I always wondered how Xavier was able to afford his mansion, all the tech and the X-Jet the X-Men use

I always wondered how Xavier was able to afford his mansion, all the tech and the X-Jet the X-Men use.

old money + mind control

Tinker mutants

he doesn't. he just mind controls everyone to think that he does.

Angel is super rich


Didn't he and Magneto find a massive cache of Nazi gold?

old money is nothing compared to new money

old money is simply a way of explaining solid investment as sources of income, it doesn't mean more money

in fact it often means cash-poor

fair point

when it was new in 1966 the SR71 Blackbird cost $34m (in its production form - the prototype test planes cost $33m)

by 1990 testimony to congressional hearings placed operating costs at around $85,000/hr, or $300m/yr (which suggests the fleet flew around 10 hours a day every day, although only 11,008 hours had been flown by the entire 32-jet fleet in 24 years to that point)

in 2017 at straight RPI (not that this is particularly applicable, as the SR71 is no longer particularly stealthy and the airframe maintenance costs would be astronomically expensive due to age now) that comes to around $260m (based on the 1966 delivery price) for each craft with operating costs of around $566m (including fuel, crew, training, the tyres that are specially made and replaced every 20 missions or so)

but this doesn't include the ancillary structure of either the USAF or NASA (the Blackbird's real-life operators), who already had runways, hangars, ground crew, and the all-important KC135 tankers that were used to refuel the Blackbird in-flight - because it had delicate landing gear due to its extreme weight and takeoff speeds and needed to take off without a full load, and because it could from full fuel only go about 90 minutes at supersonic speeds before needing to refuel)

and the X-Men have been crashing probably two or three of these (or their imaginary modern equivalent, since nobody's even designing manned stealth recon anymore) a year since inception

even assuming you could mind control the people in charge, the costs would be astronomical - you'd quickly bankrupt yourself (or Lockheed Grumman, if you were stealing via telepathy); you'd need to be a trillionaire (note: there's no such thing and won't ever be in dollars in your lifetime) not to hurt from it

also just as an aside

they're not even stealth, the Swedish air force use to get regular radar locks on them

In Wolverine and the Xmen baby Krakoa shits diamonds. Xavier is old money but I'm sure the professor is an amazing stock prognosticator and would have no trouble growing his wealth through that means.

Self defense budgets are inflated and what if the Mind Control was the height of the actual cost maybe they're less expensive than you think and the overall price to run one covers up the X- jet development cost and maintenance that would be the smarter way to do it

he comes from very old money

also he probably manipulates and steals a shit ton of money with his mind control

>theres no such thing as trillionaires.
Rothschilds own the whole banking system my dude.
Even if you don't believe that translates to them having trillions in actual wealth, Jeff Bezos will be a trillionaire in the next 20 years.
Also theres 80 Trillion dollars in circulation globally.

>Self defense budgets are inflated

not really in this case, those are solid figures for which we have half a century of analysis; designing and building a new airframe with all-new technologies to go on it as with the Blackbird remains phenomenally expensive and requires huge numbers of people with expensive-to-train specialist skills and experience (and you ideally need more than one of each skillset, in case someone, y'know, dies)

where they tend to get inflated is on upgrade and maintenance costs, but with something as heavily scrutinized as the Blackbird that's actually comparatively rare (not that it doesn't/didn't happen - but the figures I used there were the low-end costs, not the high-end estimates, which would double the annual operating costs)

>maybe they're less expensive than you think and the overall price to run one covers up the X- jet development cost and maintenance

well that would mean that somewhere on the 32 actual Blackbirds built (and nobody ever even claimed to need more than 32, but that includes all prototypes - even those which ended up as test-beds for new upgrades and those which ended up in museums before the craft was retired, as well as those held in reserve against catastrophic failure and built to replace losses, of which there were 12, with 11 falling in the first 5 years of operation presumably due to pilots requiring better training) they managed to hide the costs of an X-jet or five hundred

but since you can for example follow the cost of titanium (used in the airframe for weight and strength purposes) over the production cycle, as well as aviation kerosene costs, it would be pretty hard to hide from congress (though congressional opponents, as I said, did claim the annual costs were a range of higher figures than those given)

that would simply devalue the diamond market and cause a recession

similarly they'd have to have found so much gold that they'd fuck themselves trying to spend it

>old money is nothing compared to new money
old Money can remain relelvant and even quite big if you make the right placements.

The real answer is, Xavier made "insider" trading. For the greater good.

And what did you come up with?

>Rothschilds own the whole banking system my dude.

no they don't, and even if they did, they're not a single individual, so they're not a trillionaire, same as the way that you don't own your dad's cousin's second wife's uncle's wealth

the concept of one individual handling 1/80th of the world's wealth is moronic, even for you; it would precipitate a banking crisis that would invalidate that wealth pretty quickly; but even Jeff Bezos is only worth around $90bn today, which is so far from a trillion I suspect you don't understand what a trillion is, so imma write it down for you


whereas jeffy boy is worth


or 9% of one trillion; he's not even the richest billionaire ever - Bill Gates, for example, was briefly worth $100bn in 1999, around $145bn today - but since these worths go up and down based on share prices, there's no procedural advance of wealth to count upon, and so no reason to assume Bezos (or anybody else at that level) will ever increase his worth by an order of magnitude

don't say "my dude", it makes you sound like you hang out at little league games trying to score with the star batters

He's rich. That's all.

It's for children.

didn't it state (at least in the films) that he built it with magneto?

so I imagine that cuts the cost noticeably if he just nicks the design and makes a bootleg version.

How can SHIELD afford mass production of highly sophisticated androids, helicarriers and WMDs?

taxing the 1%

You don't actually think they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?

A corporate entity is considered a person. Therefor a conglomerate of Rothschilds Owning a majority of shares in the world banks making decisions on how to utilize that wealth would be considered, for technical purposes, single ownership, My dude.
At a rate of 10 per cent investment growth per year(the average the worlds wealthiest accumulate on their fortunes) on top of yearly earnings from amazon, it will not take very long to make it to 1000 bn(I understand the number) It takes 10 years to double your money at 10% extrapolate that, my dude. In 20 years he'd have 500bn in 30 1trillion. I gave him the extra 10 years because hes making obscene amounts of cash annually.

Don't try to insult me into your way of thinking, it ain't happening broski.

>$30,000 on a toilet seat
red hulk has to crap somewhere

The Blackbird isn't necessarily intended to be stealth, if just because it's going at speeds where stealth simply isn't feasible. What it was, was so ridiculously fast that it didn't matter if you could see it, it was moving too fast to keep up.

But they fuck theirs helicarrier once per week,and I'm gonna guess that each LMD
cost around twice a luxury sexdoll (cos mass production)

Maybe Charles is taking the retired black bird models and has some super genius/tech guy upgrade them.

Forge slave labourer.

>that would simply devalue the diamond market and cause a recession
not if they bought Debeers first, cause they are the only reason diamonds are inflated to the price they are

how bruce built technology in batcave?

Pretty sure literally only like 30 SR-71s were made. How he got one is a better question than how he paid for it.

>forge is mutan
>doom and reed arent

>mind controlled your company to make more and I paid it with 50% discount

reeds kid is

>A total of 32 aircraft were built; 12 were lost in accidents

Goddamn, Chuck's mind control coverups are getting lazy

look at its profile from behind or front.
Those dorsal fins on the x-jet are at an X angle.

A real sr-71 is much more perpendicular, and even angled inward slightly.

they're insured

kek, I now thought of Logan old man Xavier scamming people like Mr Wednesday on American Gods

I like you


I thought his bird girlfriend bought him all his stuff.

It mostly works because civis aren't sentinent. So stealing from the's like stealing from an anthill - they just scramble to fix the hole.

Angel is their sugar daddy

They literally stole all of Baron Strucker's hidden supply of Nazi gold, which was enough to bankroll Mags brotherhood of evil mutants and the x-men for decades.

X-treme cash

I'd like to think they used stolen alien tech.

>Marvel Universe economy makes no sense guys!

Wow, apart from hundreds of superpowers or just plain old supergeniuses running around the New York alone (who would make a big impact on technology and industry), all the mutants and aliens and alien invasions, constant destruction and what not, all the superprojects funded by the government, all the secret organizations funneling large amounts of money, yes, I think it's hard to extrapolate how it is supposed to work.
All of the above would have a dramatic impact on the economy, clearly the GDP would be entirely different..

You have supergeniuses and superpowers at your disposal, that work for free, you have alien technology, you have fictional resources.

No use trying to make sense of it anyway.

Yea if you anons actually read comics you would know that Xavier sank his entire family fortune into creating the X-Men and then is completely broke around the era of the Phoenix shit and Worthington Inc. picks up their tabs from then on.

The X-men don't need a ground crew. They have one guy, Forge, he maintains and builds new blackbirds in his spare time. Because comics.

All Xavier has to do is acquire parts.

Also, Blackbird ain't got shit on the Danger Room's self-healing tech as ridiculousness. (Unless we want to branch out into Tony/Reed/Doom/Pym tech.

Actually if you include all of Marvel, the Blackbird is pretty standard technology for a private military group. The Avengers and Dr. Doom have much more advanced jets. Maybe in the Marvel universe, the X-men can get all their parts as Shield (Army) Surplus.

well how does Batman afford what he had?

it is a dumb question

The real Blackbirds do not need to be stealth. If a missile locks on to it, the Blackbird simply out ran the missile.

Forge can just make shit but can't really explain how it works like he doesn't understand the why, it just works

I agree that a trillionare would be absurd, but I disagree that it would be impossible in the near or medium futire

A corporation isn't literally a person under the law. It just has certian rights as a collection of people, like free speech. It is only a person insofar as it is a collection of people, who do not lose their rights be conglomerating in a particular way


He's rich, bitch.

Its a comic book about super powered people.
Having the strongest mind-guy having a LOT of money is not that farfetched.

>Charles:Yes I would like take out a loan
>Bank:Yes of course and how much is it that you will need?
>Charles: Somewhere around the magnitude of 100 million
>Bank: Excuse me?
>Charles: Well you see I plan to buy prototype vtol stealth jet from lockheed martin and the price tag is about $34 million but I figure I should buy two just in case something happens to the first so that's about $68 million the other $32 is to fund the international vigilante war that my army of child soldiers will be waging against bigots,and genocidal warlords.
>Bank:Is this a joke?
>Charles: I never joke about forcing my students to fight my battles for me.
>Bank:Apart from the lunacy of your plans this amount is just impossible for us to provide especially to someone with your credit history according to our records about ten years ago you took out a loan for and I quote "The construction of "a prototype telephathy amplifier so that I can spy on everyone in the world" and you have had to default on that loan and yet for some reason no action was taken to foreclose on the mansion you used as collateral, not only am I not going to give you a loan sir but I think I need to contact my supervisor about this oversight.
>Charles:Thank you sir have a nice day
>A day later the bank without any record of the loan and $100 million less had to be bailed out by the government and thousands of their clients lost their money in the process.

Sometimes they actually do, I worked as an outside contractor for NASA once and they actually asked me to add cost onto the equipment I was selling them.

Coming from Morrison that is hypocritical as fuck, all the guy ever does is come up with overly elaborate explanations for things that didn't need explanation.

Wasn't that Emma Frost thing? Play the stock market or something by using telepathy?

DID you just combine 2 defense contractors names into one?

avoiding budget reduction?

Old money.
Angel has plenty bucks.
Probably has several patents.
Can "eavesdrop" to know where to invest.

Bird People gave them tech
>that would simply devalue the diamond market and cause a recession
Who said they were giving it to humans? Alien casinos were also brought up in that comic.