Webcomic recommendations

What webcomics are you currently reading?

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nature of nature's art is a gem

Whomp is getting predictable

I wonder if that is a bad thing. I don't mind if something is predictable, but is presented in a nice package. Plus, almost everything is kinda easy to predict in most media, but still watch them.

Comedy and drama are the two genres that suffer the most when they get predictable

That's true, but some still manage to evoke some feelings and laughter if the presentation is good. There are some though that they completely fail so it's a case by case thing.

Whomp, It Hurts, Ennui Go, K6BD, He is a Good Boy, SMBC

Unsounded, Sandra on the Rocks, Gunnerkrigg Court, Menage a 3, and Oglaf. I'd read Lackadaisy whenever it updates.

my webcomic

are there any good webcomics on warhammer 40k?

>Hey look someone is using my chart
>I don't remember having a gold border that down lo-

OP you're a sneaky bitch, I'll give you that. I don't even know if I'm mad, like the comic doesn't even meet the criteria for a gold border

I wouldn't say amazing, but if you're looking for ideas the /tg/ wiki has a list of approved webcomics, some of them dedicated to 40k

And because the spam filter is being a bitch the few I saw were Boone Quest, Da Real Wurld 40k, Regular Marine, Turn Signals on a Land Raider, Slut Patrol, Servants of the Imperium, A Space Machine Life, Wobbly Model Syndrome, and stuff done by their drawfag Mr-Culexus. I can't really speak for the quality of any of those since I consider those /tg/'s jurisdiction and not mine.

So I read O Human Star and It's literally the gayest Webcomic since gay came to gaytown.

It's still pretty good


Come on dude let me promote it, I kind of need it right now desu (I know it doesnt even have the orange circle like every other golden one but I thought adding it anyway was funny

I mean I can't really stop you, but there are better ways to shill than adding yourself a list that might get passed around once a week. Honestly I didn't add it in the original thread because of the subject matter, that I wanted to be able to share it at large with my friends and /ss/ isn't everyone's shtick. The comic itself is pretty okay in my opinion.

Son espirit [ahem] est mort, user. It's not worth what it used to be anymore...let's not spread the disappointment further.

I read about 60-70 webcomics but here are some good ones I don't see on here that much:
BACK (backcomic.com/)
The Girl Who Flew Away (tgwfa.meedean.com/)
He Is A Good Boy (hiagb.com/)
The Quick and Dirty Life of Fritz Fargo (fritzfargo.com/)
Starward Lovers (starwardlovers.tumblr.com/)
Trying Human (tryinghuman.com/)

I like it a lot desu

Following the same formula =/= being predictable.

Let's see if you're right, try to predict what will happen in the next comic, I dare you

I was about to write a reply about how Helvetica doesn't deserve a place on there since it died almost right after the intro, but apparently it's been updating almost daily since Christmas.

>Copy and paste the same panel and only change the text/faces
So many webcomics from that list do that it's disgusting.

'Worm' for last spot in Drama.

Things the kids today don't know nothin about:
8-bit Theatre
Platinum Grit

Oh, and A Softer World

i got a suggestion....

>fedora - the comic
The maker of this list is a retard

West Tree Academy of heroes is super fun!

Please tell me they fuck, tell me there is a explicit sex scene that takes several pages

hi dewd, it's not.

>starward lovers
my nigga. last weeks full week of updates was so nice.

Each to their own, I'm just not confident over - among other things - the recent chapters' ability to sustain themselves by years of slow updating long-winding arcs, in which the entire story progression is affected due to this. Heck, Zack's Patreon accumulative $ have plummeted because people just can't stand being patient any longer.