Do you like Ranpusnel?

Do you like Ranpusnel?

She cute.

She's alright but pic related is cuter

>have 32nd birthday
>decide to see Tangled alone
>take my Punzie doll to the theater
>black kids behind me are laughing at my doll
>"Ayyyy! This nigga got a Barbie!" "Ayyyyyyy!" "Homeboy got a Indiana Jones hat!"
>ignore them and continue to eat my Uncle Ben's rice
>movie gets to flying lanterns scene
>leave theater to take a shit
>mfw Rapunzo falls in the toilet bowl

It was so gross, I just flushed until she went down. I still fell bed about it to this day.

My man, she's not even cuter than her own sister.

No way, man. I don't know how to describe it, but the way the two characters act, Rapunzel's mannerisms feel like that's just her and I happen to find it cute, but Anna is someone trying so hard with a quirky girl in an attempt to make you go, "Isn't she cute!?".

nah, she's an ugly b


>32 in 2010

WTF is a 45 year old doing on co?

>32 + 7 = 45

Rapunzel is love. Rapunzel is life.

Love this movie so much man!

The cutest!

Is the tv-series any good? I've been putting off watching it due to the art style, but since the original voice actors are in it I'm a bit tempted to watch it.

How do you faggots sneak so much food into theaters? Do you just carry a backpack filled with breakfast, lunch, & dinner around?

Who ever said Elsa was cute? She's practically a sex symbol. You need some degree of innocence and naïveté to be cute, and Anna's got that in spades.

I highly recommend it if you loved the movie.

I like her because she is straight, unlike

10/10 would kek again

Alright, I'll give it a go. Thanks!

I remember one user writing greentext Rapunzel/Elsa/Anna erotic fic.
That was good shit.

>implying she and Lady Gothel never did anything lewd

I don't suppose you happened to screencap it, did you?

Gothel only cared for Rapunzel's hair, so she probably only did lewd things to the hair.

Don't confuse little playing with raging gayness.

>implying purest form of love isn't best love

Fair enough, but Anna's not raging gay. How could she be if she fell for Kristof?

am I the only one who prefers her with short hair?

Nope. She is certifiably adorkable with short hair. The kind of cute you wanna hug and fug simultaneously.

>am i the only one with shit taste
Unfortunately not.

For what other purpose would anybody wear cargo shorts?

Today is your lucky day, pal.
Part 1 goes here.

>on a date
>ask her if she likes Tangled
>says the only Disney movie she likes is Mulan
Wtf do I do?

Part 2.

get down to business

>Turn to see Eugene leaning on the windowsill
>"Don't worry. I like to watch."
Oh boy. This was where I knew this was going to be good. On to part 2!

Make a man out of her.

Part 3.

My dick is diamonds user, where is part 4?!

Part 4.

>"Aren't you coming, your majesty?"
>Help me, I still am

Part 5.

Why do people think some of their bs greentext stories are funny when they really aren't?

>most boy crazy Disney Princess
>willing to marry a guy she just met
>anything but straight

I like her

Curious question, did Shadman ever lewd her?

Part 6.

>BS greentext stories
Greentext stories have always been mostly BS. And anyway, I laughed, and I'm old enough to remember when this site didn't just shit all over every attempt a new funny greentext.

>Rapunzel playing with Elsa using Anna's hand

Fuck off you crybaby faggot. Most of these stories still ain't funny

Neck yourself

Not unless he did it within the last ~2 years. She doesn't have any meme status so I doubt that has happened.

destilj does it better anyway

Part 7.

Part 8.

Looks like it was the last part.

Damn, this is a sad story.

You're the crybaby faggot. Even worse, you're a crybaby oldfag who can't let go of his glorious greentext maymays of yesteryear. Just accept that you'll never be a teenager again and get on with your life.

Aw man, I can't believe he stopped writing there. Someone ought to finish it. Maybe I will. In any case, thanks for sharing!

No sweat.
Have a cute pic.

>go to animu con
>get hit on by 12-year-old Rapunzel cosplayer

Not even a footfag, but there's something sexy about Rapunzel's foot crossing over Elsa to reach Anna.

>7 a.m. the usual morning Sup Forums

>All I said was "I want to lick your arsehole".
>She responded by calling the cops. What a flirt!
>I couldn't beleive a 12-year-old would respond in such a flirtatious manner.
>A few people stopped to watch. I don't think they could believe how lewd she was either.
>I said "Ooh... you're a naughty one" and started taking my pants off.
>Had some trouble getting them off over my shoes, and while I was occupied with that someone tazed me right in my butthole.
>FML. I almost lost my hug virginity there. Still, I'm ony 47. There's plenty of time.

>ywn smell Punzo's feets

Rapunzel is not for lewd.

My little sister actually dressed up to watch this short in theaters, as if it were a real wedding.

I just remembered it's on NEETflix now. I'm gonna watch it.

She is mai waifu for laifu.

I'm an old fart too. I took my daughter to see Tangled when it came out. She was 6 and loved it so much she wanted to grow her hair out.

I have touched her at disney world

>Ran Paul


She doesnt meet outside

So we all agree they're the best Disney couple right?

He's a... "Special" kind of guy


The cartoon sucks ass. You expect cute adventures of Flynn and Rapunzle and get “OC DONUT STEEL who is a total cunt” the show

>“OC DONUT STEEL who is a total cunt”
There are like two of them, and even then she's never alone on the spotlight.

Little too much wine, OP?

>Is the tv-series any good?
I was skeptical but it's surprisingly great

i'm attracted to any skinny girl with a symmetrical face, because i am a simple man.

>"Hello, user"

he said girl, not beef jerky

If Rapunzel were born in the 80s she'd be called Radunzel

Yeah, this.

Seme. My stepson an his friends loved it.

What the shit, this isn't even an edit thread.

>be me
>see this movie in India
>whole theater is screaming

While I agree with the notion that Cassandra is an unnecessary addition to the show, she's no where near as bad as I thought. Cuddlesandra was best though.

Is there any movie where you guys don't scream?

Cassandra = yuri
Rapunzel = canon

When my local dollar theater played Tangled, I saw it 20 times in 12 days.

Can't say I blame you but you are probably on a list now.