I literally never heard of this show until I saw this in my recommended videos

I literally never heard of this show until I saw this in my recommended videos youtube.com/watch?v=rESpXVl149A

What am I in for?

Other urls found in this thread:


90s and dry edgy humor. Also social commentary on america.

>edgy humor

Just how much of a numale are you?

Condensed Pre-9/11 World.

Lots of fun.
There are also two TV movie specials. After Season 4, there is
"Is It Fall Yet?"
And after season 5 (the final season), there is
"Is It College Yet?"

which means NickeloWdeon had made something interesting.

By today's standards it would be considered edgy. If he hasn't seen it by now hes probably like 15 or some shit. Fight me soboy.


One of the funniest shows you will ever see.. if you’re smart enough to get the jokes and references that is.

I mean it was "edgy". The lead character was the definition of edgy girls at the time, it's a show from the perspective of a so called "non conformist" alternative combat boot wearing feminist

>I'm a newfag who doesn't know shit about anything, please spoon-feed me so I can pretend I didn't come from Tumblr last week, go back to Sup Forums, also how do I green text?

>whining about spoonfeeding while pretending you're actually from Sup Forums

Daria is best waifu.

I don't think you know what edgy means.


The Daria Restoration project is the only way to watch this show as the DVD removes the original angsty music that gave this show so much personality.

Tell me about this. They removed the original music?

Yep. It had ton of music from a bunch of 90 s artists like Blink-182 or R.E.M. It gave the show a ton of personality. Unfortunately I don't think MTV wanted to pay the royalties for all five seasons so they replaced the score with generic music. A group of people on the private torrent site MySpleen managed to gather all the original broadcasts of the show with original audio though with varying quality. There's also people who inserted the original music themselves which can easily be found though the music I found over powered the dialogue often times.

i have never been to tumblr in my life

I watched the show on DVD and the removal of the music made no difference to me, still loved the show.

That's because that was your first experience with the show so you're not going to care otherwise.

An examination of 90s era SJW equivalents.

Astounding how much less cancerous they were.

What does that have to do about discussing a cartoon?

And she barely fits the definition of a modern feminist, she's much more of the classical idea. Plus they poke fun at her edginess, she's not meant to be a role model. That happens later in the series.

i got acussed of being a tumblr retard who comes here to shit on everything fun

90s style humor and teenage high school girl angst. I liked so i hope you'll give it a chance

Sardonic Jeneane Garafelo-type 90s feminists strove to be sharply logical and cutting in what they were saying, and as such didn't take on social pet projects so much as put on blast the stupidity and banality of the roles they were expected to fulfill in society. Today's SJWs in contrast are nothing but loudmouthed ignorant bullies condensed into online activist hate mobs that are seeking to dismantle opposition at the cost of everything just so that their small minds won't be challenged in a debate wrought with emotional outbursts as talking points.

I would give anything for us to have 90s feminists again.

The journey of a girl who needs to forgive herself and the people around her.

it was the 90' the 90's where all about being Xtreme!

Check this out!




Coming of age series about a cynical teenager surrounded by stupid, vapid classmates and absent-minded adults. It's really funny, don't get discouraged by its supposed edginess.

You know, I am actually surprised Sup Forums has such a fond recollection of Daria. Would've thought you guys would call it Reddit material.

It's difficult to be an underage faggot if you have nostalgic memories of Daria.

Daria herself is the butt of the joke for most of the show.

One episode Jodie outright calls her out on using others to fight her battles because she can't give enough of a shit to do it herself. I think Jodie and Mac are also, excuse my language, good subversions of the atypical 90s rich token black and black best friend.

Edgy to Catholic grandmas maybe. It was airing on MTV when they didn't suck dick, this was a comparatively tame slice of life animated show that handled social issues well (somehow) while still making decent comedy. It was the teenage girl's king of the hill.

God I love Daria.
It deserves most of the shit that it gets, but it's fuckin' comfy and it's fun.

I'm mulling over a theory that SJWs are a new form of social conservatism rather than a form of liberalism.

Every boring girl on Reddit wants to be Daria, and they can't be. Daria was Daria and in the context of the show it worked. Nobody with a personality like that is actually bearable unless they give her a world where it contrasts nicely. And even in the show, Daria is called out for her bullshit on more than one occasion Because the stoic is still playing to an archetype and the message of Daria is not that stoicism is intellectualism.

2 seasons of 90's "outsider girl who is above it all and is better than the idiots around her," followed by a season of "we don't know exactly what we want to do with her, so let's see what sticks." After that, 2 seasons and 2 movies of "90's girl who thinks she's above it all grows the fuck up and starts to get over herself."

It's great. In many ways, it takes shots at both the squeeky clean idealized version of the 90s from stuff like Boy Meets World and the grungy counterculture 90s. A lot of it's messages still resonate today as well. You know how 80's pop culture is all the rage right now? In a sense Daria is kinda the same for the 90s, though not as many pop culture references (unless you have TV rips with the original music).

I love that scene of them on the parade float, talking about how nice it is all the white people in town make them homecoming royalty in order to make the town look more diverse while patting themselves on the back. It's holds up to this day, even better with tumblr.

>It was the teenage girl's king of the hill.

Except not as boring, and the girls are way hotter.

Not that kind of edgy, you dummy!

That's not Jane.

pic related hasn't been posted in a while

Thought i had a crush on Jane,
Realize I've been going out with Darias my whole life.

It relates more to today than you will ever know user. You will enjoy the fuck out of it.

They decided to do a movie and make her fucking black cause SJWs

>They decided to do a movie and make her fucking black cause SJWs
Too bad, Jodie was interesting as a black character, avoiding clichés while still assuming/bathing in some of them.. It was pretty well done. I doubt we'll get this level of complexity from the remake.

you kidden user? Of course not. They will fuck it all up. The only people who will do any justice to it is if the original creators or fans do it and as long as those fans are SJWs we're essentially fine.