Punisher Netflix

>As long as I was at war, I never thought about what happened next and what I was going to do when it was over. But I guess that's it, you know? I think that might be the hardest part, the silence. The silence when the gunfire ends. How do you live in that? I guess that's what you're trying to figure out. That's what you guys are doing. You're working on it. I respect that. If you're going to look at yourself, really look in the mirror, you have to really admit who you are, and not just to yourself. To everybody else. First time in as long as I can remember that I don't have a war to fight. I guess, if I'm going to be honest......

>I'm scared.

What are your thoughts on the final scene of Punisher Season 1 Sup Forums? Is it not up there with Captain America’s ‘I had a date’ as one of the best endings?

I love Frank, he's my husbando

>Takes on the Military Industrial Complex to save America’s international reputation, and wins
>Gets a new identity
>Gets a US Passport and cash in the bank
>Gratitude of the CIA and DHS
>His own Van
>Joins a PTSD support group so his autism should be cured in a few months
>Micro probably gone for good now that his story is concluded

Is there any point in doing a Season 2 at this point? What can it be about? The adventures of DHS Agent Frank Castle?

He'll wind up going after a CIA agent or something and fuck up his good graces with the government

Fell asleep watching the first episode.

Haven't watched any more of that snoozefest

LITERALLY not my Frank. Netflix MCU has been in a complete nosedive of quality since Daredevil.

There can be a season 2, but it will be in the Vein of Death Wish or The Equalizer. Given that they clearly refuse to have him be in a constant Punisher state, Netflix Frank will find himself in a new normal, still dealing with his stiffy for war. Something bad happens, and he'll act out, compelled both by his need to right a wrong as well as the his need for a fight. A good bulk of the season outside of Madani, will be Frank giving Micro the call to action, of course Micro will refuse up to a point.

Don’t forget, Niggsaw is still alive and a thing. He never killed Billy.

Can't wait to see what Lightfoot does to Barracuda. I still think The Punisher would be better off if it had been written like a show from the 70s and 80s. Self contained with the occasional two parter. I saw an episode of Miami Vice, that dealt with PTSD, and an addiction to the thrill, doing a better job in one hour than this show did in 13.

I think I'm done with Marvel Netflix. Writing has really gone to hell, and I can't seem to get interested enough to continue with Frank here. I mean holy hell, how do you make The Punisher boring? Oh thats right, by making him seem like a good person

I honestly would not watch an S2 without Micro, not because of the individual character, but because the chemistry between him and Frank is what kept the show going.

I dunno what everyone’s problem was, this was the best Marvel shownsince S1 Daredevil.

We wanted The Punisher The Game The Show, and instead got Jason Borne

>complexity scares me

That was supposed to be complex? I admit the show had a lot more nuance than your average Punisher comic, but it didn't make it good.

marvel netflix was not muh frank, but honestly it was still a pretty good show so I can accept it.

contrast with iron fist who was not muh danny, and the show sucked donkey balls. at least this one where it makes changes still ends up being a solid narrative even if it's not exactly what I wanted or was expecting.

A muddy puddle gives the illusion of depth

fucking retard, how the fuck making the protagonist a gud boy is more complex than a clearly mentally ill protagonist who only kill criminals but by morally questionable means?

>I literally just finished Punisher Season 1

Weirdly convenient.

So yeah, I kind of hated that final scene. It works fine it this was a one-off thing and Frank was supposed to move on with this life after getting revenge but that's obviously not what's going to happen. Either we never see Netflix Frank again or they have to walk back the final scene.

And yeah I totally get the "not muh Frank" thing. Bernthal portrays Frank as way more emotional than what you normally see. In the comics Frank's anger runs cold, so cold that it's hard to see any emotion in him at all. Bernthal's Frank runs hot, he's a really emotional guy. I don't think it's "wrong" necessarily, just really different from the norm.

On a side note, Jigsaw again? Are you fucking kidding me?

Another side note, man I wish they could have just removed the Lewis side plot and made this a lean-and-mean 8 episode season. It would've been a lot better.

I'm not saying it's particularly complex, but calling Frank "a good person" is retarded.

The Gnuccis are a good possibility, Jigsaw could return to initiate a conflict with them by telling them Frank was the one that killed whichever family member that was in EP 1.

Id almost prefer the quadriplegic Ma Gnucci as the main villain, but fat chance of that happening

>Punisher '04 => Neo-western
>Punisher War Zone => Campy schlock
>Punisher '17 => Political thriller

They all have their appeal but Dirty Laundry is still the most accurate portrayal of Frank.

THIS. How the fuck do you butcher Punisher, Luke Cage or Iron Fist?

>In the comics Frank's anger runs cold, so cold that it's hard to see any emotion in him at al
The thing is though, you're not differentiating between showing emotion and the degree to which it effects his way of thinking.

Frank in the comics is an incredibly emotional guy, in his narration. While he has a stone face to the world inside, he's a constantly monologing constantly navel gazing person who during acts of brutality talks about how he's simply channeling all that rage into calmly torturing someone.

I would have perfered that they did an inner monologue since Berthanel has the voice for it but the only real difference is that Frank is showing his emotions. And even then that was kind of a thing that happened with him in the immediate aftermath. Across multiple runs he puts people through windows, non-criminals, because they stepped on a mine with him, after Maria and the kids deaths.

I loved that bit where Frank eats a shitty little prepackaged food thing on the way to the woods, and then Micro pulls out this perfectly made sandwich.

I still don't know if that was a happy ending.

I liked it. even if it wasn't the Punisher I have in mind.

My favorite part.

Easily GOAT Micro, though I guess that isn't really saying much. He and Frank carried the show.

>I still don't know if that was a happy ending.
It wasn't. Do people think it was?

I can't wait for them to kill someone else he loves to give him more motivation to actually start doing things again.

Well, it didn't take much to get him back in gear for this season. All it did was the attempted murder of some Mexican who wanted to give him a sandwich.

>given significant screentime in Daredevil Season 2
>given an entire season of his own show
>still no war on crime

I like Bernthal Punisher a whole lot, but seriously what the fuck guys

When will Frank finally fuck Karen?

>>still no war on crime

I'm honestly amazed they had the audacity to start the series with Frank ENDING the war on crime and then burning the skull. It's like they didn't want to make a Punisher show but were forced to due to contractual obligations or something.

By a convenient group of white males. I know Frank's a character that will never acknowledge the color of crime, but it often irks me. Hell Italians aren't really up to that gang stuff anymore, a modern day Frank would be born in Chicago desu.

Never you animal
They care about each other but there's only one woman for Frank
The show made that pretty clear when Micro got drunk after he got cucked by Frank

It'll happen.

Can we all agree episode 10 was the best episode?

Karen isn't Joan so she can go fuck herself.

He has an axe to grind with Kingpin, they could make a season out of that

could end with Frank getting his shit pushed in by Wilson hand to hand so he decides fuck it and just shoots his knees out

>It's like they didn't want to make a Punisher show but were forced to due to contractual obligations or something
It's almost as though every aspect of the MCU points towards the conclusion that they're embarrassed to be making superhero movies.

The comics and the adaptations are in a tough spot these days. I agree it's not really true-to-life to have Frank gunning down italians in pressed suits in this day and age, but there's no way a white main character could gun down black hoodlums without it becoming a total PR shitshow.

Any chance of non-Ennis stuff being prominent? I know Jigsaw is there, but I'm talking Carbone or Lynn Michaels.

>Burned the skull
>Still ireperably fucked in the head to the point that he spends 16 hours plus going to town on a wall with a sledgehammer and had a psychotic break to a fucking dirty fucking song

How brutal is the punishing in this show?

Frank should be black. Problem fixed.

Of course then you'll have people bitching about changing his race from white but I really don't give a shit about those people. Whitey's got hundreds of other superheroes.

Why are they afraid of having the character be in a constant state of Punisher? An user once mentioned Death Wish syndrome in one of these threads. I'd be surprised if they skipped another traditional inciting Incident, and just had Frank accepting his needs and gunning down hoodlums before the main narrative even starts.

>It's like they didn't want to make a Punisher show but were forced to due to contractual obligations or something.

I've often wondered if people just don't have the stomach for Dirty Harry/Charles Bronson style crime fiction anymore. Has media coverage of mass shootings killed people's enthusiasm for watching guys mow down criminals without due process?

Frank does a Gregore Clegane on the villain in the second last episode.

It gets pretty grisly at times. You see a guy's exposed guts and another guy gets his eyes poked out.

>Is there any point in doing a Season 2 at this point? What can it be about? The adventures of DHS Agent Frank Castle?
Baraccuda paying a visit to the Lieberman family

Punisher fans tend to have guns or air soft, I don't think they're a crowd you want to piss off. But on a serious note, a black Frank won't work either. I don't know how Italians felt about Frank during the height of the Mafia's relevance, but I don't think anyone would stomach the shooting of Chi-Congo savages even if your protagonist was black.

>Taking the bait.

first episodes ends with some sledge hammer punishing ans assassination a group full of Italians

after that it's slim pickings for a bit until the last two episodes then Frank literally beats with his bear hands, bites and gauges out the eyes the main villain in a kind of almost horror movie unstoppable monster kind of way. Then in the last episode he drags jigsaw's face through a few broken mirrors like they were a cheese grater

I garauntee they will do a ‘Frank discovers an ADDITIONAL layer of conspiracy to his family’s murder’ storyline for either Defenders or Punisher 2. Think about it, we never knew who Rawlins/Russo sold the drugs to. Pic related.

It wasn't the war on crime, it was the war on people that killed his family I thought

yea we do, they sold it to the Irish, the cartels and the Biker Gang

>dredging up the conspiracy angle AGAIN

I'm glad they backed off the "Frank has brain damage" thing.
The hack that came up with that can burn in hell.

>know Frank's a character that will never acknowledge the color of crime

Sometimes I wonder why Luke Cage and Punisher don’t have an adversarial relationship in the comics.

I thought that was just the defense Matt and Foggy used.

Unless you mean the "constantly reliving his family's murder" thing. That was retarded.

Yeah, like his brain is in "fight or flight" mode at all times. They brought it up in Daredevil Season 2.

punisher was pure kino

Will they ever send the Hand Frank's way?

They could even spin it that he fucks over the hand so badly that they try to tempt him by offering to bring back his family

I felt they sort of blew their load with putting Frank in a near death state twice in one season. I get they wanted to ground things, but boy did he come off as very physically vulnerable in spite of pulling several times.

>could end with Frank getting his shit pushed in by Wilson hand to hand
I fucking loved the couple episodes about Frank in prison. I could watch an entire season of Frank behind bars.

this is all they ever needed

even better the kingpin hires him

The biggest middle finger could be Madani taking on the Punisher mantle. I'd die from laughter.

>just for shits and giggles they make The Hood the season villain

No Frank going undercover and banging Rosalie.

My only issue is, as they move forward, are they going to have the character get over that fear of himself as he gets more violent and accepting of what he is? Are they going to put him under circumstances to push him there?

I don't a Punisher who is afraid to be the Punisher

I'm not a fan of Frank depending on other people in general. It makes Frank look weak and it basically makes the other people complicit in mass murder.

That was Col. Schoonover’s share IIRC. We don’t know who Russo sold his share to in order to start Anvil Security. Could be an easy way to introduce .

Seriously after that ending you can only justify Frank going back to Franking criminals if it was either 1) Jigsaw, 2) someone else related to his family’s murder or 3) a crime threat so huge he has to go back to being Punisher to save NYC. Anything else and it will cheapen the ending of S1.

The Punisher seems to be losing more and more relevance. The mainline comics have him doing some weird stuff, Frank in power armour or going to another nation and ultimately fighting in a war isn't new, but it ultimately feels like a retread. Some places in the world have gotten a lot safer, and I don't think anyone wants Frank running around in Africa, fighting warlords and cob fraternities(Nigerian crime gangs).

>I don't think anyone wants Frank running around in Africa, fighting warlords and cob fraternities(Nigerian crime gangs).
Speak for yourself.

The Punisher is a character that needs some changes to survive in today's climate. You can't have a white man gunning down minorities because that'd be seen as racist. You can't have a man running around with a gun dispensing vigilante justice when there's a massive debate over gun control and gun violence raging nonstop. That's probably why the show went the route it did, a Jason Bourne/Jack Ryan knock-off is a lot easier to digest than the actual character itself. Considering how well received the show was by the mass populace at large, they succeeded and will probably continue to have Frank go down this route

Doesn't it seem to be in bad taste? I often think Africa's problem is a little too severe to drop some vigilante escapism right in the middle of things. I always believed The Punisher could generally only exist or be acceptable within a functional society dealing with disfunctional elements.

I thought the whole series sucked. Barely anyone getting franked and what little Frank in the series gets drawn as some overemotional trauma victim instead of a relentless vigilante who seems damn near unstoppable.

Daredevil did it better.

>If I can't grasp basic concepts that means it's complex.

The writing sucked and barely had anything punisher in it besides like 3 scenes?


About halfway through this show, does frank actually fuck Micro's wife at all or is the "cucking" just stay the same shit where he shows up to their house to fix stuff and praise his daughter?
If he actually fucks Micro's wife I'll literally stop the show there and never watch again, there are no words for the absolute bullshit that would be.

No. He doesn't fuck his wife.

she gets drunk and kisses him, he breaks it off after a sec

Because luke fucking hates the fact Frank kills anyone deemed bad. Just like every other character besides other anti heroes.

Is that what your thinking so far? Back then I was worried I was gonna see an episode when she asks Frank on a date and he takes her to an Italian restaurant while trying to act normally.

I think we can all agree that pic related is the one aspect of the show that everyone liked.

When the trailer first dropped, I was so excited to see him as the main villain of Daredevil season 2. That's really how he should be portrayed, as a bad guy. I mean, it's not like people will stop reading a comic if it's about a villain, I'm a pretty big deathstroke fan and his actions and motivations are far from heroic.

It’s really a lot more simple. The MCU audience, same as with media entertainment in general, is composed largely of female viewers. All Punisher is doing is giving them another emotionally wounded rough around the edges hero/antihero. And Karen is slowly but surely being pushed to become his love interest so girls and women watching can have a self-insert.

The punishing they did show was pretty brutal, super Satan. The problem was how little there was of it. There's the first episode, the Kandahar episode, the backwoods Kentucky episode and then the last couple of episodes. That's about it.

>He could've cucked Micro
>He could've cucked Matt
Is he the Cucknisher?

The message is so well meaning and placed in such a good show to reach the maximum amount of people who need to hear it that it's hard to talk shit, but it still rustled me since it's the perfect bookend to a show about a vigilante who doesn't actually want to be a vigilante and rarely does any vigilantism.

I understand it's only the start of his career as The Punisher as compared to almost every comic iteration so she's still recovering from his family's deaths only happening like a year ago, but the point of the character is he's how NOT to handle things. They should have really done the "troubled vet gets help" arc with another character and juxtaposed it with Frank becoming increasingly homicidal to show that other character is doing the healthy thing. Maybe have the fat poser the edgy bomber kid killed take the bomber role, and it's the edgy kid who realizes the error of his ways, tries to turn him in and then gets help at the end.

>I understand it's only the start of his career as The Punisher

They skipped the start of his career as The Punisher so they could rip off Tom Clancy.

So The Punisher?

You'd be a better writer than the guys behind this.

People got plain bored of that genre a decade or two ago, which is why the Tom Jane movie wasn't a bigger hit.

Now the media is actively against it.

>Frank whining about his lot in life for an hour

No thank you.
There's not enough Frank noticing shit that is fucked up and killing people to fix it.

Bernthal or whatever doesn't have the chops either. Or he's got the wrong direction, too confused and not pissed enough.

>Jon Bernthal expresses interest in being in a Defenders series
>Punisher gets happy ending where he gets psychiatric help and has his slate wiped clean

It’s not a coincidence, we are getting Team Player Frank for Defenders 2.

It's gonna be weird seeing Frank smiling and laughing with the rest of the Defenders as they share beers and quip