If you kill hitler you're no better than hitler

>if you kill hitler you're no better than hitler

did they ever retcon this or has another artist mocked/referenced how fucking stupid it was?

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>become the nazi trope
I really wish a day would come when a hero would reply with a Pym upside the head.

It's just a bad misunderstanding of Nietzsche's "he who fights monsters" thing.

Samurai Jack handled it better.

Hitler probably wasn't that bad.
And I mean that he probably didn't kill the jews.

Yeah if Hitler killed all the jews then why are there still jews?
Checkmate, atheists.

Well Magneto is basically Hitler so she's right. Just not because he killed the real Hitler.

well, if you kill hitler, you are a monster, t b h

Hitler wasn't so bad. After all, he did kill Hitler.

>If you kill your enemies they win.

There's also the other quote about when Good People choose to do nothing. There's Philosophy 101 quotes for every situation.

Well there are still way more jews in EU than a genocide like the holocaust would've let there be if it actually happened as (((they))) say it did.

>There's also the other quote about when Good People choose to do nothing

This "if you kill them you become like them bullshit" needs to fucking stop, most superheroes are indirectly responsible for thousands of deaths at this point because they just let villains run free.

you probably missed the memo, but superheroes also care about overpopulation

Superheroes are for CHILDREN.

And if I'm not mistaken there haven't even been 6 million jews in Europe at the time.

>people STILL don't understand this scene

I'll never understand murrican's aversion to heroes killing villains. I know it's really a shadow from the CCA days mixed with the entire nation going nostalgic and pussified after 9/11 but still. I mean, they're a militaristic nation that believe on killing hundred of thousands to save millions unironically (Hiroshima), glorifies veterans for killing starving peasants at the other side of the world on wars justified on imaginary weapons of mass destruction and most people are against gun control and basically agree with dealing with criminals on the wild west style, shoot first and ask questions later. I could get this non-killing fixation from Sweden but not USA

The problem is they kept raising the stakes of what villains are capable of.

Rogue is a stupid cunt. Magneto deserves better.

So is it like the Santa Clause? If you kill Hitler, you become Hitler?

>sticking Xavier's brain in his skull somehow gave Red Skull powerful telepathy
>This somehow also meant that Xavier could be resurrected in Red Skull's body

Just let the poor bastard rest in peace rather than bring him back in a nazi body

Didn't they put that part that was still alive in a box, buried it in the ground, put a tombstone above it and were planing to keep it there so it could rot and be eaten by maggots?


Doom kidnaps the UN so he can rule the world: makes sense to just put him in a superman jail.

Purple Man uses mind control to force people to murder their families for his own enjoyment: "If I kill him I'll become what he's always wanted from meeeeee!"

Yeah, it was stupid, but any reason to keep that stupid fucking relationship apart, I'm on board with.

Erik literally did nothing wrong

Good thing Xavier's back from the dead, so the whole plot is now moot, huh?

It's one of those quotes that's cycled around in one form or another from various figures & characters. Einstein, Kennedy, Picard... even Dhalsim from Street Fighter.

It's also from the same Ethics 101 concepts writers like to use, to counter the "I didn't take a stand when They Came For the X" scenerio.

If even the Russians, a primitive, brutal and savage race, can be circumspect about killing Hitler - a man who inflicted the worst damage on them in a national history of nothing but constant suffering and misery - then so can Ameripigs.


what's amazing is that Magneto's solo that was running at the same time he was killing people all over the place.

He hunted down people with clones and murdered them over and over even.

at least remender swung at ideas with uncanny avengers?

Hey now!

We have a proverb in Canada

>”If you kill your enemy, he wins!”

Reminder that Nick Fury abso-fucking-lutely would willingly create a universe-destroying paradox by killing Hitler if given the opportunity.

This is why Norman from Mighty Max is the best hero. He can live with the face that he has killed.

Wait a minute. Does this only apply if you kill Hitler BEFORE Germany goes full Nazi? Like, just offing him while he was a simple art student, or does this mean killing Hitler during/post WW2? Because If you feel regret for killing Hitler, what about all the soldiers and, support doctors and nurses who supported him? You feel bad for killing the leader but not the followers?

You forget that the comics industry is run by liberals and jews

Hitler as everyone knows was the worst man in history, and questioning Holocaust is punishable with jail.

But why are da joos against killing da hitla?

Jews are secretly Nazis themselves. They are crypto-Nazis and performing a Holocaust of their own every day on Palestine.

Why not just get Hitler's mother to not have sex on the day he was conceived?

Why not just fuck Hitler's mother and impregnate her with your seed instead?

That was Red Skull, not Hitler.

And it turned out he was no better than Hitler, so looks like everyone was right.

Getting rid of Hitler by any means always results in a far worse future, if time travel stories are any indication.

There were 10 million jews in Europe

are people seriously this fucking stupid?

yeah, nazis invented alternate realities portals to draw jews in from other dimensions, it says so in the bible goy, you're a good christian right?

You know most Jews in Western Europe are either Eastern Europeans or North Africans?

Who's Hitler?

if time travel is ever invented there will be a Kill Hitler bar on every corner
it will become boring
everything becomes boring

>kill hitler
>billions of people who exist in the normal timeline are never born

Sounds way worse to me.


There were definitely 6 million+ Jews in Europe, the vast majority of them however were in Russia where the Nazis couldn't do shit.


Hitler is more demonized than any other genocidal dictator throughout history because the jews in the media are upset their distant and non existent relatives got turned into useful household items such as soap and lampshades, as opposed to being the useless leaches that they were.

Seriously, this. Time travel fuckery is the worst genocide possible.

Doctor Who is a childish dick who has killed quadrillions.

He was a dick, he killed the guy who killed Hitler

Was then when the two of them were dating and fucking each other or after?

>Hey now!
>We have a proverb in Canada
>>”If you kill your enemy, he wins!”

Should really be: "If you kill your enemy, he's fucking dead."

After I believe