Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

>Reminder that the show implied these two had sex
>Out in the middle of nowhere
>Probably without protection

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Spoilers, she's dead.

Proof or GTFO

They're all dead. God what a great finale


I don't think we'll ever see another TMNT cartoon where Raph blows up Casey Jones on screen.

Reminder Timmy is still fucked, and probably in some sort of suspended animation out in the desert.

I thought she got with donnie in the end. How was it implied?

Are you guys serious or memeing?

The funny thing is we're not.

I hate that they never brought him back to his original form. I liked the moments he had between Donnie. Hell I fucking miss season 1 and 2 of this show, after that it turned to shit. I don’t know how they managed to turn it stale


Not serious or not memeing?

Not memeing. The series last season was the world in fallout after the Krang basically won. Basically every human is dead or mutated and Caseys skulll is turned into a bomb.

Yes yes, but tell us about the underage sex.

Ask op, I have no clue what he's talking about. The shiw had this annoying love triangle between April, Casey, and Donny.

That was never actually meant to be the finale. It's was an alternate reality story. "Wanted: Beebop and Rocksteady" was supposed to be the actual finale. For some weird reason, Nick insisted one airing them in the wrong order. Apparently most of the Tales of the TMNT episodes were out of order.

That especially went stale. I didn’t mind it the first couple episodes, I happened to be a Donnie/April shipper and brining Casey in the mix was interesting only for a little bit. The interactions between the characters weren’t very fluid and things just got old

I wish that most of the writers hadn’t left

The love triangle should have ended with "A Foot Too Big" in season 3 when they had the perfect narrative opportunity to close it. Instead they kept it going without providing any progress or closure and it went nowhere (like most of the story and character arcs in the series).

What's the name of the ep where everyone dies? Dropped the series in Season 2 but kind of curious

It's three episodes, and they're actually really good.
"The Wasteland Warrior"
"The Impossible Desert"

Alright I'll give them a watch, thanks user!

They really did turn Caseys skull into a bomb, thats amazing.

No it wasn't, the finale was the Mad Max style and Nick aired something else as the finale.

Say what you want about TMNT 2012 but it was a hell of a ride and I think for that alone I'll remember it fondly.

They made the best Splinter, imo. Right amount of serious and goofy.


reminder that this series canonicaly has a bad end.

Except it doesn't. Mad Max world was an alternate reality.

The interactions between Donnie and bf were kind of cute. I liked seeing him get smoldered

>t. Nickelodeon

I don't even know what you're trying to say.

>The channel that has no control over the actual show's creation controls what's canon based on how they air it in their order, instead of what the actual animators intended to be canon
>People believes this

>I prefer corporations over the creator


No, she's alive, but he's dead. Forgot who said that, though.

- Sex
- Casey Jones?

Nah! She wanted the Turtle dick...She got the Turtle dick!