Name a better X men line up?

Name a better X men line up?

Such a shame Gillan's uncanny X Men was ruined by such shitty art.

Still awesome run with a great line up of characters.

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One of the shittiest line-ups ever created, made only to write cringeworthy soap-operas

Namor fag, We all know that you love that fishy dick.

Sorry, I'm not called Sue "slutty dumb cheating wife" Storm.

Hope gets my dick going every time, bros

Lineup would have been better if they replaced Danger.

Are you aroused?

Every time bro

Magneto and Namorfag, two known terrorists turn this team to utter shit
>whaa why don’t people like us!?
Maybe because two of the people on your team have tried to kill countless humans.


This was the last great X-Men run. I wish Gillen could have stayed on instead of Bendis ruining everything, even though he was going to have Emma kill Scott.

Mate its about saving a world that hates and fears them. These guys are heavy hitters and actually interesting characters with internal conflict and character motivation.

Much more interesting then 2D captain america.

He was going to have Emma cuck Scott and then kill him because "you're too weak", despite the fact that Emma fell in love with Scott at his weakest.

Gillen retconned a romance with Namor into Emma's past and changed her personality all to be able to tell a cuck story.

If that makes a "great X-Men run", then I'm sorry for the X-Fags.

>Namor is a complex character much more interesting than Captain America.
Why he doesn't have any good story, then?


Gillen's tumblr.

X-fags are second only to Spider-fags in terms of being battered wifes to marvel constantly fucking their franchise up.

good he comic book man.

image if Hope grows up to be the Hope Cable ends up marrying. He'd be fucking his daughter bro

Thats a description of a source not a source.

Colosonaught was fucken boss.

Face it: your beloved author disrespected chronology just to tell a cuck story, and this is considered apex X-Men.

How unpleasant.

Stop pretending that run was good.

He did awful shit to Emma and his Namor sucks. That's not my Namor.

Read The Sub-Mariner The old series.

Namor has good stuff, is just that since Nation X Marvel likes to write him as a thirsty asshole

Nah. This is apex X-Men.

It had a strong start, but the run is really overrated.

Even Bendis was better than that shit

Lol rough ideas for way down the line that never made it to print somehow discredits the stuff that was actually written and actually made it to print?

Have you seen George Lucas's original vision for episode four? Lots of garbage. Doesn't stop episode four from being a great movie.

only one Hope for me

They never went to print because Avengers vs X-Men happened and people blamed Bendis for Gillen's cuckoldry fantasy.

This team isn't about making people like them. This team is when they were running their own mutant country. This team is about putting down threats.

Seriously, I can't believe we went from Gillen straight to Bendis. What a slap to the face. He basically ignored everything from Consequences.

>Gillen retconned a romance with Namor into Emma's past and changed her personality all to be able to tell a cuck story.

Mmmmm I don't remember that. I remember them making out once.

Well, a pretty decent movie.


Bro. Blue board. Come on.

All will be swelled.

Being raised by Cable will do that.

It's because jews
I shit you not, google it

No, you are called namorfag, that much we know

I want to rape you for being that stupid


Literally the best x-team ever

user, Gillen had that "it usually doesn't work this well" or something when Unit made Emma and Namor start fucking in the midst of battle. He had Scott acting absolutely cold to Emma and later made her cuck Scott the same way he cucked Jean with her. In a way, AvX spared us of Gillen's stupid first draft.

That run was just nonstop quips about Namor banging everyone. Would be 10x better without him.

This was the last time X-Men felt like X-Men too me.

Nah m8. Banshee is a scrub and Storm > Scott, Rachel > Jean

Why is she written as if she lost her power?

That, here, was the most frustrating part.
Not Collosnaut, but Magik. She get to be in a main X-Men, team, and she only interacts with muh brother. What a waste!