How the fuck does Gayle afford her apartment...

How the fuck does Gayle afford her apartment? The wiki says her occupation is an "Artist" but I've never actually seen her like sell a painting or anything like that so I assume it's just a hobby.

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I assume her parents pay for it. I have an uncle like that, not living with my grandparents but basically still getting everything paid for from them directly in his 40's

Welfare? Checks from her parents?

I assume she has some form of disability and gets a government stipend.

Can I be adopted into your family?

>she has some form of disability
whore is not a disability

I thought she was kind of like begging Linda for money or blowing the landlord.

I have a cousin who acts a lot like Gayle. Learning disability and some related health problems. Gets a small govt. Apartment and welfare for food, but not much in the way of extras.

She has been known to beg for money, but with how poor the belchers are as is I doubt they would go so far as to completely pay her rent.

This entire thread acting like her apartment is awesome or something. It's a 350sqft shit box in an INCREDIBLY small coastal town near no major cities, that shit can't be costing more than $200/mo.

Not sure where you anons live, but my 1300 sqft home mortgage costs the same as my current 530sqft single bedroom apartment ten miles outside à major city.

and why do you have an apartment if you own a home
Bob's apartment would be nearly $4,000 a month for rent based on it's approximate location in Ocean City, NJ.

Gayle's rent would definitely be smaller, but still pricey for how much living space she gets.

If you have no income you can afford 0$ per month

Autism bux.

she is barely functional socially

If that's a disability where is my check

If you have no income the government tends to give you welfare

go down to the office with a bicycle helmet on and you just might get lucky

>with a bicycle helmet on
and a horizontally striped shirt and a homemade medallion

maybe add a sticker that says it's your birthday

>Bob's apartment would be nearly $4,000 a month

Jesus Christ asshole, commute! I never again want to hear about Bob fucking Belcher's money troubles when he could have already made a down payment on a nice house 25 minutes away from the restaurant. Although the real question is are Linda and the kids free labor worth $2500/month?

People move for work, yo.
Oh shit, really ? I didn't know if was a real place. Ha. I'm lame. Fuck Gayle though.