Madagascar 3


I feel so strangely aroused.

This was a legit good movie.

Fuck whoever uploaded this with the shitty low sound.


great comedy with a little bit of drama.

Wait, there are 3?

Yes and it was surprisingly good, aside from the abomination that is Afro Circus.

I prefer the Penguins movie


You're in minority then.

I hope rumours about Madagascar 4 aren't true, what it could be about? Dubois revenge?

Well, Julien did say he'd go back to Madagascar some day.

Basically, it would be the Circus doing a huge world trip. First across America, then Australia, Asia, Europe again and then Afrika. Eventually, they would hit Madagaskar.

And then it turns out, oddly enough, everything's gone to hell without Julien.

Just make King Julien movie, Zoo animals are happy in the circus.

In my opinion it was the best Madagascar movie, everything was just great

Yeah, it was full of great scenes, like they were really having fun with it.
Its nice given how bogged down 2 was with giving everyone a subplot.


>ywn jump from hoop to hoop with Italian cheetah girlfriend

>He's nearly twice her age
How did they get away with it??

The first 25 minutes/hotel/chase scene was 10/10 and right after that the rest of the film just slowly looses steam. That said, all in all I'd still say it's a good film with some genuine bits of comedy. The Penguins and the chimps were definitely the highlights but new side characters themselves were pretty great on holding on their own as well.

I'd honestly recommend to people who hated the first two since it's a lot more toned down and the CIRCUS AFRO bullshit was barely in the actual film.

They are animals