
At what point in your life is it unacceptable to wear cartoon/anime clothing?

I mostly wear "normie" geek culture shirts and hoodies and most of the time it's a super hero logo shirt, if not, an anime shirt and I'm 26. Most people see me and don't bat an eye, but I feel like some people, when I wear my yugioh or Pokemon shirts I get a 50/50 thing in my head.
either they think

"That's a cool shirt"
"How fucking old are you?"

I feel like if you wear them you have some "culture" behind you but not in a retarded way. Does that make sense?

It depends on what you're doing. If you're going to wear cartoon/anime designed clothing, at least do it at an acceptable time. Such as, if you're just running errands or have a day off. If you're doing some social event, like a company party, then no, wear something a little more professional, like a polo shirt or button down.

Most people don't give a shit, unless it's really crass.

No, and I know you're baiting but I'll give an honest answer anyway. It becomes unacceptable when it makes up your entire wardrobe, same as band shirts, yes it's juvenile but there is nothing wrong with that in moderation, you will however look like a tool if every single day you're wearing a t shirt that's basically an advertisement for some media. Not even saying you have to be an "effay" queer who's super into fashion, but at least buy some plain t shirts or something or maybe basic collard shirts

Geek culture shirts are not fashionable. That’s the shortest answer.

However, what becomes most important, then, is what you decide to wear and that you accept society’s opinions on it.

I personally don’t wear any shirts of this nature besides my Jurassic Park/World shirts because I love those movies but, in a perfect world where I was less of a cheapskate, I’d probably invest in some minimalist shirts from Star Vs. and other shows that I enjoy.

An issue that I have with shirts depicting any characters or notable symbols is simply that they are often an extremely shallow thing to broadcast to the world even a fleeting interest. I’m obsessive and don’t I don’t really like that even those with slight interest/posers cans advertise their interests on their chests. That’s why I would stay in the way of minimalism as a way to, firstly, not let the whole world I watch children’s entertainment but, secondly, to ensure that the only people who recognie my short would be those who have a deeper understanding to the media.

>At what point in your life is it unacceptable to wear cartoon/anime clothing?

literally never you little bitch

The only shirts that honestly make me cringe are:
anime girl/loli shirts which I've seen a lot of
meme shirts, which I've seen a lot of normies wear and it's just gross.

Collard shirt I can deal with but I hate shirts with no design that's unique at least also it's not bait.

Yeah that's pretty understandable at least.

If you can't tell what looks good and what doesn't then don't take the chance. Maybe your Yu-Gi-Oh shirt is really nice and doesn't make you look like a middle schooler but I highly doubt it.

It's got Dark Magician on it.

>love Jurassic world
Opinion disregarded.

Well it could be worse. Dark Magician Girl would be worse. If all you care about is the character on the shirt then that's a really bad sign. Start looking at people that you think dress well and look good and figure out what they're doing and how it could potentially work for you. Start building up a new wardrobe that does more for you than make you a billboard for IPs you like.

Pop culture stuff isn't totally out of the question but you're going to have to put some thought into it.

>At what point in your life is it unacceptable to wear cartoon/anime clothing?

After age 13. I mean you could keep wearing super hero logos or star wars stuff as long as it's only once in a while, but if I see a grown man in a yugioh shirt I'll assume he has downs syndrome

Don't get me wrong, I wear it when I know I'm just doing my own thing and shit but if I go some place like a major diner, I get one of my polos... then I feel like a douchebag.

I got
Megaman (original)
Dark magician
a few Pokemon shirts
for some reason 2 of the same batman logo shirts
2 or 3 deadmau5 shirts

Where I live, normally it's ok cause I goto a lot of nerdy/geeky places like comic book/anime shops. A few hipster-esque. Which is why I feel I can justify it to an extent.

What about the fact that Arin wears a splatoon shirt a lot?

Arin is "How fucking old are you?" incarnate.

Stop outing yourself as underage.

My personal taste is that after you leave school and become self-sufficient you should start building your grown-up wardrobe. That said I work in VFX and my mid-40s boss wears hideous Star Wars and marvel shirts with his cargo shorts and wallet chain every day. Social acceptability is context-dependant, as with everything.

No idea who Arin is but if it's the guy in your pic he looks like a sperg outcast from society

lol true

no im 26

you should start doing that DURING school, what kind of dumb faggot still wears graphic tees in high school?

Game Grumps. He's a youtuber

A LOT user. That's all I ever saw in highschool and in college. It's constant. It's normally super hero shirts and a few SJ shirts

About %40 of my wardrobe is Sup Forums media t-shirts, with a couple of Zelda shirts included in that. I wear them around town of when I'm working out.

>Caring more about what people think of what you wear more than what you want to wear outside of work.

Adolescents aren't suppose to post on Sup Forums.

>Sherlock holmes from the 80s
fuckin loved that version.
This is how I want to feel. I've seen a handful of people that have warn a brony shirt that just give 0 fucks, I want that level of not caring

Hey, I have that shirt.

An important note regarding all "geeky" clothing:
It is best when an "uninitiated" person would be unable to tell that you are wearing geeky clothing at all. Top-ter are types that camouflage as sports teams, brands, or generic aesthetic patterns.
Shirts that plaster an massive messy design or a complete character portrait are bad. It makes it immediately apparent that your are trying to show off your fixation and makes people think of you as immature.
Under no circumstances should you but a shirt that just slaps the logo or a name of the show/franchise in the middle and calls it a day.
You should be the one getting paid for being a walking billboard, not the other way around.

I have 2 nightwing shirts. Most people who see it have no fucking clue who Nightwing is unless even as a kid that watched Batman TAS. Which I suppose the "hiding in plain site" works. that being said, I could get away with a Luna or AJ cutie mark shirt.

Meh I think those are just generally shit shirts. A chest patch is the definition of "I'm a fucking faggot with no confidence in my interests." A back picture salvages it slightly but those are basically gift shop tier garbage.

Get a normal graphic tee with your favorite character and nobody gives a fuck. Sit there with a shitty shirt that looks like an apology for your interests and people pick up on that.

Superman, specifically the logo, is the sign of chads. bitches know this. I am not memeing. Some live the batlogo but the S-shield if you're relatively in shape lays on the chest perfect. No graphic tee is going to get you "respect" anywhere. It's a t-shirt. Only a white or black tee is "fashionable" and in small doses. Graphic tees are visual shorthand, in the real world, for "I'm being casual" (as in lifestyle casual not a normie, though graphic tees to me do generally mean casual/normies). Nobody is going to say "hey he looks spiffy" but you're better off with the s-shield than a "this is my tuesday shirt" like a complete rube.

Top tier t shirt, my man.
If you told me that it's a tee of bludhaven nightwings baseball team, I would believe you

Pic related, that's how I go to school every day, not like you cowards

I'm considering a very gentle Dr Fate shirt. Dark blue, just the golden helmet, nothing else.
Doesn't seem horrible.

but you're not the same user. I am. So why post like this?

And also that's a hideous design no matter who that is.

I feel like wearing a shirt with a ponie's cutie mark is the exact equivalent of wearing a shirt with a super heroes logo, such as the s shield.

No you don't user. Otherwise you wouldn't even be in this thread, let alone on Sup Forums.

You just didn't like my tone.

It's the same exact thing. It's wearing a symbol or logo rather than wearing actual artwork from said comic or cartoon. The Spider-Man shirt with simply a spider on it sold on websites targeting adults as well as the "stealth pony" shirt with a mere cutie mark on it targeted toward adults is different then the shirt sold in the kids section at Target that has a full blown display of art featuring the characters

Wearing the S-Shield is not the same thing as a small patch on the upper chest. That's honestly absurd. You're literally wearing what superman wears if you have long sleeves. It's a loud ass logo across the entire chest and upper torso depending on the size.

I think the big distinction there is that I put the superman logo (for some reason you called it "for adults") absolutely in with the art work shirts. It is part of the artwork. And it's immediately recognizable.

I honestly didn't know that was a pony shirt til you said it as I don't know fuck all about it.

This. Why are there so many insecure faggots ITT? How the fuck do you people live like this past age 16?

>Wearing the S-Shield is not the same thing as a small patch on the upper chest. That's honestly absurd. You're literally wearing what superman wears if you have long sleeves. It's a loud ass logo across the entire chest and upper torso depending on the size.

I mean visually, a cutie mark in the center of the chest wouldn't make sense, a cutie mark is located on a ponies flank, wearing it on one side of the chest is the closest visual thing you could do with a shirt, or possibly the same near the bottom instead of the top.

user you're being too autistic about this.

It's not about fidelity to the cuties. I don't give a fuck about your faggot as pony show. There's a reason you tards aren't allowed to sperg anymore.

In terms of representing your interest an S-sheild is loud and proud. That faggot ass t-shirt you posted barely has a logo on it. If it's worn by someone with long hair it can appear to be a plain t-shirt.

You aren't saying you're interested in it so much as apologizing for liking it enough to wear a shirt.

That doesn't make any sense at all. But only someone who would wear something as garish as a red and yellow design on a blue shirt has no fashion sense to begin with.

I never said it was fashionable, in fact I said only white and black T-shirts can be. You're clearly an autistic Brony looking to be told you can wear your faggot ass tees without looking like a joke. You can't. What you can do is wear a loud as MLP shirt and tell people you aren't a pussy who's afraid of people telling him to not like what he likes.

I had a cool green shirt that said "Make her a member of the Midnight Crew" with all the card suits littered about it. Clothes can be as obscure and faggy as you like if they're vague enough.

This fucking thread.
Just dress like a lumberjack. It is the only sensible choice.

Depends on the shirt.

I'm not even the person who posted the Princess Luna shirt, I'm just telling you that there is no difference between any "logo" t shirts, and that you're likely an overweight unkempt idiot who doesn't know how to dress and shouldn't be giving fashion advice.

I basically name every newgrounds fag i know/know of by their actual name. Except Stamper.

Unrelated to this whole brony thing, but that moon shirt looked pretty subtle. I liked it. I think you're projecting if you think it's a way to "hide your interests".

> and that you're likely an overweight unkempt idiot who doesn't know how to dress and shouldn't be giving fashion advice.
And you likely touch children. Your point being?

Also you're defending some random faggot (I bet it's you on a phone) for wanting to pathetically hide what his interests are rather than simply wear a shirt because he likes it.

That's pathetic.

>but that moon shirt looked pretty subtle.
>I think you're projecting if you think it's a way to "hide your interests".

how can you say two completely conflicting things like that? Was this a joke? It isn't subtle to look good it's subtle so a woman (who the shirt is made for and modeled by) can put her hair over it or a man or woman could use sweater. Chest patch shirts are literally made for this reason. If you knew anythign about design or even basic ins and outs of merch you would know this.

You're as pathetic as the clear bronies who know the name of the characters responding to me because they're more mad I insulted their show rather than the shirt.

If you seriously went to a design workshop where they told you that emblems are put on the upper corners of shirts to be hid, then you were honestly just ripped off.


I've been wondering the same thing, only it's with rock band t-shirts since my taste in music is so "ancient" apparently.

fuck off, namefag

>That gif title

same time it's unacceptable to wear a sports jersey

Church, funerals, and family reunions.

I am specifically getting anime shirts to work out in. Something about that just seems perfect.

My only Sup Forums shirt is a classy Venture Bros Order of the Triad t-shirt.

i own three the L&R shirts that you can still buy online and i really only treat them as super casual wear when i'm relaxing, running or working out, i also have the fantagraphics shirt that Anya Davidson designed

The movie was okay at best, but I will redact my statement that I love the franchise overall. However, perhaps, this doesn’t help my case as I now lump together four movies wherein one is amazing, two are okay, and one is garbage.

Long hair and bad facial hair are worse than dumb shirts.

Most people.

It's a good shirt.

Jurassic Park just as one of the best logos ever made. Its a shame the franchise is 75% shit.

I actually got a really nice red plaid shirt over the holidays.

>not maturing enough to know most Sup Forums looks like manchild shit and laughing at anons irl who wear it

A DBZ workout shirt is basically a walking in-joke. Go for it.

Would you? I would. I would Invisible Hotdog as well.

no u

Dude my fucking gym I goto. almost all the overly buff dudes or common douches wear batman or superman. Then there's me with my red flash shirt.

As long as your beard is well groomed, this is ok

I have a friend who has a shirt like this.
He even said, "So many normies have no idea what it even is"

I personally wouldn't wear any geek culture shirts unless I was fit, or going to a con or event. Otherwise not even normieshit or super subtle stuff. Since I don't have any desire or motivation to work out, and I don't plan on going to any events, I'll keep wearing plain single tone t-shirts.

I wear a chibi A-Team shirt on occasion and people think it's cool. 21 years old, btw.

I commonly wear my pika hoodie that I've had for about 3 years. I get told it's cool, cute, awesome all the time, more by gay guys and girls but still, I've never actually been called something bad