few pictures, like normal people.

It's less about the suicide itself and more the fact that some e-celeb has used someone's actual dead body (which the context of it makes it more sad) as a prop for EPIC YOUTUBE CONTENT BRO

It's fucking surreal that we live in a world in which a corpse turns up as a tool for vlog cunt to get views and money.

>all these soccer moms, lazy parents and normies raging over some retarded vlogger they trusted as being children's entertainment

wtf I now love Logan Paul

user he’s saying we’re a generation of narcists do you think narcists are decent people

>loving nu-males who dress like children in public

Did you ever hear about what happened to the Girl's Gone Wild video mogul? One day after a night of partying some guy was waiting in his house and forced him to rape himself with a dildo at gunpoint. I don't think anybody caught the guy. I don't think anyone wanted to catch the guy.

That is hilariously funny and sad.

>complaining about nu-males on Sup Forums
>complaining about nu-males on Sup Forums's comic book and cartoon board

I want normie LARPers to leave. A few years ago people here would've found this fucking hilarious and now all you fucks can worry about is proving you're cool and mature to other Sup Forums crossposting faggots.

Joker would be proud

>Decent people

The vast minority, user. Most of them are like the tard that made the video in question.

>people here would've found this fucking hilarious

>I hope the repeal of NN destroys their livelihoods and they'll be forced to get real jobs.
t. doesn't understand how NN works

The best you can hope for is it fucks over "American" E-celebs(who in theory already make enough money to afford forking over a few extra dollars for probably better internet than they currently have) since google can afford what ever amount Network providers ask for. It'll open the market to europeans and other countries.

Don't try thinking too hard user, you are better of sticking to your "real job" for it.

He’s not wrong and you’re not either. Think about what’s happened these last few years


People have been posting pictures of dead bodies, including suicides, on the internet since it's been around. If you're posting on Sup Forums and that stuff still shocks you, you're obviously a newfag.

What a scumbag

He's a dudebro, not a nu-male. Get your normie terms right user

>wearing that

There you go again. Pretending to be a normie. No one cares and no one is going to give you a reward for being the most mild-mannered, boring, insecure, Sup Forums-approved fuck ITT.

Good, fucking fag

Ouch user you cut me with all your edges.

are there reuploads? that shit wint working anymore and need a laugh

yeah alright

Dudebros can wear silly stuff without caring because they're not insecure and desperate to appear masculine.


>mods doing anything
>calling me the idiot

>a millionaire with shitloads of subs from being a retard, being mildly attractive and appealing to normie humour standards
>"no WAY he's a dudebro look at his HAT, that definitely means all the other normal people, LIKE ME, think he's suuuuuper lame and childish! XD ....even though ironic 90s kid fashion is in right now and the hat is from toy story and not some obscure franchise....I'm mature and in the know, guys, I swear"

I want normie LARPers to leave. [2]

This is not Sup Forums in anyway

You project more than IMAX.

That guy is AIDS just walking around