Ruined star wars

>ruined star wars
>ruined marvel
>most of their movies are shit
>still gets ravenous shills defending the company to death on every thread
Why are there so many disney fans on this site?

>ruined Star Wars
I'd make the obvious prequel joke, but frankly, Star Wars was always really fucking stupid. Shit, the first movie even does the "bad guy kills his own minions" thing, which was a tired ass cliche even in the 70s. It's every fantasy novel ever, but with space shit.

Star Wars may have helped popularize sci-fi in the mainstream, but let's not pretend it's sacred or anything.

Hey Gonzalez. Didn't wait too long to post again, did you?

>probably bitching cause 'my mandolorians' or some shit
>nothing is wrong with marvel
>fair point
>why do people like what i don't like?
Why is so much faggotry condensed into one OP?

Not everyone who hates star wars is the same person you fucking bitch

>Why are there so many Disney fans on this site?
It's just one guy.

>nothing is wrong with marvel

Yeah Antonio, we've heard it all before.

>Shit, the first movie even does the "bad guy kills his own minions" thing, which was a tired ass cliche even in the 70s
But...that doesn't happen in the first film. Vader chokes that one guy and then releases him. I think you mean Empire Strikes Back.

>has no arguments
>resorts to racism
How un-Disney.

Stop shitting up threads with your retardation just because people hate disney. You do this to multiple people and its getting old

How come it is okay for actors to take set photos and publish them but we can't? Latest example...the current incredible Hulk.

Marvel movies=DC Comics
DC movies=Marvel comics

Keep living in denial.

yeah you are doing this to multiple personalities and its getting old (but still funny)

>Likes modern Marvel
>Dislikes Disney Movies
Wow man, that a new level of shit taste

Everything is ruined forever, nothing will ever be good again. Its all over.
you should prolly just an hero

>nothing is wrong with marvel

Are The Simpsons really owned by Disney?

u wut

>ruined star wars
star wars was ruined with the prequels
>ruined marvel
marvel ruined itself way before ironman movie came out

In their own way the prequels are still fun to watch and anyone under 13 likes them. It's just people who nit pick over continuity or ridiculousness of scenes that cannot get over them.

But this new one is just not fun to watch at all. And that's a first. Nearly every Star Wars is still dumb fun. TLJ was not fun at all.

With Fox merger yes

So I guess Family Guy is pretty much on death row right? After all the swipes they took at Disney?

The sequels were supposed to redeem star wars and the defected on fan expectations

Episode 2 was not fun.

Probably, but not for that reason alone. Disney goes to ridiculous lengths to protect the "integrity of their brand" by not having anything too lewd or questionable around under their umbrella.

So I would expect a lot of Fox and FX series to go away pretty quick, I assume this means the McFarlane stuff and Archer would be the first to go. I'm not sure what might come of the Sunday lineup after that.

They will also not be friendly with Warner owned channels like Adult Swim and might try to put a stop to that as soon as they can.

for you

kids fucking love that movie, the entire second half of it is nonstop robots and explosions

Most of Tarantino's notable movies were produced under Disney. That was before Iger but still.

but they dont own they?
Fuck its all a mess now

the people with your attitued are the ones in charge of making this movie. thank yourself

>wah, muh obscure franchizes are not obscure anymore.

>confirmed underage

>Disney goes to ridiculous lengths to protect the "integrity of their brand" by not having anything too lewd or questionable around under their umbrella.
And that overly PC kid safe “brand integrity” is why all their movies are immature shit and theyll never make something truely great until they stop trying to cater to soccor moms and censor happy SJWs.

>>resorts to racism
>says antonio
>says gonzalez
>actual names

No, its more like my franchises are being ruined by catering to fake nerds and feminists instead, and being ruined by horrible writing
The prequels were shit but you dont have to be underage to see that the sequels are even worse

I hated it as a kid too, and I'm not even a star wars autist. I can't imagine a kid would enjoy the clumsy romance that takes up like a third of the movie, and that's coming from someone who watched a good number of romantic comedies back then.

And Kevin Smith's stuff, Miramax was made to be the outlet for the more adult work but that ended a long time ago.

Disney's only super-protective of the image of products/properties which are firmly under the iconic "Disney" branding, and they're smart enough to realize that they can make more money by letting certain branches of their growing monopoly cater to different markets. If they axe everything that Fox currently caters to, then Disney's just going to lose out overall when other companies fill the void and people flock to those alternatives.

>The prequels were shit but you dont have to be underage to see that the sequels are even worse

If you can't even read posts you're too young to post here.

>fake nerds
Star Wars fans? Reminder that Star Wars is normiecore.

Hes being a racist shit by saying everyone who insults his precious films are mexicans and resorts to long winded paragraphs of stereotypical bullshits in an unrelated strawman argument that makes him looke like a pathetic butthurt disney faggot. I wish mods would do their fucking job and just ban him already.

No, none of them are fun besides the opening scene of Clone Wars.

>catering to fake nerds
Hilarious. Star Wars has been entry level sci-fi since day one. 99% of his fans could be described as fake nerds.

If mods did their jobs these constant thinly-veiled off topic threads would get deleted way faster. Be careful what you wish for.

Yea but that is because they maintained that culture of "What would Walt have done?" for waaaay too long. They held the company to 1940's standards well into the 80's and it made them out to be the sickeningly sweet kiddie friendly place it is now.

These days it is expected of them and if they go too far they will alienate and enrage their core audience for some potential audiences that they are not sure will show up because a lot of people steer away from anything with Disney on it just because they will expect it to be too G rated for them.

That and their weird early 00's era mistakes have shown that they don't do well when they leave their comfort zone. They keep things to animated musicals about princesses and they make the highest grossing movies ever. They try to do scifi or modern comedies and people hate them.

>give a clear counterargument
>duh you didnt read my post
Get anally fucked
Im talking about tumblr bitchs who hated star wars until nerd culture became hip

Which is sort of why Fox was a weird move, Fox typically tries to be the opposite in mindset from Disney. They want more sex, more violence, more lewdness overall on their channels. Their animated series are to be the total opposite of anything Disney would ever think of doing.

Disney has owned Miramax since '93 releasing things like Pulp Fiction, Clerks, Trainspotting and Hard Core Logo.
Since Iger ('05) the only good one has been No Country

you forgot about Pixar, made them their Bitch who's chumming out sequels nobody asked for.

This, these are obviously Sup Forums threads, I fucking hate this board now we're literally Sup Forums's cuckshed

Miramax hasn't been under Disney for a while now.

Because their only acceptable alternative is anime and anime isn't Sup Forums.

>I wish mods would do their fucking job
>He said, in a Sup Forums thread made specifically to rage about terrible normiecore scifi

so your whole argument is

>Waah my super exclusive thing that I am into is not super exclusive anymore!

Nobody will ever give a fuck about how high your powerlevel is faggot

because Sup Forums is entry level Sup Forums and that is fucking unbearable

You do know alot of those types of people who only like star wars for the movies hate the sequels too, right?
>and if they go too far they will alienate and enrage their core audience
You mean exactly what they did with star wars? If theyre not afraid to butcher star wars and alienate fans, then they need to stop catering to these fat wholesome “moral orel” tier christian parents groups

>give a clear counterargument
To what argument? the previous post was making a point that the OT is cliche and shit claiming they know the times.

You come along talking about PT and ST as if that was the topic.

You need to READ nigger. READ.

they still had it for No Country tho right?

No you faggot, its because theyre ruining the writing by catering to idiotic fake fan shits who clap like seals at the awful writing and blatent pandering because reddit told them too.

You don't understand! Rey has a VAGINA!
It's changing EVERYTHING!

so yea, nothing but
>Waaaahhhh normies are liking MY favorite series!!!!!!!!

The OT was a masterpiece, and only a lowbrowed mbecile would think otherwise


Oh, it's this guy again.

Thats exactly how you sound, you assravaged redidtor



>its all one person
Fuck off

You're not criticizing anything, you're just throwing a tantrum on the COMICS AND CARTOONS (read: not live-action) board of a South Sudanese latte art imageboard.

Don't you guys have enough super exclusive invite-only Star Wars forums to go shit up?

You're right, they only sold it in 2010. I'm sure they're glad to not get dragged down with Weinstein in hindsight.

You do realize you're part of the problem. "True" fan or not, you keep buying into this shit with money and or praise of the OT and adding fuel to the nostalgia that Disney will keep trying to harvest.
Move on.

>still doesn't bother with apostrophes

How? I refuse to see anymore of their shit. They wont be getting my money

Why is it the scifi genre creates these kinds of people who want to be the only fans of something and they absolutely fucking hate it when their thing becomes mainstream (except Star Wars was always 100% mainstream so this is especially fucked up) making them lash out like children when there is someone in the world who also likes said series but does not know any of the made up languages or has detailed blueprints of the ships and robots from it?

Holy shit, most people dont you fucking asinine retard. Stop seeinng patterns that arent even their you drooling downie.

But that's wrong.

Because they want the series to cater to their uncultured tastes, and then ruin it by said idotic tastes without truely appreciating it for what it truely was originally.

Reminder that the person currently sperging out in this thread is the same one who posted this: By his own admission he literally has nothing but his obsession with terrible entry-level scifi, take pity on him

Exactly, so leave. Move on. Don't care anymore.They'll continue to rape it forever unless we all decide we don't care anymore and leave. So leave. You complaining about the ST makes the 'fake' fans think you're just sexist or something. So just leave it be, enjoy what scraps of OT you have, or the parts you like and move on. This isn't the same star wars anymore, this isn't a piece of art or history. This is just a market.

God clone wars was such a piece of shit. 1 and 3 at least had a few moments here and there that were fun, like the pod racing in 1 or... something in 3 I'm sure. but after 10 minutes into attack of the clones you're in for nothing but slow meandering agony


No its not, youre wrong you paranoid schizophrenic fucker

those are commas not apostrophes.

>eveyone who hates ny awful movies is the same person
Id love to be a delusional faggot like you were all my problems were just trolls or russians, must be nice living in ignorant bliss

Star Wars was never good.
Marvel's done plenty of dumb shit with or without Disney's involvement.
Meh. 50/50.
>Anyone that disagrees with me is a shill.
Go back to Sup Forums.

You need to get better at phoneposting if you're going to try and hide your samefag.

Never, because im entitled to good star wars films, and i will critcize and insult anyone who supports the degeneration of the franchise and the cultural appropriation of it by virtue signalling faggots


I can take a pretty quick guess that most if not all the people in this thread hate the ST, and most the PT. You're just spurging out for literally zero reasons and think everyone's against you.

Keep being an insane loser then, youre only embarrassing yourself with baseless accusations of samefagging

>because im entitled to good star wars films

Your entire life must've been a pretty big disappointment so far then

>. Disney goes to ridiculous lengths to protect the "integrity of their brand" by not having anything too lewd or questionable around under their umbrella.
Disney owns Kill Bill.


>no one can be able to be angry or passionate about something or else theyre the same person and deserves to be insulted because how dare they insult daddy disneys cutlural schlock
Its down the highway, not across the street

>shitting that hard on marvel comics

If anything I expect Fox animation to get the boot before their live stuff. Disney is not too terrible at having adult type stuff around, Freeform is basically their teen/twentysomething channel now for almost the same kind of stuff.

But I wonder if Disney will want animation that is pseudo-theirs but mature rated at the same time. I think Archer might actually be on the chopping block at that point.

And FX channel was famous for not really having any censorship and being free to play whatever after a certain time. I wonder if that is going to keep up.

I'd be fine with it if it wasn't obviously the same style of writing misreading posts and shitposting the same thing over and over again. At that point, you're just spam like the 'anticrack-ship' poster on Sup Forums and /u/.

> im entitled to good star wars films
How so?

Much better, see you can learn to improve yourself user.