/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons

There Has Been A Disturbance Edition

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Forces of Destiny: Rose & Paige (Wed 24)

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>Rebels Recon: Rebel Assault

>Star Wars: The Last Jedi Secrets Explained

>STAR WARS: Battlefront II – The Movie (2017)

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>Star Wars: Forces of Destiny

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ayy lamao weesa back

Second for Dooku novel when?

Still can't post pics

We are finally back.

u too?

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Post ships

If a clone trooper has a child that means every clone trooper is an Uncle right?


>Not posting best boy
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Same here. Not alone.

Who would win in a fight:


Will Rex and the other clones actually do something in the final episodes /swco/? I remember Ahsoka shilling them with Rex being this tactical genius but all he really does is stand around in the background and sometimes tagging along. If there wasnt so much time wasted on the nu-mandowank he could've been something more than a C-lister




Yes, the'll die.

Fuck am I looking at

Boba and phasma never do anything.

And Krennic does?

>implying any of them do
user, what do you think the point of the question was

I keep seeing people post that after Disney bought Star Wars it stopped being for the fans.

Rex has a date on Endor though.
Wolf and Gregor at the controls of that massive Mining Guild machine they hijacked as it starts recycling Imperial assets could be a blast.

Would you suck Ahsoka's big, throbbing, orange cock?

And yet Tag & Bink are confirmed for Solo. Something doesn't add up.

Get rid of the boobs and then we will talk

>first movie that comes out is pure fanservice

Based Alpha Jango Fett oneshots them all. That is not up for debt.

Go get banned, idiot.

Quality post there user. Go kill yourself.



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it's a new ban?

mods hate us

Fuck off, gay nigger.

la creatura

It's sitewide, though other boards seem to be handling it considerably better than here.



What's the first image you're going to post when this shit gets fixed?

Site-wide issue that comes and goes.



we must make the mods happy

we must sacrifice an user to make the mods happy.

I nominate dickgirl poster.

>sacrifice an user
Which one though?


nominate one

A storytime

Um... how about intoxicated user?

>getting rid of the storytimer

Yoda Dark Rendezvous

What happened to the board?

Dickgilr one is anoying and doesn't aport anything of value, and I said that as a trap lover.

Slapstick user

What are the odds that we'll hit the bump limit with OP's image as the only one posted?

At this rate we won't hit bump limit until tomorrow morning

No images means you have to use your words.

What's your favorite line in any SW media?

why would you want to do that?

>I am a jedi, like my father before me.

That moment always did it for me as a kid.

Do it

>"I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."

Im not joking I don't hate this line. I find it funny as hell. And it is by far the most memorable line in star wars.

no i an your father

>i have a bad feeling about this

More of an exchange than a single line:

>I don't believe it
>That is why you fail

Gave me fucking chills when I first saw it.

It's a good measure of how much SW discussion will occur when people have to communicate with words rather than reaction images.
"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought."

and here I thought we'd be free of lewd without images

>What yet? Monsters out dere, leaking in here, all sinking and no power? Whena yousa thinking wesa in trouble?!

>Mr. Speaker, we are for the big

I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Anything sheevy says
>Search your feelings, Lord Vader. You will know it to be true.
>So be it, Jedi!
>Strike me down with all of your hatred & your journey towards the dark side will be complete!
>Viceroy, I don't want to see this stunted slime in my sight again. This turn of events is unfortunate. We must accelerate our plans. Begin landing your troops.
>Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy, and we shall have peace.
>Remember, the first and only reality of the Sith. There can only be two. And you are no longer my apprentice. You have been replaced
>Ezra Brridger, Mine at last!


>No one even cares about Alderaan, Leia - it's just a bunch of niggers.
Why the fuck did George let 18 year old Sam Raimi write dialogue for him?

> Man, I'm just so tired of all these Star Wars...

Hard to find something that works through the line alone, and not have the music play a factor. Guess I'm going with:

"The chains are the easy part. It's what's up here that's difficult."

Sith Lords are our specialty.
The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.

>>Ezra Brridger, Mine at last!

>You may fire when ready
Still one of my favourite scenes in all of star wars

"Luke, at that speed do you think you'll be able to pull out in time?"
-- Aphra

>We will destroy the Sith and...the Jedi.

execute order 66

"just like beggar's canyon back home!"

GOD I WANT THEM TO FUCK! I don't want best boy to die a Virgin


APHRA IS FOR SABINE ONLY after she's finished going through all of you're other waifus

I don't disagree Sabaphara (fanfic?) user, but Luke and Aphra are kawaii as fuck


>let the past die kill it if you have to
>execute order 66
>let the hate flow through you
>may the force be with you
>all wings report in
>fuck you sith


>fuck you sith
brought tears to my eyes

>"Sith lords are our speciality"
Obi-Wan says as;

>He stands in a room with the Dark Lord of the Sith, not realising it
>Standing in front of Dooku who has defeated and evaded him multiple times over the past few years
>Had his master die to Maul,
>And failed to defeat Maul multiple times,
>And not even a year ago, Maul killed his waifu,
>Right at this very second Obi-Wan knows that Anakin's ex-apprentice is fighting Maul on Mandalore because the fucker is still alive
>The Jedi couldn't even defeat pseudo-Sith Apprentice Savage

Literally not a single Sith was killed by a Jedi except Maul in Rebels. All the others were killed by each other, despite Bane's best efforts. Just funny to think about.

i agree

Tattooed asian trash doesn't deserve Luke.

>Luke didn't kill sheev

t. EUfag

Anyone find the slapstick comedy out of place during the Gungans battle?

Oh im sorry, who was spazzing out on the floor like a bitch and literally crying for daddy while Vader heaved the sheev?

So anyhow, I've only now read the solicits for February, and:
>DARTH VADER #11 & #12
>An expensive bounty has been put on Vader’s head! Who would dare try to challenge the Dark Lord’s place in the Empire?

It;s the Emperor himself, testing Darth for some reason or other, right?


Who is the Bounty Hunter gonna' be?

>Cad Bane?
>Chanath Cha?
>Boba Fett?

I personally thought Boba fighting Vader in the EU was dumb as shit, but mostly because it ended up with a goddamn lightsaber fight. It could be a good chance for Boba to finally earn some respect though, from Vader (to explain why Vader keeps hiring him in the future of the franchise despite his regular fuck-ups) as well as the non-normie fans.

Cad Bane is probably dead, but if they keep him alive long enough to go out against Vader, it would be sick. Similar sentiment to Embo, and it would be a neat re-match considering they've technically fought before.

Bossk is unlikely, but I am never going to turn down the opportunity for more Bossk.

Chanath Cha replaced Cad Bane as the top dog according to Sheev, so it makes sense that she could be the bounty hunter.

Or could it be another bounty hunter? Or a new and expendable character?

That's why I like the line. Even as a kid I knew Obi-Wan was joking around. And even though they lost, Anakin and Obi-Wan were the only Jedi to fight Sith in the movies.
Technically retcons. When Episode 3 was made, it was only Maul (dead) and Dooku.

>Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The "Wise"? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.