ITT: Characters who nobody likes







She even seemed fairly OK in the first season but she just becomes more and more of a shit


She's cute but wow she gets worse and worse as the series goes on.

Lucky actually has redeeming qualities though.


Every single character in Bojack is unlikable.

I liked Eddie

>shitting on based Judah

Do you get off on being wrong?


Yes. Also, posting best girl

Don't forget about my boy Quentin Tarantulino

Hollyhock is perfect.

Why is she so fat?

quiet Beatrice

Why people don't enjoy the character? I think her flaws make her interesting, I mean, is not like I am giving her a prize for best attitude, she is an interesting character to see fucking her life.

Don't you have an old folk's home to be rotting in?

Judah, hollyhock and Mr. Peanutbutter are golden

moe-tier waifu in my canadian shit cartoon?

She's bojack without the charm and any redeemable features.

Am i the only one here that likes Todd...?

I liked him in season 1 not so much in 2&3


Hey fuck you, you've never even met me

and self-awareness of her flaws and attempts at self-improvement

>Beatrice is in this thread right now

She could stand to eat a little less sweets is all I'm saying.

Suck my dick, bitches love me.

>more legs
>more feet

My god it all makes sense now

She was horribly unnecessary and unnecessarily horrible, a testament to why some things should remain buried and forgotten.

I like her as a character, but she suffers from Peggy Hill syndrome where intentional shittiness can only go so far.


The manbun alone makes him irredeemable.


fffffuuuck that guy

He was good, but they kinda ran out of things for him to do.
>How dare you fuck my maybe kinda not a girlfriend
>Also im asexual
>And unable to have a relationship with her
These things really didn't go together


Isn't that sort of the point? everyone's fucked up and terrible, and the way they're all slowly forced to confront (or deny) that and whether they try to change is the whole plot

How is Judah supposed to be the super-professional, no-nonsense business man when he has the hipster beard and the man bun?


You see anyone go through hardships and you're bound to hate them one way or another.

he's not the worst in the show

I love him and want him to be happy.

That's the joke dumb tripfag

Nice try, faggot.

Her hair and low cut top always make it seem like she has a giraffe neck. Throws me everytime.

Tom Fucking Petty

boy you ain't rght


Todd only worked as a companion for Bojack, he doesn’t have enough complexity to stand on his own. They tried to add some layers to him with his asexuality, but it’s just... stupid. It seems like wanted to make him some kind of special snowflake and opted for the least divisive option. I never wondered why Todd was never with a woman, and if it had ever crossed my mind I probably would have chalked it up to his outward immaturity. They probably should have had him make an effort toward becoming independent and struggling with to keep his footing, something I think the audience could potentially relate to. But no, DUDE ABSENCE OF SEXUALITY LMAO

She's ok at best

He's the lazy no-lifer who every now and then does something stupidly amazing. That's what they should have left his character as - just a side character.

I liked her before xe became an arrogant democrat.


Dude, I am literally the only likeable character here.

Fuck that episode, it was a good one but I always changed the channel because I hated seeing this piece of shit getting away with his bullshit, they succeeded at making him irredeemable.

fuck her. seriously, she makes nu-Lisa Simpson seem likable.

He lives in Los Angeles. That's practically business attire there.

>almost murders a random dude because he's sad about his dead wife

he was cool in some respects but what he did was pretty shitty and irredeemable

There's a before and after with Lisa. At some point she became insufferable but there was a time when she was a great character. I choose to ignore the later version.


Already hated him, way before the >shadman meme
He is probably the reason I stopped watching catdog.

she was cute but mildly annoying. no where near Todd levels of annoying, but still

Yep. Fuck him

So its a woman then

THIS Bitch is the definition of Pure Cunt. Everyone in series is likable to a degree even Kevin & Jimmy (at times). But Sarah, pure fucking aids.

I like her. She is the only sensible thing in the show


She has been so obnoxious in Season 3. That beta male scene was just too cringy.


i second this op

Wow almost like most of the cast or something.


mz gf liked her


Fuck Fred.

none of these characters are likable because they're so generic and the writing is so terrible

I like Diane. In some way's I can identify with her better than I can identify with Bojack.


>I think I liked you better when you were drinking

That always pissed me off, why is he so angry at only Bojack when she consented to it as well? It wasn't like he raped her or anything, they just had a one night stand, why is he so butthurt at only Bojack? Or either of them? Not to mention, Todd was just annoying in season 4, he should have just been cut out entirely.

Similarly Diane bitching out Mr Peanutbutter constantly for doing reckless (yet heartfelt) things and framing him as the "bad guy" pissed me off too, I don't know why the show tries to portray her as being in the right so much when it dumps on Bojack and Princess Caroline constantly, and often for doing less than getting all buttmad that somebody made a room in your house look like something you just said you fantasized about all the time.

Janey likes Milhouse

The charitable interpretation is that Bojack should have known better than to sleep with a girl who obviously liked Todd (Bojack set them up after all) because it might "make it weird", especially when all he was after was a quick fuck. It resulted in whatshername not wanting to be in Bojack's house where Todd was, managing their business, meaning that Todd was deprived of her company.

That doesn't work all that well though since it relies on Todd helping himself to Bojack's house rent-free to run a business.

Silly comic-relief Todd getting angry at Bojack was always a big gun they had to fire but I thought it was a dud the way they did it. One of the marked failures of the very weak third seasons.

I relate too much to Diane to hate her

This is more correct

beta male scene?

No one likes him, not even the creators


She went to utter shit in S3
Honestly all of S3 in general was shit

You do realize that Bojack Horseman would NOT happen without Todd's voice actor helping with the production budget. That's why Todd exists, it's a favor towards his voice actor who is paying to make the show happen.

I think todds fine DESU.

That only makes it worse!


Considering that she was voiced by Lena "Sister Fister" Dunham, being repulsive is to be expected.

Peggy Hill

Fuck you, Jerry deserves better
I fucking hate that in Season 3, he finally does the thing everyone’s been telling him to do; grow a fucking backbone. And the show punishes him for it. What did you want him to do, fags? Did you want him to stay a pathetic fuck forever? Did you want him to keep letting the family walk all over him? You don’t want Jerry to improve; you just hate Jerry.
Fuck off.