Phoenix Resurrection - The Return of Jean Grey

Storytiming the adventures of Jean in the land of dead muties







So Jamie really died in Death of X? Fucking hell


Seems like it. Maybe they'll use this to bring back a shit load of people at once.






>let me help guy- AGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
wew lad










> nobody knows where Mont and legion are
a) Legion isn't supposed to be known at all
b) Monet is supposed to be indisposed now by being extra-dimensional eater of mutant's marrow

They shouldn't remember who Legion is

Also there's still Blindfold and No-Girl

And they've modified Cerebra to work for nontelepaths before

Magneto, the master of spoon-beinging

>Mr. Claremont?


>who the fuck is this old gu..oh the necklace GOT IT

Also Xavier is back as Fantomex

Considering his mini starts in a couple weeks and he was referenced in TWO comics today, it's probably a pretty safe bet that he's back.

>pink haired Dazzler
Absolutely disgusting

>jean grey #11


Her fashion sense is as dead as... you know what that Magneto or one of his old Personality Shades running around or something.

I imagine one of his more extreme personality days has been running around since Xavier died...the piece of him that became Onslaught.

See, the thing about having a skeletal system comprised of adamantium is that when Magneto has control of it, he has control of the whole thing.

Inhumans comics/tvshow bellyflopped, Marvel has the X-Men property back for movies/tv...yeah I guarantee you that's exactly what they're planning on doing.

this is shit

Oh hi Martian manhunter

She doesn't have a full skeleton. Just her claws.

I always liked Cables outfits, even though they're 90s as hell. But it feels like an inappropriate time to be wearing straps and leather.

So is orginal Iceman also gay or not?

Is that Hellion?

Doesn't he have robot hands

holy shit that guido beard

>Letting Bobby lead a team
It's like Kitty wants to get this team killed

Artists can't seem to agree on how much of his hands are supposed to be metal. Originally he was amputated at the wrist and didn't get robot hands until Age of X where he lost his forearms as well and used his telekinesis to float the hands.

Sometimes he just floats robot hands and human regular forearms, sometimes the robot hands don't even float and are just connected to his wrists

Oh, look, it's Storm. Back from Harlem, I see.

God damn it, is Carlos writing this?

This stories getting weird. People can just leave the White Hot room?

Dazzler is back to her Excalibut costume?! Fuck yes! Now bring Juggernaut back to the good side.

Jean 'If He Likes Vagina, I'm Gonna Find Ya' Grey hasn't gotten to him yet, so no

>Monet is supposed to be indisposed now by being extra-dimensional eater of mutant's marrow
Was that in Generation X?

She merged with Emplate in Uncanny X-men and has gotten ugly in Generation X, like everyone else in that book

Fucking told you she wasn't dead.

Yes. Very. He comes out in his solo and shit. But it will be retconned soon.

>Kitty taking the east road again
First Rogue and Gambit now here. Kitty is a cunt

Hey Longshot, didn't even know he was around

He showed up in Mojoworld and stuck around.

Do you even read comics?

well that was a boring issue

yeah, renumbered the series for this arc and still counting this arc as counting to that numbering system. It's fucking stupid

Xorneto? He was the one that killed Jean.

it's on hiatus while this book is going on, #11 will be the last issue just to bring TJ and the others back and wrap a bow on this whole ordeal

I think this one of those Magneto has many powers sorta deals, he's astral projected before and does have a resistance to psychics.

He probably sees real Jean as a threat, while the rest of the X-Men might be willing to call a truce, Jean is hard no

>Magneto shows up just to fuck up your silverware and leave

Surely there are other major X-Men villains who are actually dead, so would have worked better for this story?


This is pretty cool how they've reorganized the group in teams, a future glimpse of the book replacing Iceman
8 X-Men teams, 4 currently have books (Red is replacing Gen X in February)

Dunno, feels a little too turn-to-audience-and-wink-before-saying-"right, readers?", same with teacher Claremont and Byrne tap namedrops.

they're gonna run outta colors
Gold-Main Team
Blue-Teen team?
Red-Jean's team

i dunno what colors they can force associations to the X-Men with

Current era of X-Men is nothing but a reconstruction built on nostalgia. all they're doing is what X-Men '92 failed to do but in a much bigger way

so giving fans what they've been demanding for the past couple years?

X-Men 92 was better than Gold. and I actually hate how the animated series era has been strangling the franchise.

Silver is Weapon X, makes sense they all have adamantium claws
Yellow is Iceman and friends, poor name but they can't call the team Pink or Rainbow can they
Black is classic X-Force/X-Factor
Gen X should be Yellow, like Juiblee's jacket.
Beast's team again should be Yellow, what color is best associated with traitors.
they better save White Team for Emma Frost.

Namedropping old writers and artists is a long comic tradition that extends well beyond x-men. This week's issue of Batman featured Denny O'Neil Ave.

>Coffee at the top of the car

She set it coffee on top of the car to open the door and then forgot it. It's a thing that happens to people.

Since when does Beast swear?



'dont burn it this time'
this guy died in a fiery explosion

>Has no luck with X-23 and Sofia
>Gets his hands cut off
>Sees Brian die from a missile attack
>Treated as the bad guy for killing Karima even though that's what she wanted
Being Hellion is suffering

I think he dated Shark Girl for a little while

I remember that and also forgot
>Disinherited by his family

Lies. Like we'd believe this shit.

This reads like non-retarded AvX

>2 pages for title and credits

Laura only has Adamantium claws

So what happened to the Ghost Jean who was haunting Teen Jean? Where did all this southern Jean with no memory stuff come from?
The story was more entertaining in Jean Grey than this

when did magneto die?


gay iceman is still an asshole

This. Should've just fucking ignored that one.

Xorneto actually died, and he looked exactly like Magneto.

is that helios?

>Dust still exists


I think the last time I saw her was in the issue of Ms. Marvel where they all went to temple

Is this Magneto a real Magneto or what? Phoenix looking like Magneto?
Why Avengers are not doing shit? Last time the Phoenix was coming they were all over Utopia and the X-Men. They even sent a team into space to fight it. Then they tried to fight in on the Moon. Where are they now?