OK K.O.!: Let's Play Heroes

January 23 for PC, Xbox One and PS4. A Switch version is on the table, but only if the game sells well on all three platforms.

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Interesting choice in art style.

>"Oh wow, that cover art looks sick! The game must look gre-"
>MFW gameplay footage.

Wew that art style is some trash. How do you create a style less appealing than South Park’s!

>We're only going to put it on the hit new handheld that's selling gangbusters if it sells well on two platforms most kids don't deal with.

It's like they want bad sales.

What? I like it a lot.
If anything I'm annoyed it's like those SU games and has the characters babbling and saying lines from the show.

Nothing can reach the same cancer shit for CN Battle Crashers.

I can't believe they managed to make it look even worse than the show.

Why the fuck did they choose this ugly ass style for the game? Why didn't they just use the same style as the show??


They all look vaguely ape-ish.

but do more children have access to a ps4 than a switch? Antecdotal but my siblings have a ps3 and 3 of them also have switches, the ps4 doesnt have anything that appeals to them that the ps3/switch/pc doesnt cover

>not for my bing bing wahoo

You missed the target audience...

This was announced before the Switch was launched

>but do more children have access to a ps4 than a switch?
there's like 80 million PS4s in the wild so yeah probably

your wrong

Gameplay looks unsatisfying as hell.

The show's artstyle has changed quite a number of times.

Wait wasn't drupe already level 0?

>No switch version

What's the fucking use of my new Switch then. I was expecting this as one of my games to get this year for it.

See And there's this: mynintendonews.com/2017/12/10/ok-k-o-lets-be-heroes-game-could-come-to-switch-if-it-performs-well-on-other-platforms/


>heroing out so hard right now

How does the cutscene animation manage to look so stiff with such a simple art style?

Why isn't there an /okko/ booru yet?

Seriously, why did they go with this style?

What style would you have preferred?

Looks like burning garbage. Should have hired Paul Robertson to do pixel art like Scott Pilgrim.
I guess CN is way too sanitized and soft, considering his portfolio, though.

they hired mobile developers to make console games

Something less minimalist, this looks really bare bones.

This. It'd be ok if it was some random indie game but isn't this going to cost like 20-30 dollars?

>shit gameplay
>shit art
>shit animation
What the FUCK is wrong with cartoon network? Why can't they make something good like this youtu.be/lIhNFLVvJUk

Perhaps something like a Rayman?

hey man, it took Dragon Ball over 30 years before they got a game this good looking

The budokai games were good

>We're only going to put it on the hit new handheld that's selling gangbusters
Sorry to go Sup Forums on you but the PS4 still outsold the Switch worldwide

Why is the art so fucking ugly?

The SNES game looked pretty good.

That’s closer to what I’d like, but ideally it would be something very close to the art style of the show.

Gumball has better looking games youtu.be/FPxkuXH29Wk

But if put software sales against one another, certain types of games still sell better on the Swatch than any other platform, not to mention the less crowded library and release schedule.

God I love the art design in Origins and Legends. Hope to see some cartoons that look like those games sometime in the future.

>Has a amazing cover art
>That fucking gameplay style
How can they fuck up this hard?

Why didn't they outsource to WayForward?
The AT games were mediocre, but WayForward itself is a pretty fucking good dev with good artists on board.
They looked pretty good.

This new Android/iOS game is looking great!

Actually, the mobile game looks 10 times better than this.

The PS4 is not dead yet?

>t. switch owner who bought the whole 5 game roster


Nigga the PS5 isnt happenin at least until 2020

t. so(N)yboy

>5 good tittles and the uncoming new games including the first main pokemon game for console
>A bunch of shitty games and like 3 decent ones

this looks completely awful, sorry.

might've had a chance if it was a switch game. if anything it's too soon for an OK KO game, should've held off until late season 2. whoever thought they should attempt a really extreme style experiment for a licensed kids game based on a show hardly anyone knows about was an idiot.

>A Switch version is on the table, but only if the game sells well on all three platforms
From what I see not going to happen.

Fun Fact: the show crew were given full access to the game's assets during development and the game developers were given full access to the show's assets from production so there's an intentional cross-influence of ideas between the two groups

>South Park
Except South Park is really cute.

Honestly these type of games sell way better on Nintendo platforms than they do competitors Rayman Legends sold more on Nintendo platforms than the Sony.

was the artstyle not simple enough already?

>A Switch version is on the table, but only if the game sells well on all three platforms
>looks like a below average side scrolling beat em up
>based on a show that CN refuses to tell us if it's doing well

Welp, no Switch version I guess. The less trash, the better

>KOfags actually defending this awful piece of shit
What is wrong with those fags?

>side scrolling beat em up
If they had made it into a proper beat em up it'd probably be more appealing.

Did Dynamite Wtkins ever appear in the show or is she a game only character? Same with the yellow robot girl in that cover?

Both have

Dynamite pops up every once in a while, though she isn't a main. Shannon, the yellow robot, shows up in most of the Boxmore episodes.

>a game made for smartphones has better art and music than a game made for the fucking Playstation 4
Why wasting resources in a console game of O.K.K.O? The show looks like shit and it is not really popular. Give me a rpg of Gumball, AT or something.

I'd play with Enid's heroes if you catch my drift :^)

But I hate the show and its art style, you presumptuous cunt.

I would've been ok with the same style as the show honestly.

why is his hair so different in the game from the show?

No way fag Xbox One is the superior console

>Its not a fighting game
>Jethro isnt playable


but videogames based on existing IP always suck

There has to be a cartoon videogame that at least decent

Not true at all



is that supposed to be her thumb. lmao

>5 good tittles and the uncoming new games including the first main pokemon game for console
But the next Pokemon game is not coming to PS4 silly

Because it's OK KO

I remeber when it was just a pilot. Now its a full blown show with a shit ton of fans and a game coming out.

Time flies.

It and Save the light look like a mobile game, which is fitting I guess since isn't that how they first started out as?