I'm surprised they didn't make an individual page for each of these panels

I'm surprised they didn't make an individual page for each of these panels

But do they have a dick? I'm not sure if their see through dress would properly hide it or not.

Wouldn't be surprised desu


I dropped this webcomic when the authors thought that showing a man with a vagina is a perfectly normal thing and that should be accepted without even questioning anything.

Every day of my life I thank God I wasn't born in America. That hellhole is going down soon if they continue under this path

>fuck this comic for glorifying gender dysphoria with espousal of any questioning
Yeah I agree, man.

that yikes better be ironic user

where are you from where any of this gender bullshit ISN'T a worry, even in the distant future?

Not that guy but I live in Poland and I'm pretty sure we will first become an iron fist-ruled totalitarian shithole before genderfags get a voice

0.02% of the population is pretty meaningless compared to rampant employment and transportation disparity (trust me im gonna be president)
If you wanna do the SJW thing where you think media dictates society, id say the rampant normalization and glorification of alcoholism is much more harmful than telling a small percentage of the population not to commit suicide.

But SJWs are everywhere. Even behind you right now. Like termites they gnaw away on societies iron foundations.

user i cant read your post, a heterochromatic black guy suffering from gender dysphoria and psoriasis is blocking my view I CANT SEE I CANT SEE GODS HELP ME

an iron fist-ruled totalitarian shithole
Wait, you arent?

>every time user attempts to access communications technology, a minority group relative to modern america spawn in front of him and blocks his path
>loses his job and home
>has to enter an amish community
Make it happen

But like, boobless women do exist don't they? What's the issue here?

>marine biologist
wait a second...

i thought that was weird as hell too i was skimming through the whole thing real fast and i figured i must have missed a page that explained why this random guy had a twat but the creator just threw it in there and had everyone react to it like they werent even surprised

I like how you triggered the tumors. But the weird part anyway is that the comic was supposed to take place in Louisiana yet it has all of that kind of stuff in it.

Better than a man pretending to be a woman.

>Old man yells at cloud dot jpeg

Long as people aren't overbearing assholes about it, they can be whatever they like. Same as in everything else.

Dok's trans representation isn't paraded around or shoved in your face. There's no "omg, you have a vagina!" or evil strawmen giving him trouble for it. He merely exists as a character as normal as everybody else.

So if just that is enough to piss you off, the problem is you.

Still pissed they killed Blaster Nation so they could focus on rockcocks

>There's no "omg, you have a vagina!"
that makes it more weird its jarring to see it revealed as the reader and doubly jarring when the characters act as if its nothing unusual

>I dropped this webcomic when the authors thought that showing a man with a vagina
Link to the comic, please? It's for science reasons.

>act as if its nothing unusual
Considering who the characters are, them acting like it isn't unusual is in character

even in the context of a smut comic full of people who do little more than go place to place fucking and meeting new people to get down with it still comes off as weird that this person who was by all rights a man unceremoniously reveals he has a vagina and nobody cares enough to even mention that fact

the whole thing came out of left field for me

>non-american talking like they matter

>even in the context of a smut comic full of people who do little more than go place to place fucking and meeting new people to get down with it still comes off as weird that this person who was by all rights a man
You should go to /d/ more often, you don't know what you are talking about.

>the whole thing came out of left field for me
for you sure, but they are basically hedonists so a guy with a vag doesn't get in the way of their pleasure so why would they care

Termites don’t eat iron

This comic’s gone downhill. The art especially has taken a turn for the worse.

>rampant employment

This isn't even like a 'oh my virgin eyes!' reaction like im shocked and offended and cannot believe what im seeing. It's just a bizarre reveal especially since its preceded by like 200 pages of vanilla content made even more strange by the total lack of attention its given by the characters.

You haven't gone on /d/ enough.

nah i dont think that's the issue

It is the issue.

There is plenty of weird porn where it is the norm to look weird to us. But if in-story it's perfectly normal, then there is no reaction to be had.

the issue is they casually showed a man with a vagina as a "look how progressive we are" thing, not realizing that unlike a gay man mentioning he's gay people will very obviously have some questions or reprehensions about a man who chopped his cock off in a state-funded schizophrenic episode

the rock cocks isnt /d/ material which changes your expectations you doofus. if i read 50 pages of shitting dick nipples the man with a vagina thing doesn't come as a big surprise but when you've got like 200 pages of 'story driven' vanilla comic and pull the same thing its not the same thing

>man who chopped his cock
arent you guys talking about a ftm not a mtf
Transgender is that outrageous

>but when you've got like 200 pages of 'story driven' vanilla comic and pull the same thing its not the same thing
You are allowed to be surprised and that's to be expected, but if it's the norm for the characters, it's normal they are not. Just because there are aspects of this universe that have been brought to your knowledge yet show up, doesn't mean the characters of it weren't aware of it all along.

>the issue is they casually showed a man with a vagina as a "look how progressive we are" thing, not realizing that unlike a gay man mentioning he's gay people will very obviously have some questions
Not if having cunt boy is something they are aware of already.

Reading it right now. I amliking it, but Inever see them using contraption methods. He is clearly not using condom and it doesn't look like she can afford the pills.

Doe they regularly go to planet parenthood because it's free instead? Or is one of them simply infertile.

>contraption methods
They're not quite up to that level of kinky yet.

don't know how she tried to achieve any of those dreams considering she seems to be suffering from brock syndrome

thank brad "I'm not an SJW but honeypop is sexist garbage" brown

I don't think Dakota is a MtF, I think... it?... is a female who identifies as male but hasn't gone through any procedures, just dresses masculine and lets their body hair grow out to look more like a man.

That tranny would have to be absolutely retarded if they went from male to female.
>Cuts dick off
>Still likes women
>“We have orgies like this all the time! You’ll be swimming in pussy.”
>Wow, guess I should buy that strap-on now.

Thanks for showing us as always how pedantic libtards are.

>You have to be a social justice retard to hate poorly drawn dicktease games.

If you're gonna go that far, just make good porn, you cunts.

Sexual preference and gender identity are two different things

Dakota is FtM, female to male. I'm a bit sad they went the "Shy Virgin" route and was kinda hoping Suria was gonna get double teamed or give Dakota a BJ on the bus.

Pretty sure Dakota is just there to hook up with Elizabeth at some point. It's a shame that this "Porn Comic" isn't even really trying to do anything that kinky or unexpected. Honestly they have exhibitionist rockstars but they are just totally monogamous and facials are gross!11

The writer/artist said Rock Cocks is basically a world without STDs and the notion of pregnancy/breeding will never happen because it would bog down sexiness of the story.

So Steg isn't gonna knock up Suria and nobody will get AIDs.

ah, the convenient rules of Pornverse, of course.

Just cross dress then. Why cut off your real dick, if you’re just going to fuck girls with a fake dick anyway?

>id say the rampant normalization and glorification of alcoholism is much more harmful than telling a small percentage of the population not to commit suicide.

I dont see it normalized, unless you think sporadic consumption and drunk, sad characters being popular is the same.

Also nothing you say will make trannies not kill themselves, it's like saying depressed people will be happier if we stop pointing out they're sad. Their crisis is internal.

>Just cross dress then. Why cut off your real dick, if you’re just going to fuck girls with a fake dick anyway?
The strap-on usually go both way. You cna't feel penetrated like you have a vagina if you keep your real dick.

Also, I think he never had one in the first place, he is a FtM trans.

Actually there were a few minor hints about Dakota prior to his reveal. The constant chest clutching (because of the breast binder), him commenting how he wishes he was confident like Suria, the refusal to get naked or be too sexual with Suria/Steg despite being turned on.

Yes, I dont mind it having a bit of "plot" because the sexy moments were more frequent and the characters tolerable. But the fact not much has happened and the comic seems increasingly watered down.

Like why not having Elizabeth masturbating furiously why she watches her boss have gay sex instead of this weird tease of how she is in love with him but can't have him? (Like does she think he's gonna turn straight for her?) They even purposely shot down an Elizabeth x Suria x Steg 3-some because "She isn't Steg's type."

Or the lack of 3-somes, facials (or messy sex), no particular kinks being explored, not capitalizing on the fact the two main protagonists are slutty af.

Hey man, psoriasis really sucks.

>(Like does she think he's gonna turn straight for her?)
Being in love with someone isn't based on logic.

>the whole thing came out of left field for me

Again, the problem is you.

Reading the comic right now, and I think they both had figured it out for a while, already, probably when they were running in the rain.

Also, they were completely turned out when he showed his boy pussy; that they were right int he "fuck this I don't care" state of mind.

So all this, and no-one's called it anything but "this comic", and reverse image search isn't getting me anything but this thread.
What's the name of this comic?

>can't read english proper
Employment disparity you goon.

Bottom right corner of the OP image, dumbass.

is that a motherfucking jojo reference?

>Waiting for all the old people to die out so their backward/prudish/no-fun "values" will disappear and make the world a better place.
>Instead seeing more and more young people adopt and continue them.

I don't get it. Like you wake up one morning and tell yourself "Hmm, I'm going to become one of those hick assholes you see in every movie and episode about oppression. That's a great idea!"

The slowest porn comic ever.

God I miss Alfie.

You are talking of that because?

But yeah, I agree, The first time I worried about that was when I saw Puritanism coming back strongly under the disguise of feminism.

Slower than Area's Between Friends?

At least Between Friends has sex in it.

Weren't Brad and the missus working on that at some point and they claimed that huniepop screwed them over?

>implying hedonism and promiscuity makes the world a better place

It does.

Thinking about wood foundations makes you a gay, everyone knows that.

>why don't people believe in the strawman that Hollywood has put up
>why do people want to better themselves with genuine values and self-betterment

It doesn't.

>You are talking of that because?
Have you look at this thread?

>But yeah, I agree, The first time I worried about that was when I saw Puritanism coming back strongly under the disguise of feminism.
Yeah, you can't blindly follow something by it's name and expect it to be good. Even so-called LGBT groups are complete assholes to the B and T people they claim to support.

>Hedonism: A pursuit of pleasure
What's wrong with that? So long as it's not hurting others.

>promiscuity: Immortality
Subjective. Like the above, I'd say actively harming or oppressing others is obviously bad. Doing something for yourself or being with somebody shouldn't be bad "just because".

>genuine values and self-betterment
How though? You people just sound miserable all the time because you're constantly checking yourself over "values" somebody else set up for you.

>You people just sound miserable all the time

The opposite. I enjoy my life, yet others seem to hate this prospect. To think that someone would hold such contempt for the way I choose to live my life. How ironic.

It does.

>Have you look at this thread?
I haven I don't see how it relate directly to it.

You choose contempt first. Don't spin it around in your head so you're a victim.

Fuck sake man. Fourth post.

Because there is literally not a single civilization in the whole history that lasted with liberal values.

Those "backward/prudish/no-fun "values", as you call them, are very easy to extremize by both opponent and people in favour of them, but at their core are fundamental to a lasting civilization. You don't have that in liberal values, which at their core are just focused on personal pleasure.

They don’t even prioritize the individual. It’s really just the majority walking on eggshells to cater to a select few and their demand for proper pronouns.

Lets get this over with.

How valued/restricted should sexual activites and the pursuit of pleasure be in a perfect society? Public orgys or Beneath the sheets? How much control should the government have over what a person does to themself and consenting others, including (but not limited to) Drugs, Sex, Drinking, e.t.c

Keep your answers and responses to others civil or this is just going to degrade into a shitpost fest.
>You Puritian!
>You Degernate!

>It’s really just the majority walking on eggshells to cater to a select few and their demand for proper pronouns.

There will be people who take things that far just because it's a means of control or feeling they're right. That doesn't mean you take the other extreme and start acting like it's the 1940s.

It's called The Rock Cocks, updates 3x a week or so. It's NSFW but generally has more vanilla stuff then actual lewd things. Even so, most of the lewd is restricted to established couples with some masturbation sprinkled in.

Again, it's not bad just a bit disappointing at parts.

Suria and Steg will become mega-famous-rockstars, Dakota and Elizabeth hitch up, same as always with Seth and Georgie (except he used to be married to that one bitch from the other record company before coming out), most other rockstars in passing with stay with groupies. Pretty much just gonna have make-out sessions during their live-performances. I don't anticipate any interesting twists or turns or things in the way of character development. We may get 1 or 2 backstories.

Human history has literally always been cycles of swinging between extremes.

You have puritan parents that turn off childrens from puritan values who instead turn to extreme liberism but ens up turning off their children from that which instead turn on puritanism etc etc etc

Sex stuff should be private and in the case of your own body, unrestricted.

Drugs should not be free to use - they affect everyone around you in ways you cannot predict or control.

can we confirm this? i thought she was just like a tomboy

why cant we just have tomboys like the good ol days?

We can literally see his boy pussy.

Yeah. It's like people who masturbate or fuck in public for videos. That shit isn't fair on the people, sometimes children, who have to see that thing.

As for drugs, it greatly depends. A few would be fine and their effects predictable if they have legal standards, so you know there isn't wacky shit mixed in with it. That and all the crime that relies on the taboo for money.

No, Dakota wears a binder and everyone calls him "he" soooo...

Suria is a bit of a tomboy.

>boy pussy
a fleshlite?

Lol, I just hope they decide to fully transition him so he just looks like a normal dude. But I doubt that will happen cuz pc-bullshit.

Because losing those values only makes the world a better place if you're a worthless hedonistic sociopath.

>Not being an asshole to LGBT or acting like somebody's grandmother on the subject of sex suddenly means you want public orgies or some shit.

See, this is the thing. You have NOTHING to argue with, so you always go for baseless accusations. You can't even explain how it makes you "worthless" because you yourself don't even know.

>I am the pinnacle of history!
>why isn't everyone following in my footsteps!
>why aren't the people I dislike dying out?

hasn't worked yet

I mean, it depends on what you consider liberal values. Lots of ancient civilizations were pretty openly gay and no one really cared, rather its the fact that lots of these new values come with the whole emphasis on the individual over the whole that sorta fucks them over. No one really gave too much of a shit about legalizing gay marriage cause it doesn't really effect anyone not involved.
