What's Sup Forums opinion about Martha?

What's Sup Forums opinion about Martha?

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she can give consent
i give her a yes

Why did you say that name?

I find it very cute.


Is it too much to ask to stay ignorant about the existence of such 'colorful' art? I know it exists, but I don't want to ever be reminded it exists, please.

While on-topic, I'm surprised at how many episodes are there of Martha Speaks. It's a cute comfy show that's also my guilty pleasure, I don't know what else to say about it.

Because she speaks.

i dont make an effort to watch martha speaks, but whenever it happens to be on...well i dont make an effort to change it and I do find myself enjoying it.
Tabitha St.Germain's voice is a big reason for the comfiness i think

>Martha is a dog
>her show was animated in Canada
>Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister of Canada
>recently legalized oral zoophilia involving dogs
Was this his plan all along?

>year of the dog

Justin couldn't have possibly planned this far ahead.

>recently legalized oral zoophilia involving dogs
You’re shitting me

wait why just oral? Isn't this kind of an all or nothing deal?

wait is this show worth watching?

Technically she can consent though, and she's not retarded so it's a win win.

It will help your vocabulary, so why not

Fuck no.

aww I was hoping to autistically waifu the dog

If you got 6-to-10-year-olds who want to watch cartoons but don't like being treated like stupid children, Martha Speaks is perfect. It has charm, it has decent writing, and educates and entertains kids without relying on low-brow "humor".


I guess he's testing the water with the press. Not much attention was given to this legalization.

Watch it. It's a cute show. And Martha is so sweet.


To people lurking:

It was a side effect of another ruling.
Bacicaly this girl was kept captive by some pedo to make porn of her.
Some of that porn was with his dog.
She would have been charged for animal abuse under the law, but the judge desided to ok it.
As a result, if the animal is penitrating then sex with said animal is now legal, at least until someone fixes it

thanks guys

Wait, they would've charged the victim with zoophilia, but not the pedo criminal? That's pants-on-head retarded.

If you want, here is a link to episodes:

wait so only girls can fuck animals?

Get fucked by.

Is there a news article about this or anything? I'm having troubling believe that blowing dogs was made legal purely because Canada can't wrap their minds around the idea of prosecutorial discretion.

I know user, but I'm just relaying how it was reported.
Well, I suppose faggots can get pounded as well, but if you're a strait guy or a lesbian looking for that sweet horse pussy you're fresh out of luck.

That's... what?! Do you normally get prosecuted for crimes that a lunatic forced you to commit under threat of violence?

Pretty sure they said straight only. Then again they're blowing their dogs.

Here's an article from the independent, I got the story a little bit wrong but all the beats are still their

In Canada I can get charged with assault if I hurt an attacker more than they hurt me.
You yanks don't know how good you got it

>more than
So you can harm him and carry out a civilian arrest as long as he does more damage than you, right?

>Is it too much to ask to stay ignorant about the existence of such 'colorful' art?
yes, this isnt your blog and nobody cares about your feelings here

Except their dick. Dick feeling is pretty common in Sup Forums.

I care about his feelings user.

And I care about you too.

if you really cared about me you would leave

What the absolute fuck Canada?

Yes, mostly, depends on the court the judge, your skin color and gender, and god hello you for those last two, cause even if you survive the official courts a human rights tribunal will fuck your shit up.
Keep in mind I mean any assult and any damage, so if he swings a knife at you and you manage to break his arm? You're fucked.
The rules get really fucked for non violent crimes though. Some punk trys to break in an steal your tv? Well you better hope his neck doesn't hurt after you deck him otherwise you're screwed.

>sweet horse pussy


I feel like the logical thing to do would be to excuse the raped child on the basis that she had no control of her actions because she was being raped by psychopath, rather than legalize the shit the psychopath was making her do. Then again I am an actual human being and not a "progressive" so my thoughts and opinions probably have no overlap with those of a Canadian.

>a lesbian looking for that sweet horse pussy
why is this so fucking hot

how the fuck do you find that hot?


how could you not?

wouldn't just regular lesbians satisfy you just as much, if not better?

Screw the lesbians, I know what I want.

god that's creepy

I don't watch that show, because I am not a baby.

is this true? any scientific sources to back thios?

What channel did this run on? I don't believe I've ever seen it.

No one actually wants to fuck the dog, right?

I think not. Martha is fat.

did she talk like a country bumpkin?
if yes then consider it done.

I think so.

>cats and trash belong together, am I right