So she's never coming back, right?

So she's never coming back, right?

Billy still needs to come back. One thing at a time, user

There was a time when I would have said you're right. But with all the Rebirth changes/reversions, it could happen. You just have to get Shazam his own book.

Well, she's sorta in the Bombshells series, so..maybe?

she was in Geoff Johns' reboot but he dropped it completely and now we don't know who is going to pick Shazam, hell we haven't seen Billy since Darkseid War.

There is a confirmed Shazam book coming, they're probably waiting for Doomsday Clock and Metal to wrap up first

any name attached to it?

Well, if it prevents Mary from being a possible Bendis' pet, i want her to stay where she is forever.

we hate on Marvel because of the FF but damn... DC has dozen of loved characters missing

Please let it be "original" Mary.
The clean-cut one.
No shaven head and no pseudo-Egyptian garb.

Hasn't she been cast in the upcoming movie?

He's getting his own movie, synergy will get him back

You know shaven head Mary was Desaad, right?

But i agree, if the Marvels return, i want them on a Earth-5 setting


What about loli Mary?

It's been coming for at least 5 years.

I'll believe it when I see a solicit.

I was talking about writers or artists.

Peter Tomasi and Mikel Janin

Oh god. Imagine the shitty forced dialogue and traced art.


so I'm guessing they won't be twins...

Hadn't known. Thanks. Had given up on Countdown by then.

Nope. Magical girls aren't popular in the west, so there's no profit in bringing the character back.

Not as a pure sisterfu, no. She's going to part of a huge extended Shazam sentai team, where the runoffs aren't even Lieutenant Marvels and her chipper attitude will only be there if at all to be corrupted.

I could live with most versions, even the 6 year old (Mary was pretty young in the 1940s, though not THAT young).
I just don't want to see the psychopath who dresses like a hooker (garter belts, fishnets, boob window.)

DCucks are ignorant and in denial

Mary won't you please come, Mary won't you please come

When was the last time they were ever twins? There always seems to be an age gap in their appearances.

Far better chances than power girl. She is a solid character that people actually like and doesn't require a lot of retooling to please people.I just hope they opt for a white version or some other variant of her costume instead of billy's costume with a skirt.

What's better: Related by blood or adoption with Billy?

I don't think it makes much of a difference in the long run.

It does, them being adopted opens the door for a sexual relationship.

that can happen, adopted or not

Both, long lost sister found through being adopted.

Except magical girl and romance stories imported from elsewhere sell great.

It's all a matter of marketing. Amethyst could be a big fucking deal if DC was better at managing and advertising.

Why is DC so afraid of taking chances?