So does anyone like this comic?

I just found it the other day in the comic store and while I found the characters drawn alright, the background and panel composition threw me off. Couldn't get into the story, but wondering if others liked it or feel the same?

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Do they fuck?

>a cover depicting two cute guys in uniform crossing swords while nearly pressed up against each other
Is it homo or is it just fujo nonsense

It seems to have been created by mythical people.

This looks gay as shit.

There's a blond prick, a delicious brown, and an imouto. Picked the fuck up.

they’re gay and they poke eachother with sticks

Someone storytimed it a while back and people didn't like it



has generic Tumblr artstyle.
Prob filled with a plethora of boring shit dialogue about each of the characters sexuality and gender identity.

My friend loves it, but he's both gay and a fencer, so he's probably biased.

Nah Clearly it’s straight as fuck

All sports are gay till you draw blood.

Creepy fetishist shit from a fujoshi making it for "the female gaze".

Well, I guess they know their audience.

Reminder that this is the same writer and artist. /ourgals/?

Not exactly the biggest market.

not sure, still on the fence about it

It's literally just "we're going to make our on Yuri on Ice" fujo shit.

Something out there for everybody I suppose.

lol pun

Shut the fuck up Carlos.

What is it with Boom publishing all this embarrassing webcomic tier shit? Didn't they use to put out good stuff?

that imouto is a boy too

Wait fanart exists already?

Johannathemad wrote that? I was so surprised by the fact that book got published, upon reading I was transported to a decade or so past where my friend would make me read her rawr smexy xD lemon yaoi fanfiction.

>an /ic/ user that made a bunch of yaoi shit having a published book and a comic

Dear god.

>Is it homo or is it just fujo nonsense

Fujos are now trying to pass their masturbation to yaoi as "progressiveness"

No, the book is by the same writer of Fence, and the fanart is the same artist for Fence.

its BL, so no, they will never fuck. Its intended audience is not actual gay people, but straight people who want to feel good about muh diversity. Ironically, their relationship will not come close to depicting what an actual gay relationship is like. I highly doubt actual gay people would enjoy this because it will just be pages of are they interested in each other or not (even though everyone knows they fucking are) and then maybe they kiss and that's it.

I am not really picky but i like it and i am reading it, i will buy the trade when is out.

answer me this user and be honest, I'm genuinely curious. Does the goings on of the two twinks pictured seem like how gay people would act? Or does it seem like the fantasies of someone who learned that gay people existed through tumblr?

That's not fanart, friend.


Apparently the second issue is already out. Wasn't a fan of the first one so I don't know if I want to continue.

Finished it. It wasn't very interesting unless if you're a fujoshi who likes shallow attempts at diversity, which is also how I felt about the first issue. The trap is cute though.

Eh, he trap kinda breaks my suspension of disbelief.

Dang it Bobby.

I don't think the writer is really aiming for realism. The coincidences felt a bit contrived to me personally, with the bastard child thing to add drama. The school in this universe also just doesn't mind traps and gays I guess.

>all that empty space
Johanna should stick to fanart

>but straight people who want to feel good about muh diversity
That's not remotely what BL is about.

how did he get a girl's uniform if it's a boy's school

He has the same blazer as the boys, so maybe he just bought a vest and and short pleated skirt and begged the principal to let him wear them.

He probably made it himself. It said his treasured item was a sewing machine.

The former.

D-delete this

>Johanna the Mad
Didn't she do sort of "realistically proportioned" fanart of Attack on Titan and Percy Jackson characters once?

I concur - no point impersonating as a girl to an all boy's school where you might as well get picked on. Unless, it's for something...seedy purpose.

Must be one of the principal's cronies' son or something that he can get away with that.

>I identify myself as a girl
>even if I demand using the females bathrooms I want to go to an all boys school.
Traps are hypocrites.

That's not bl. Bl is unrealistic gay relationships that start out with stockholm syndrome and/or i'm straight except for you. There is also more rape than a shindol hentai but not as detailed. But there is a lot of gay sex in bl.

is there porn of these chars?
if not, pass

girl authors cuck gays so hard

Nope. It's more or less going to be Yuri on Ice but fencing. The writer's a big ol' fujo fangirl.

He just wants the fuk

>no point impersonating as a girl to an all boy's school
>not being the only 'girl' at school
>not being a vicious tease and confusing all your 'straight' classmates
>not giggling as they growl and groan with frustration, ramming their hard throbbing cocks down your soft, slippery butthole

son your a faaaaaaaaag

The writer is doing for a world of gay type setting.

But whats the fun if they aren't confused and frustrated about their sexual arousal

fucking fujo's ruin everything

That's old school BL. A lot of modern BL is more interested in depicting soft homoerotic relationships, sometimes ones that aren't even explicitly gay. Fujos these days are more interested in that kind of stuff than the old fashioned 'pin the bitch to the ground and pound him hard' types of the 90s/early 00s.

Those types still exist, and every fujo likes the porn, but the stories themselves are a lot softer and more feminized than they used to be, to the point it now looks more like the classic yuri fandom than the yaoi one.

Yeah, she did an interview a while back saying she wanted the story to be joyfully queer or something. Expect a whole lot of bland.

>Fujos these days are more interested in that kind of stuff than the old fashioned 'pin the bitch to the ground and pound him hard' types of the 90s/early 00s.
Kids these days are missing out.

>Kids these days are missing out.
They save it for fanart, so they really aren't

>Kids these days are missing out.
Not really.

It's not particularily good, but it's about on par with standard BL stuff.

>the great wave or Okane Ga Nai is over
Best of all possible worlds indeed.

So modern BL cycled back to Heart of Thomas? I'll admit it's been years since I read it.

How the Tumblr backlash? Do they hate it?

I know Tumblr is turning HARD on fujoshis for "being problematic for dehumanising and fetishising gay men".

I seem to see more and more comic companies chasing after fujo dollars but the stories that result are mediocre at best. How would Sup Forums go about doing something like this but good?

Both the writer and artist are Tumblr stock. They seem pretty positive about it.

Huh, never would have expected a comic about fencing. Too bad it looks gay and drawn by a wannabe weeb.

look m8 you don't need to be hateful or non-joyfully queer to have boys who are confused or prison gay. Just because they go "what am I doing?" while they feed their stinky bloated schlong down the traps throat doesn't mean they want to lynch him in their time off

I don't know about good. DC could make yaoi-verse, since Bombshells is a yuri-verse.

Well, I'm happy to hear his incredibly small subgroup is being appealed to.

>are Tumblr stock
I'm a Tumblr Historian
Tumblr types are bipolar. Not sure how they hide it on Tumblr, but on Twitter search the author book series Captive Prince, and search it as C*ptive Pr*nce, you'll get to see Tumblr-tier hatred towards it.
You'll get to see some Ugh Fence is so problematic because it's the same writer as this.
So the comic series isn't even appealing to Tumblr SJW types.

Going from the author's interviews, it ain't gonna happen. Besides, this dude is canon the school slut


all I want is a handsome A+ student whose embarrassed that his girlfriend his secretly a boy but he can't stop letting him lick the sweat out from underneath his crown and burying his face in his swollen, knotted balls while he teases him about how gay he is, getting sucked off by another boy.


>So modern BL cycled back to Heart of Thomas?

Trends come and go. Shoujo got more rapey while BL moved away from rape and double suicided.

You'll probably like Jackass. It's about a dude shagging up with his childhood friend over the childhood friend's leg fetish.

m so glad i didnt pick this up when i saw it in the shop- I thought it gave me sort of " bully" the video game vibes from the colours and was interested, my flick through felt like yaoi bait stuff- from the extras i see here- how is this not just an online series?

>how is this not just an online series?
Comic publisher's standards are weirdly low in general.

>imouto (male)

Even a blind man could have guessed user

Well shit, I guess I am old then. It’s not BL if no one gets raped into falling in love imo.

I worry about your life choices, tumblr historian.


Issue #5 is delayed by one month as part of this series' promotion to ongoing.

>Both the writer and artist are Tumblr stock. They seem pretty positive about it.
This, jesus christ.

eh, it hasn't changed for the most part. There are still a ton of rapey ones.

Didn't the also publish Tomboy?
That was Ok.

It was okay for the first half then spiraled into a shitty fantasy story when it should have just been about a girl who became psychotic going up against a sociopath who rules the city.

Eh I didn't mind the twist. It was also pretty clever how she managed to save her best friend by said best friend being trans and no one would have looked under her male name. First time that was actually used in a smart way.

I didn't even reach that part. The twist killed all my interest in the book. You either establish it's magic or that she's going crazy. You don't do both.

>How would Sup Forums go about doing something like this but good
Not making discount anime/manga clones, for one. The west has their own setting and character styles, so how about taking advantage of that? A gay superhero story (I guess like Midnighter and Apollo but less gory) would be a pretty cool read, same with a James-Bond-but-gay type of story.
Then again, apparently everything I like became "problematic" in the last five years or so, so who the fucks knows anymore.

Also Ally apparently dies and becomes the demon/guardian spirit of her best friend

You sound jealous.

I've had an idea rattling in my head for a while. But the short of it is a scifi story staring a gay character not a gay story with scifi elements. midnighter was gay. He fucked dudes but that was to tell a bigger story while also showing his personal life.

>Ensign Louid Mashengo


Did the same person draw this?

Anyone have link to pt.2?

this thread

Well, now that you're here, you're right.

>not any of the good edits

It's Yaoi bait for sure but also has incest vibes if they actually confirm Nicholas's (brown hair) backstory. Nicholas is supposed to be the bastard child of a prestigious fencer. This is his only reason to become a fencer as he wants to prove his lineage and also rub it in the face of the man who abandoned his mother. Seiji (Black Hair) is the son of that prestigious fencer and also becomes a rival because he's been training all of his life. This means that Seiji has more skill than Nicholas and easily trounces him (I think 10-0) in their first match. Now Nicholas has this rivalry because Seiji is the "unbeatable one" and he's the son of the man who abandoned his mother.
Nicholas and Seiji are half-brothers but only Nicholas knows this and the yaoi baiting is incestuous if they fuck.

Fukken dropped.

No, Blondie in the white is is the half brother. Seiji is just some rando Japanese prodigy and he's probably attending Nicholas's school specifically so he can compete against him.