The cold weather made me want to read this again

The cold weather made me want to read this again.

Let's do it together.

Other urls found in this thread:




She's so cute that I don't even care its furry.

Face of mercy


She makes me so mad and so happy.





I cannot relate because none of them are characters, being more paper thin archetypes than most animu.


When does the fucking start?


>Photos of muffins


>Three years since the IGG for Jam's Talent Show

I feel sorry for everyone who gave that hack money.

>That one comic where peaches rapes cream in her sleep while dreaming of breakfast

Hmm... it seems I accidentally posted the files out of order.

Oh well.

Hey, DW



Stop shilling yourself, Michael. You have to actually produce things to stay relevant, and a single Ask Jam once a month doesn't count.

Go play with your rats and collect disability for your astoundingly large rotating cast of medical problems.


so when does it become lesbian sex?

Is this cute porn? It looks like cute porn

Not him, I've been posting this comic once a year during winter for a few years now to show that furry stuff isn't necessarily bad.

First time I fuck up like this, though.



>Out of placers and poppy and prequel aren't allowed
>literal furry porn is

What the fucking fuck, mods.




I think these are out of order.

why is everything out of order

what's going on

fucking stop

Yeah, I'm sorry. Unless a janitor lets me start over, you'll have to makes sense of it like this.

Make it a game, like watching a David Lynch movie.

That was all of it.

good now kill yourself


Is this porn?

what did he mean by this?

Does she still draw porn?

It's a guy. An ugly guy.

What really bugs me is I can't read this cause all these characters where in original porn comics. I get if you don't want to draw porn anymore, but don't use the same exact characters you used in dozens of porn comics. Make totally new characters.

Does this ugly guy still draw porn for them?

>Snowing while wearing a skirt.

Get behind me, satan.

>draw comics about lesbians
>gets cucked in real life by one


Is hilarious how the characters started as bisexual couple of sluts in some random comic putting their hands in some random guy pants but the author kept making them more and more "kawaii" at each new comic to the point they're now a just shy group of friends that probably don't even know what sex is.

his hot girlfriend cucked him with another hot woman?

I figured it out!

Wait really?

I want to draw and create something like this. It's so warming and all around lovely.

i remember this had porn by the artist.

that's all i remember though.

You better have some proof of that.

I'm gonna need some sauce on that claim, it's plausible, but I'll need concrete proof to believe it.

Wait, so THIS can be not only discussed but STORYTIMED on Sup Forums but Out of Placers threads are deleted within a few minutes?


Jannies and moderators tend to purge even sfw anthro things if people get really spergy and spammy with it.

Keep it consistently cool and it's usually OK

Barely, some newish stuff on his twitter from time to time. This user hit the nail on the head with his progress towards his art in general though.

Seriously? Posting furry porn characters here? Get the fuck out.


This could easily be in a book for children. Meanwhile, you're asking for people to ignore blatantly fetishistic comics.

Thanks user!

Where's the fucking porn

Miu's work nails preferences for cute/sexy cheesecake stuff to a T, although I've never thought his characters or style were suited to the more hardcore stuff. It's too bad he has so many holdups preventing him from producing art at a less sluggish rate.

What does mike do to make characters like these so soft looking


Who is best

Search your heart

Mah niggah.

IDK about that, he did briefly get engage to Midori/Ponygirl who ran his site,made his merchandise and otherwise was his "art manager" but they had a falling out and he moved away.

He's dating some obese girl and may be in some poly amorous relationship with another.

Right? He used to produce good content, cutesy stuff and sometimes decent porn. However his mundane PG-comics are so full of fluff and lack of character development not even the sickingly sweet artstyle is enough to save it. Jam became a self-insert, Peaches and Cream are a second-thought, general art-quality dipped significantly.

DESU Miu was an artist I looked up to, but then I found out his elitist and dick-ish he is. Pretty much stays in his safe-space of closeknit art friends - snubs up and comers. Generally treats fans like shit (asking for tons of money and never delivering, he charged $400 for a sketch commission.) He lies about health issues constantly and slacks off, playing up the victim card. He also has a pretty big ego on him to boot.

Just a sore, sore disappointment.

>poppy, prequel, and oop are fetishistic in nature
Can I get "subjective as all fuck" for 800, Alex?

Fuckin kek, yet Bittersweet Candy Bowl and Poppy O'Possum get posted here all the damned time?

By the way they are all furry trash.

Are you that ignorant? Holy shit, this comic series is literally fetish porn, there was a food fetish one with the breakfast shit.


I didnt know that about him. I enjoyed his stuff over the years. I use his artstyle for my personal collection.

>cold weather
Middle of summer here m8
I live 3km away from the sun

Peaches and Cream is literally porn.

I'm surprised this thread is still up. Holy crap.

>DESU Miu was an artist I looked up to, but then I found out his elitist and dick-ish he is. Pretty much stays in his safe-space of closeknit art friends - snubs up and comers. Generally treats fans like shit (asking for tons of money and never delivering, he charged $400 for a sketch commission.) He lies about health issues constantly and slacks off, playing up the victim card. He also has a pretty big ego on him to boot.
I keep hearing the same shit about many bigshot furfags.
Is this a trend? Someone enlighten a fucking casual like me.

Because furries are a community about quantity and not quality. Most of them get a big ego when they get it big there because it's probably the first time they've had some type of widespread recognition. Furries are usually dumb as a sack of rocks so they'll never think their idol can do wrong and this easily allows them to build a lil hugbox for themselves.

They'd never survive in a real creator environment which is why they're where they are.

Isn't this the lesbian porn comic about the face of mercy?

Furries are a lucrative market- they're inordinately willing to spend their disposable income on art. Anyone with the bare minimum of talent will not lack for commissions if they're capable of advertising themselves at all, and they can charge more for easier work, compared to other independent artists.

This encourages the development of artists who see their customer base as a money tap rather than a group they have to maintain a relationship with. Pretty much no matter how shitty they are to fans or how much they lie about health issues causing delays, there will always be more furries who want to give them money. This also instills a reflex in them to snub artists who are early in their careers and prolific in production, because those people give the fanbase a steady source of art and distract them from the old-timers who want to rest on their laurels and make a living from a pinup once a month and a comic once every two or three years.

Look in the mirror bitch, cause a cat is fine to!

He uses round shapes and lots of curves. You rarely if ever see any edges or sharp lines on his characters. It gives the illusion of something being soft and cuddly.

This artist factually can't do hetero stuff. He doesn't understand it.

Is the porn good, at least?


It's all gay and lesbian, but still good.

I thought the small one was straight.

if you mean the red one, she's bi.

There's a bunch of bisexuals in Miu's works, but none of them have opposite-sex relationships.

Once every red moon when the planets are all aligned does the fucker release Christian content.
Well, before all the supposed illness kicked it.