Mighty Magiswords

I've seen girls posted from this show all the time,and a lot of them are pretty cute.
Is it actually worth watching, or are the gals the only reason people pay attention to it period?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's not worth watching for anything other than fapbait.


>arin memeson

It's a decent adventure/comedy show. The first half of the season is pretty rough as the pacing is way too fast, as if they had made 22 minute episodes but then had to speed them up to fit the 11 minute slot. After that there is a noticeable improvement across the board.
If you wanted to give it a shot the best bet would likely be to watch the last couple of episodes that aired: School's In, Oh Bummer! and Quest for Knowledge!

Yes and no. The characters in general are rather charming in likeable in a zany pre bullshit Adventure Time fashion. Not just the gals

I know someone is going to do this every thread and it still gives me a kek each time.

Wrong. It's pretty fun show

It's really not but that's like, your opinion man

Aww what a cutie!! I love nagas! She is a naga, right?

She's a spooky ghost

No, she's a ghost, but have Morbidia dressed as Naga the Serpent.

Thanks for the advice, I might take you up on that.

Another question, do either of pic related show up again? They seem cute, but I see almost no art for either.

No, she's the ghost of a Southern belle type.

i got you buddy

fanart vambre

c-chub grabbing is my fetish, thank you

no one


careful. faggot mods may ban you for posting a furry, even though he's a character in the show.

I don't even enjoy the show, but these two are goddamn adorable so I doodled this

Are these two brother and sister?
I need to know for sure if they aren't blood related before I start to ship them

draw more please

They're already a couple

oh fuck

They're canon lovers, bby

I like it because it reminds me of old internet flash animations with it's pace and humor. Kind of like Arin's.

hope you like lewds

I'd say watch a couple Adventure Academy shorts before those episodes, as they're tied in with a lot of references to those shorts.

This show is everything Adventure Time failed to be. It's great.


It's not really like AT.
It's fairly light-hearted, childish, and with more fire puns/witticisms/word plays. There's no obnoxious DEEPEST LORE or heavy handed moral commentary.

Think Dave the Barbarian.

Who is lewdest girl?

Intentionally lewd? Because Vambre's exposed legs can be interpreted as lewd

i want to fug both of them


his head shape is weird

please tell me the blue animal sidekick fucking dies

t. didn't watch Elect to Decline


is this deviantart


I watch shows to fap. I have no standards. But somehow I still have great difficulty sitting through a single episode of Magiswords.

It's not bad in the same way that nuPPG is bad. But I think this show actually hates people. I can't recall any cartoon with such hateful execution.

three sets of dubs can't be wrong

Also the show is very reference heavy, and in not talking modern stuff I'm talking old obscure shit.
Also here's some fanart I made earlier

Not bad! Are you going to color it?

This is a cute doodle, user. I like it!

Not this drawing, maybe I could color it digitally but I don't have access to a computer with an art program. I would like to do another one on good paper and color it with markers.

You should!

Something from the drawthread,

and from one a few weeks back

Simone needs to be thiccer, but it doesn't work as intended.
also a Morbidia

It's hard to go wrong with any episode on or after Action Comedy, I think. Earlier episodes like Flirty Phantom and Gut Feelings are great secondary-centric episodes, though.

Your statement is a bit ironic considering that I believe Bimm is too thicc in this picture

Probably wont see this but I lined your sketch

It depends on if she's still in academy or not. She slimmed down after graduation.

>too thicc

>too thicc
The fuck?

Its just ok, nothing special

Vambre's variations are relly cute

I missed the last thread (and got promptly replaced) so here's a bunch of pics I colored since then imgur.com/a/98FX8
All of them from the booru so they can be added (that's why I put that Vambre by terrible again).

Mortittia > all

Tits can't beat ass


He's a cat-person-thingy

gonna draw some requests to keep our beautiful thread alive

A Princess Zange sandwich, with a Vambre and Prohyas, bread.
Zange ahegao-ing just from the close contact.

The image on the left, with Morbidia.

A super teamwork combo between Sun Face Magisword and Hyperspace Magisword Black Hole Sun

This imgur.com/a/1jXKH with Vambre and any other character of your choice
Even Prohyas.

artist on this?


Something cute with Simone and Mascott, maybe after a long day at Slug Burger

snax and füd cuddling post-coitus

Thank you, I'm so happy

They original works way better without the colors.

that's like, your opinion man

>those wasted trips
Someone wanted that Morbidia-Simone pic colored last thread tho.

He's got a decent hold on VA work in the show, weirdly enough. The frog with the triangle? Him. The kid with the spiky hair? Also him. The thief girl that sounds like a man using a funny girl voice? Exact same voice as from Game Grumps.

Also, I just realized something: the buff cat girl thief is calico, but so is the short cat with the rough voice, if his hair means anything. Is the short one actually a reverse trap, or what?

male calico cats exist, but they tend to have paler fur colors and are also sterile

Your interpretation of Morbidia+Spectra (Danny Phantom)
with extra thiccness of course

It sure is.
The original image had more pop with its limited color palette.

It was just louder.


blue board version because nohyas' magisword

i love the facial expressions, good job

Those that mean there's a NSFW version, or are you just stating that it is blue-board safe, for the sake of it?

>ywn be part of two hot siblings' pseudo-incestual shenanigans

These two kitties giving each other a tongue bath

A drunk Witchy Simone being arrested after crashing her broomstick magisword

grup dying a horrible, painful death

i think i figured out the whole "Francesco" thing with Morbidia:

he was gay, and she didn't pick up on it, and was humiliated when she finally figured it out.

Vambre, Morbidia and Witchy at a rave

Snax kissing and Cuddling Fud 's big, round, fat, belly? and the two of them just being happy as clams?

I would do anything for more pure, beautiful love between these two angels.

>>pic no

post it?

who is this sperm spectre


another zange+warriors

Vambre in this pose and outfit

Looks like the real sandwich meat was of Prohyas meat.