
Huh, looks like Quigs has friends in high places. Actually, we already knew that, didn't we?

Not even a nub?

I didn't realize those two were both girls. I thought the artist was a boy.

I thought all of this was setup by the guy with invisible legs.

Does the art on this page seem... different to the rest of you guys?
More rough, less polished than usual?

>I didn't realize those two were both girls. I thought the artist was a boy.
They're identical twins how would they be different sexes?

I know they are supposed to be identical twins. They just look pretty different. They even appear to have different builds.

whenever i see these threads in the catalogue all i can think about is urethral sounding for some reason

It's just a difference in posture and hair style.

Jivi doesn't even have a nub. Proof he is worst boy

It's on the wrong side.


itty bitty sneaky sette feety

When are Jivi and Sette going to just kiss already?

Sette is so thirsty it's embarrassing.

Wait when was that said? It's been so long I only remember them showing up at the ass end of last chapter

>Rahm likes owls
>Iori's sister likes owls

Did he marry the wrong woman?

Having identical twins for cousins, that does happen. Different lifes and all that. They did the "we talk at the same time and have telepathy" thing for the first 7 years but after that they started diverging.

A little, but it's also not visually exciting. Just people standing around and talking

fuckin women, am I right?

I, uh, don't speak metaphor. I'm guessing these are supposed to be crude jokes?

IIRC that's a thing that actually can happen in real life.

It's an extremely rare thing that happens in like

The temple is for identical twins to live in until they are 18 at which point the youngest will be sacrificed.
>IIRC that's a thing that actually can happen in real life
It isn't.
fraternal twins can be of different sexes but identical twins cannot be.
citation needed, if there were any genetic difference at all they would not be identical twins.

What's this? Yurop today? xDD

The presence of birds typically implies connection to the Black Tongues, we know Rahm is one, so even if no one at this temple is in the order, they're probably amicable because of family ties