What went right?

What went right?

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Just about everything honestly. Only complaint I have is that you can't find season 1 anywhere and that season three double down on making Mike a retarded rage-monster.

Letting Mike ad-lib all his dialogue.
The endings that come completely out of fucking nowhere.

>become a world famous boxer
>bite a man’s ear off in a match
>serve 6 years of jail time for rape
>convert to Islam
>make a kids show
Mike Tyson is a weird dude.



Kid's show? Have you seen this thing?

I didn't know Mike adlibs his lines. I didn't know he was funny.

It's funny. People forget trying to shoe art, politics, memes etc that show needs to be funny first. Look at the old adult swim shit like sealab it looks like garbage but it's funny. Later seasons got a little edgy for the show imo, I felt it worked better being irreverent and silly

Its less adlib, more "recording whatever bizarre stuff comes out of his mouth". He usually only has a very basic grasp of what an episode is about.

>That episode with the missing student case
>Mike politely declines to take the case
>freaks out on his way out of the building, losing his temper, then apologizes and explains that's he's upset about the missing kid he couldn't help
>reminded that he totally could, he just said no
>"Oh, yeah"

Aw, man. Another fender bender.

Mike sounds like he's having an honest to god blast

He's always smiling in those after-episode interviews.


>double down on making Mike a retarded rage-monster.
I like how they still dont make it his default, so it can still get you by surprise when he snaps at the drop of a hat

>>make a kids show


>that episode where pigeon reminds everyone that like could just kill them all

Is season 4 this year? [as] included "More Mike Tyson" in a bump about content for this year.

>That episode where Mike tells them he'll kill them off, then jumps off a speeding boat into the water.

Why WOULDN'T he kill them all?

Only kids watch [as] don't kid yourselves

I saw my mom watching Adult Swim before. King of the Hill and I dont know what else

>the episode where he actually killed them by poisoning them all

Season 1

Oh hey, that's the same episode. Shit, same scene, even.