Who is the lamest archnemesis and why it is Green goblin? Seriosly, not only he is a Joker knockoff...

Who is the lamest archnemesis and why it is Green goblin? Seriosly, not only he is a Joker knockoff, his design is subpar even compared to hobgoblin. He is nothing special powerwise and his tech haven't really improved since his first appearance. He is also boring character wise, hell, Norman is more interesting then his alter ego. His only notable achievement is that he impregnated Gwen. So far it looks like the red goblin thing will be just as bad.

Feel better ?

I guess.

You made my day bro. I wish you nothing but the best , and many more goblin rants

He just sucks

He was the biggest try hard and is only relevant now because of a really shitty retcon. Norman should have stayed dead. Bringing him back in clone saga was stupid. Doc ock, venom, they were better against spider-man.

This is why is Reimi incarnation is the only Green Goblin I like. Comicbook Green Goblin sucks and has a shit design.

Norman Osborn / Green Goblin make Spider-man feels like a super generic superhero facing Batman and Superman villain wannabes

How is he a Joker knockoff?

Insane super genius with a giant smile laughing all the time whearing a goofy old times style purple green costume, love using deadly funny looking themed gadgets.

I'm talking about Joker or Green Goblin?

They both smile often.

Considering the Joker is not a "super-genius", you ought to be talking about Norman.

I don't get why everyone has such a boner for the about the og suit. it aged poorly

imo norman works better without it

Thought you were talking about the Jester.

As a kid I always knew that bad guys would be beaten by the heroes in the end, and none of them scared me, except this guy. I don't know why. His design, maybe. He looks otherworldly sort of, but he doesn't have that usual jovial/trickster attitude. He's very malicious. I was sure if he ever got his hands on Peter it wasn't going to be that game Batman and Joker played, he would do something very bad.

Or maybe I'm thinking of the Riddler?

>Considering the Joker is not a "super-genius"
He was always a super genius, since his first story he was creating unique chemical compound and outsmarting Batman easily.

Also he manipulated psychologists like Harleen.

The problem with Norman's suit is that it's supposed to look like a Halloween costume, and any sort of modern take or attempt to add practicality the design clashes with it. At the end of the day, it's a discount monster mask with a purple sock.

Another Bob Finger character
Another Joker rip off

why not just keep the mask and rework the suit?

Lex does have a tendency to show his smug mug.

Dr Octopus always looked too much like Elton Jon to be intimidating.

You're thinking of Brainiac, dude

I say do mild mutation, though nowhere as severe as Ultimate Norman. Jekyll and Hyde that shit

Norman > Joker

>Seriosly, not only he is a Joker knockoff,
Is every crazy, laughing super villain a Joker knockoff?

Wasn't he fist Spidey villain to match Peter's agility?
But honestly is whole shtick is that he is both Norman and the Goblin. They're both different aspects of the same guy.
Heck it was "Norman" who slept with Gwen.

I guess I'm a supergenius for being better at my job than a guy with a doctorate who's worked here longer. Oh wait, it just means he's shitty at his job.

I don't get the changes.
A buisnessman flying round murdering people dressed up as a Goblin is so ludicrous it's unsettling.

I mean imagine having that be your cause of death.

None of them got the deformed giant smile though

Its not worse than a man in a rhinoceros suit killing you with rubble

>Insane super genius with a giant smile laughing all the time whearing a goofy old times style purple green costume, love using deadly funny looking themed gadgets.
>I'm talking about Joker or Green Goblin?
Joker is not a super genius, and his suit is not "old times", at the time it was created it was extremely modern and hip, Joker is a suave city slicker, not an evil business man

>Joker is not a super-genius
The fuck are you talking about? He created a toxin that makes you laugh yourself to death, and a dozen variations that could even affect Superman.

All of Spidey's villains are pretty lame and don't matter much in the larger marvel hero/villain scope, you don't hear dr. doom or the brother hood of mutants telling Norman stories or how Venom is the coolest.

Norman Osborn held the most powerful political position in the world in Dark Reign. I think it may have impacted a few people outside Pete.

Joker is a chemist, that doesn't make him a super genius.

Venom and Carnage are canonically named one of the biggest threats to the world in universe for 616

Also, Norman is great because he's actually evil. Doom and Magneto are anti heroes who arch against anti villains, typical Marvel "everyone needs to be in a grey area of morality" fuckery

He's badass

We actually have no idea how he got that toxin, just that he has it. Frankly it makes more sense to me that he captured a bunch of terrified scientists and made them make it.

I agree. Just make the movie set around halloween and do the whole peter is dressed as spider-man for halloween thing like spectacular did.
A crazy businessman dressed as a purple and green goblin, cackling in the night is terrifying.

Dafoe could play stilt man and make him awesome