Random cunt that tripped and fell in a tub of dollar store make up is able to keep up in a fist fight against a Guy...

>Random cunt that tripped and fell in a tub of dollar store make up is able to keep up in a fist fight against a Guy that trained most of his life in many martial arts.

Joker’s always getting his ass beat by Batman.

he's crazy

bcuz lol insanity

The same reason people hate how Harley can do what she does


Besides, it's not like they ever simply meet 1v1 and start fighting on even terms, either. Usually Joker's only able to put in a few cheap shots against Batman after he's already worn him down out with the egregious foot work that was necessary to undo whatever stupid bullshit he had planned. And even then, that advantage and all of his dirty tricks still don't really amount to much.

This. The appeal to the Batman and Joker dynamic was never based on their physical confrontations.

>I don't read comics: The Post

Unironically, this. In one of those terrible DC/Wildstorm crossovers (Pre New 52), Midnighter couldn't predict the Joker's actions, because he was too crazy/unpredictable. It's bullshit, obviously, but comic writers are hacks.

I never liked jokers origin story it felt like something out of a 1940's pulp. I always thought the best part of the joker was not having an origin story. It made him seem more authentic. Like he was always there as he was but having someone like batman give him reason to be.

I think that's what TDR does best as a movie. It makes joker an absolute and something that batman inadvertently created by sheer presence alone.

DESU. I think if we had heroes in our world. I mean real heroes not larpers in bad costumes. We'd probably have someone like the joker to oppose them. Just for existing.

I always thought his face and organs were stretchy. Like he was removing the hood and accidently moved his cheekbones into a perma smile so the same must be applied to his whole body.
Or maybe his nerves and pain receptors got fukt in the accident.
This seems more likely. Genuinely crazy people don't give a crap and tend to be more reckless.

Show me (1) example of a fully healthy, normal Joker, beating a fully healthy, normal Batman. It doesn't happen. Joker wins through tricks, traps, and surprise attacks. He gets BODIED every time Batman finally makes it to him. Their central conflict isn't suppose to be some Goku vs Vegeta macho shit. They're trying to prove to the other guy they can change Gotham
Also this user is right, Joker's really only ever getting hits because Batman's already been through the ringer before fighting him.

>it felt like something out of a 1940's pulp
...because it was?
I mean, technically 1951, but still.

>Show me (1) example of a fully healthy, normal Joker, beating a fully healthy, normal Batman.

Like Plasticman.

Is he on par with a robin since he killed one easily enough and I never seen a robin win against him

>DESU. I think if we had heroes in our world. I mean real heroes not larpers in bad costumes. We'd probably have someone like the joker to oppose them. Just for existing.

IIRC, he exists. Phoenix Jones or whatever was he called has an archnemesis on some arsonist who burns buildings just to fuck with him.

Yeah but he isn't even happy about that.

He has access to the clownforce. Same thing that gives ICP their powers

>"his pain-numbed senses"
>fully healthy
nigger c'mon

Assuming you ignore the gangster/hit man origin, my canon explanation is that TKJ Joker started off life as an obnoxious piece of shit Chad who thought he was God's gift to comedy/going to be the next Chevy Chase/Dan Ackroyd/Bill Murray type and left his small town home (where he was the big fish in a small pond; the town's golden boy) to go to Gotham and make it big on the comedy circuit.

But then reality ensued and the bully boy found that no one gave a shit about a small town Chad who thought he was the next Chevy Chase and he ends up having to work a shitty engineer job and everyone treats him like he how he used to treat the geeks and nerds in high school. To prop up his self-esteem, he marries the first chick he meets that gets wet looking at him and she gets preggers, which only further pushes him to try and become a professional comedian and ultimately go along with the plan to have him play the role of the Red Hood.

>since he killed one easily enough
That was after he had his goons beat the shit out of him all while his own mom was holding him at gunpoint

I like Persona 2: Eternal Punishment's take on what exactly a "Joker" persona means for humanity. Something that lurks beneath the surface, a wildcard that laughs in the face of what seems predetermined, either literally or simply in opposition. This is still thematically the case in Persona 5, but in Persona 2 this desire is misdirected to cause chaos in exchange for short term gratification. Or at least it would be short term if the overriding persona didn't enjoy it so much.



My problem with Joker is the writers not understanding logistics. Case in point, in Endgame, Joker had set up a fully working parade within hours of entering the Batcave. The parade featured the T-Rex, the giant coin, and other shit, meaning he or his henchmen had to organize everything during the Gotham-wide riot/viral outbreak in the story. It's just shit for the sake of theatrics, I get it, but these writers never depict the scene where Joker or his henchmen plan these things out. Fucker even produced a chainsaw out of thin air in the unlikely case that Batman would attack him on top of the T-Rex.

Capeshit can be utter horse at times.

>Who pumps the batmobile's tires

Maybe he got Bizarro to do it for him.

There's a big difference between doing simple tasks like that and organizing intricate death-traps, user.

He puts up a good fight in New 52 stories.


>Like he was always there as he was but having someone like batman give him reason to be.
>I think that's what TDR does best as a movie. It makes joker an absolute and something that batman inadvertently created by sheer presence alone.
Doesn't this contradict itself? Joker just IS...but it's because of Batman?

No. It's like Cletus Cassidy. The wrong dude got the right powers. The guy was always crazy, coniving, and diabolical. Getting disfigured was the finally push.

Anyone has the page for the Death of the Family where Batman has a monologue about the joker, basically saying that it would be stupid to say that he is just some guy who fell into a vat of acid?

Narration says Batman has “pain numbed senses”

Also, Joker “wins” with a cheap shot sucker punch. Even Joker admits it was sheer luck that he got the drop on him.

it's because bruce wayne has been in a coma since childhood when one of the bullets that killed his parents lodged in his brain

only a child would dream up batcaves and super-weaponry and a clown as a foe