The Antagonist of the last Sup Forums related thing you looked at is coming to hunt you down. How fucked are you?

The Antagonist of the last Sup Forums related thing you looked at is coming to hunt you down. How fucked are you?

>steven universe
>a villain peridot episode
This is a dream come true, now i can teach her how we earthlings “fuse”

Meh. I've killed the source of his stock video game sound effects enough that I'm not particularly worried.

Probably family guy. Who’s the villain in that?

I'm into Young Justice S2 episode 10
and nothing in the plot seems clear probably some asspulled alien


>Ted Dymer

Easy. I open a Hobby Shop with a couple of R/C plane buddies and we'll with a bombing mission with live explosives like in GTA: San Andreas.

Last thing was Deff Skwadren so I'm gonna be hunted down by a warboss. I'm probably fucked

I didnt know there were such human looking orcs in warhammer

>the ending of Waid's Daredevil
I have a choice between Kingpin himself, a ninja with Daredevil's heightened senses, a guy who can kill people with corporeal shadows and a dude attached to a surveillance system observing every bit of civilization

I choose the last one because he's attached permanently and cannot move lol

I hope he sends Shannon.

I guess the last Sup Forums related thing I looked at is your image. I dunno, that one normal guy from Batman TAS made him look like a pushover.

Fan comic called slut patrol

I just rewatched all of Avatar. Azula's gonna fuck me hard in the non happy way.


What if the last Sup Forums-related thing I viewed had no villains? I just read a dozen of early Housepets strips.

>Wally West from Flash Vol 2
already dead

Who is considered to be villain is Days of Future past movie?

Steppenbitch from Justice League. I couldn't take him, but all I have to do is wait for Supes to show up and anticlimactically bitch slap him.


it's obviously Peter
Brian may be an arrogant asshole, but Peter is actively a danger for all people that are involved with him, and more often than not he actively is evil, as in he knows what he is doing is wrong but he doesn't care because lolrandum

I just looked at the image you posted so the joker is hunting me down

>watching old cartoons with my kids
>the KND episode with Count Spankulot

Welp. This is either going to be the worst night ever, or the best. Certainly the kinkiest, if nothing else

>Bojack Horseman
L.A culture and Depression are going to hunt me down?

>Monkey Fist

Probably bad. At least he doesn't use guns.


I'm inside out fucked

>I can't fucking upload not one damn image

>>I can't fucking upload not one damn image
Same here. WTF is happening?

Is there even a villain in family guy?

Some tall black vikings from Secret of Kells... Yep, I'm so fucked.

I guess you can go with early season Stewie, Carter Peuterschmidt, the big-smiling fancy-dressed con-man, the giant chicken, any one-off criminal, and maybe Quagmire if he's trying to steal your girl

buy a Sup Forums gold pass to unlock picture posting power!!!

>OP posts Joker so everyone entering the thread will have to looked at him as the last Sup Forums related thing
Dirty trick man.


For a second there I thought they had pseudo-banned me.

And my answer is Doctor Dinosaur. Not sure how screwed I would be as he could probably be taken out with a shotgun and is a nutter.

>The Duck Avenger Scanlations
Can't sleep: Evonians will turn me into a coolflame