
what do you guys think of the mosey comics? i think the art is very tumblr esque

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I don't think about it

what fresh hell is this

Fucking awful, how about you stop focusing on the shit art and notice the even shittier writing.

It's basically trash. The art basically looks like someone is trying to be the new scott pilgrim work but the whole point of how scott worked was the fact it had video game and comic book esque of entertainment while having drama scenes that were pretty heavy and fun characters.

These losing fucks ruin that with no action and just teenager heartthrob wanting to bone each other in some panels via lesbians because "WOMYN ARE PURE" mentality.

Of course though, I'm not that autistic to not get that women just like other women and it's not always a tumblr or a feminist thing. But it gets worst overtime when you see one of the characters wanting to date another girl all because she's goth. And that cringey sound of how stupid it is to just date someone because they look like your fetish starts crashing down real fucking quick.

But that's just a good example however on how shit things are. But I do want to point in attention that the characters are all insufferable.

>haha I am so quirky and not at all like other girls hahaha spork my sense of humor is fun and friendly XDD

Wow. Is that character supposed to be an eyesore, or was it unintentional? I honestly can't tell.

>scott worked was the fact it had video game and comic book esque of entertainment while having drama scenes that were pretty heavy and fun characters
Scott Pilgay was fucking boring, that's why stuff like the OP is even more abhorrent

Looks like someone watched an episode of SU and decided to make a zine.
It's shitty and ugly yeah, but then. . .
It's more than most of us have ever done.

Are you talking about Kim Reaper?

It's a low end tumblr webcomic that got printed. As in something with absolutely no substance that thinks it's funnier than it is and adds progressive stuff in for brownie points while having absolutely no conflict or stakes or a plot really.

>tumblr esque
Is this the new Kafka esque, or is it not Kafka enough?

that's spelled with an A, not an X

> Sam Humphries (Legendary Star Lord, Citizen Jack)
it's Gabby Rivera in reverse?

>tumblr esque
how can you possibly say such a thing

>mid 20s NEETs dont enjoy comic series aimed specifically at young teenage girls
well imagine my shock

Having read the comic the main issue is that Jonesy is the combination of fujoshit teenJean, Tumblr, and a Purple Man garnish. Her power is to brainwash people into doing whatever she wants and her constant "hi-jinks" is her using her mind control powers to get what she wants and weaseling out of all of the consequences of brainwashing someone. One of her issues was about her trying to make gay crackships with the people in her town for her own amusement before everything went back to the status quo.

I read the first issue sometime last year or so.
Nothing impressive.


>every single drawing is in her shitty style
She couldn't throw in a couple life drawing studies to show she has a little bit of knowledge?

she's a certified storyboarder now and has nothing to prove to you shitlords
