Wonder woman thread


thoughts on cancelled wonder woman show

made this look like batman TAS

It was a fucking dumpster fire

This thread already looks shit OP, but I want to sperg about wondy so think about something.


what are you talking about?



I have a question, Sup Forums. I'm not big on wondie. Mostly because, more often than not, when I come across her stories (I read the recent rucka run) there's a lot of
>bad man, you thought women were weak, but I'm a superwoman, ta-dah!
drivel, which I don't really care for. Even earth 1 wonder woman had that
>hippolyta breaking out of her conqueror/slaver's chains and dealing with him
part and I just don't care for such stuff. I don't try to be Sup Forums, nothing wrong with enjoying that stuff if it's your thing, just not for me. Same with self-righteous executions, maxwell lord-style. Not something I particularly care for.

So, my question is, are there any wondie stories which just do the action babe doing action babey stuff thing, with no woman vs teh menz dynamic included?
I won't lie, cheesecakey stuff would also be a plus.

Azzarello and maybe the entire new 52 run.

Doesn't azz have sexist , rapist, baby enslaving murderzons?

>Wonder Woman? More like Wonder Whore

IMO the thing with Wondy - despite she one of the long running classics - she doesn't have that many good runs. Certain arcs and episodes are great under every writer but the whole rarely enjoyable in the long run except maybe Perez.

The problem is writers rarely know what to do with her action heroine part when they want to write her all warrior of love. So she is either bloodthirsty murderer or blah blah blah. Not to mention she is not allowed to take Supermans role so she rarely gets the classic scenes like pic.

I think it is part of Dianas charm she bashes man from time to time since she was taught they are evil and stuff, but of course it depends on the writer to not make it offensive.

I think if you ever want to care about WW you should read
>Wonder Woman by George Perez
first. It has a lot of the basics and everyone is building on that since then. Diana's Origin stories are somehow always great, my current favorites (besides Perez) are
>The Legend of Wonder Woman
>Wonder Woman: Earth One
As for the one shots:
>Spirit of Truth
>The Hiketeia
Don't let the cover drive you away, this is one of those definitive one shots Batman and Superman has a lot but she barely has any. I definetly suggest it.
>League of One

I may try to dig up arcs but I have to go now.


garbage costume but daaaaaamn

They seduce willing sailors not rape them. They just kill them after to keep secret.
But regardless those parts are only relevant for like 2 issues of the run.
There is a scene with Diana threatening Orion that is even worse but it's only for a couple pages.
Its a fantastic run despite those moments.


Oh god Carlos Pacheco's WW in this Jla/Jsa crossover was pure sex.

>IMO the thing with Wondy - despite she one of the long running classics - she doesn't have that many good runs.
She has tenure like Aquaman. Neither of them have enough worthwhile material for more than an Omnibus at most, after being around forever.

She was DC's only chance at selling merchandise to girls before Harley Quinn.






And yet his Rebirth run is great

who is this trap?
